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Everything posted by tomh621

  1. Good point! I just think people are bored of the many years we've been so average.
  2. Dont understand why people fight on here. Some people want Lambert out because there's a possibility he may not get anywhere with the club and he's made some bad decisions and hasn't been able to stick to his plan on rebuilding the club. All that shows is that they've had enough of the same shit but different year. That's fair enough! It means they care about the club. On the other hand…. Some people want Lambert to stay because they think there's a possibility of Lambert gradually building and achieving what he wants to do here at the club and actually getting us to climb the table and bring in quality players. That's also fair enough - these people don't want the club to just fire another manger, bring a new one in with the same owner, board, and shitty wage budget and see them not do any better than Lambert - because they think that'll just put us back to square one again and things needed time to build from the bottom. This ALSO shows that they care about the club. Everyone loves Villa. Hurrah. UTV.
  3. I think if we want to get anywhere now we've gotta be ruthless and clinical. Gabby not performing? Benched. Still not performing? Sell. Im usually a lenient person and that's why i don't want Lambert sacked but he's pissing me off now. I know we've had a shit budget BUT budget teams CAN be done and bargains can be found - You can see great examples of clubs doing that everywhere. I also know they aren't that common. Too many years have we watched this shit go on. Lerner needs to **** off and take his shit with him. And if Lambert had done better than last season then id be tempted to say i wouldn't mind him staying to show what he can do with a proper backing but to be honest I'm really not bothered. One half of me says i think he'd do better with a decent budget, the other half says don't risk it get a new manager.
  4. **** shit. Palace deserve to win. The table is tight down the bottom. Don't think we'll go down but we certainly haven't moved forward. Okay we've had awful luck with injuries, but we've also been pretty shit. Defence hasn't learnt and were toothless.
  5. Not just a midfielder, an attacking midfielder.
  6. Yeah i agree. Could have been so much different.
  7. Not surprised. Shit team on the field. Westwood played well but that's about it. Entertaining game - in the sense that it gave me a heart attack for 90 minutes, but it was sloppy. So many flaws in this team and club.
  8. This better give the team a big **** kick up the arse!!!
  9. Anything can happen in this league, and the team we've fielded is awful. Cant say I'm surprised to be honest
  10. Not really mate. Both teams have been shit, which has created the illusion of the game being even.
  11. Absolutely bang on. I couldn't give a flying f*** about benteke missing out on the World Cup. He is probably the most unlikeable decent Villa player I can ever remember playing for us. He is a mercenary who couldn't give two shits about the Villa and although its regrettable we will be without our main striker, I really don't get the notion that we should feel some how sorry for a multi-millionaire footballer who has been largely anonymous for us all season. Its disappointing from a Villa perspective but to feel sorry for him....no chance. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh but think about this: If he did go to World Cup and do well, how long before he chucked another transfer request in?? 5 minutes? 10? Christ, you're a cheery pair! Most footballers are mercenarys! Why shouldn't he want to move to a much better club than us and win honours? He won't do that with us. His behaviour in the summer was, granted, ill advised, but he withdrew his request and signed a new contract. Maybe I don't follow the club as closely as you two but what has he done that makes him so unlikeable? Dont understand why people think Benteke should love villa like the fans. He's from Belgium, has no ties in England let alone Birmingham, his family are from Congo, and its rare to find ANYONE that doesn't want to improve their career's and abilities. Would you turn down a promotion? No. Benteke wouldn't turn down playing for Arsenal, for example. He loves FOOTBALL not Villa. Leave the kid alone - and so what he handed in a transfer request, nobody really knows the detail and its meant to be the professional thing to do. I don't care as long as he gets on with the team (and apparently he does) and does well here. That's all we can ask. Probably poking my nose in but isn't your reply tomh621 exactly why Villarule123 and One for the road feel about Benteke the way they do? After last summer I just can't take to this player, in fact I don't think much of any of them but after half a season playing well he disrupted the transfer period by his actions. Let's not forget if the press reports are correct he only stayed because Spurs chose another player. They may well all be the same, money grabbing mercenaries but Benteke stood out by putting in a transfer request less than a year after signing for us. If it was just ambition then why was his agent (spit) talking about money? He is a talent who should get better but I for one wont be shedding any tears for him as I just don't care what happens to him I only care about Aston Villa. If that sound harsh so be it at least I'm being honest. No thats not at all harsh. I won't be shedding a tear either, I'm glad we have a quality player. Ill also be glad when we get some decent money for him. But he's not an object the guy has aspiration, and i don't thing he's done anything wrong. Perhaps naive and a little quick to jump the gun and leave Villa but he hasn't intentionally been disrespectful.
  12. Absolutely bang on. I couldn't give a flying f*** about benteke missing out on the World Cup. He is probably the most unlikeable decent Villa player I can ever remember playing for us. He is a mercenary who couldn't give two shits about the Villa and although its regrettable we will be without our main striker, I really don't get the notion that we should feel some how sorry for a multi-millionaire footballer who has been largely anonymous for us all season. Its disappointing from a Villa perspective but to feel sorry for him....no chance. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh but think about this: If he did go to World Cup and do well, how long before he chucked another transfer request in?? 5 minutes? 10? Christ, you're a cheery pair! Most footballers are mercenarys! Why shouldn't he want to move to a much better club than us and win honours? He won't do that with us. His behaviour in the summer was, granted, ill advised, but he withdrew his request and signed a new contract. Maybe I don't follow the club as closely as you two but what has he done that makes him so unlikeable? Dont understand why people think Benteke should love villa like the fans. He's from Belgium, has no ties in England let alone Birmingham, his family are from Congo, and its rare to find ANYONE that doesn't want to improve their career's and abilities. Would you turn down a promotion? No. Benteke wouldn't turn down playing for Arsenal, for example. He loves FOOTBALL not Villa. Leave the kid alone - and so what he handed in a transfer request, nobody really knows the detail and its meant to be the professional thing to do. I don't care as long as he gets on with the team (and apparently he does) and does well here. That's all we can ask.
  13. Hope Weimann gets a chance through the middle instead of just lobbing balls to Holt. Tough news this, the team will no doubt have taken a knock. They need to act the right way instead of getting down - prove they can still produce something.
  14. he's on around 60k a week on his present deal! so another 4 years on around the same is £12.5million just on wages. Is he worth anything like that? I feel if we want get further in future then players like Gabby need to be more consistent...on be replaced. He'd be a pretty decent bench player. If we want to improve we can find a better replacement and move gabby to the bench. He'd have competition and he'd be better than any shit that our budget can conjure up for a couple million.
  15. I'm starting to wonder if he even trains to improve, or just turns up and does the drills. I know he offers morale and guidance but what else? Decent for counter attacking but he's been really poor recently. He doesn't HAVE to be past his prime just look at Yaya Toure.
  16. Im gunna have to go on Fifa and destroy Stoke now.
  17. Analysis: This game has been awful. None the less Stoke have played well tactically and completely locked down midfield, making it very hard for a team, that already lacks creativity, to be creative. Hard to play against a team that is so equipped to deal with crosses and physicality. Sylla isn't good enough. Gabby was poor, he seems to be deteriorating and the games where he turns up are getting fewer. The goals from Stoke were practically gifted to them through utter shite defending from us. Also the frustrating stop and start nature of the game prevented us from building any motivation whatsoever and we weren't helping ourselves out by giving away poor fouls out of frustration. Although i don't want to take any credit away from stoke, who tactically played well after shutting up shop, (certainly not through ability - they're also poor) we were shit and should have done better. We let Stoke get the better of us when we could have taken control, especially after the early lead. Unbelievably frustrating to watch that after stepping up so much whilst playing Chelsea. We appear to take it up a notch when playing good teams, but play absolutely shit when playing the other mid table mediocrity in this league. Just one big pile of shit really.
  18. He should still be apart of the squad unless a bid comes in that means we can bring in someone better. He would be good coming off the bench, as he's a high energy player, but he would most likely want to leave if he was 'demoted' to that role. Until we are in a position to bring in a better player Weimann should stay. Or be the sub for said better player (probably the better scenario). ALSO he's still young and has plenty of room to improve.
  19. I think Gabby should stay/be kept at Villa. Simply because he's been here for years now, he actually gives the shit about the club, he's a local lad and a fan. When times are tough i imagine Gabby is the one giving the team a kick up the arse, and tries to keep them moving. He's a leader, and he cares about this club. That having been said I'm not sure a man of his ability and performances should be on 60k a week, especially considering our new wage system. I think he should take a wage cut and stay on at villa. If he's a true fan and not just in it for a money he'd take it. 40k a week is still crazy money.
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