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Everything posted by tom_avfc

  1. And rightly so. That challenge should be a red card every single time. An absolute shocker from whoever’s on VAR. Funny how often VAR favours big teams though!
  2. Yeah it was given offside by the linesman. Completely agree that those tight ones should go with the decision made by the linesman.
  3. Not going to lie I’d be bringing up us finishing in 12th place in praise of Smith. The improvement from last season is clear and sticking a 9th or a 12th next to our name doesn’t make me change my mind on the progress we’ve made.
  4. Where has this guy been all season? People have been salivating over Leeds’ magnificent performances all season including that wonderful 6-2 defeat at Old Trafford.
  5. This would be all well and good if the title of the thread was 2021/22 dreams/aims rather than expectations. Without a doubt we'll be aiming to finish as high up the table as we can. To set ridiculous expectations given the starting position we have when compared to other clubs doesn't do anyone any favours as seen by the reaction to a poor run of results this season after a brilliant start. The aim is to finish as high up the table as possible but my expectations are that we'll sit somewhere between 7th and 12th in the league. If we can bolster the squad and improve on what we've done this year then I'll be happy. Expecting suddenly to be challenging the top teams is pretty unrealistic and will only lead to disappointment and knee jerk reactions when we inevitably suffer the odd poor result.
  6. Isn't this prevented by only allowing one ballot entry per fan ID? I thought that if one person applied for a group of 4 tickets that would mean that none of the other 4 would then be able to apply for tickets separately.
  7. Isn't this digital membership designed to be that one account that you want that does everything? I thought that was why everyone was being asked to link their fan ID to their login so that everything can now be done from one place.
  8. How does Fernandinho get away with so many fouls before he gets a booking? It’s not even an exaggeration to say that he’s almost at double figures now with some of them being his usual cynical tactical fouls. If Dougie does one of those fouls for us he gets a standard yellow card.
  9. Compare him to Graham Potter this week as he tactically outclassed the legend that is Bielsa. Potter also won this weekend by one more goal than Smith. Smith out, Potter in ( I reserve the rights to change my mind on this next week and replace Potter for whoever gets the best result next weekend!).
  10. I genuinely don’t understand why El Ghazi gets so much stick on here. His output in the premier league for a player that cost as little as he did is very good. Ultimately I’d like us to sign better wingers to take us to where we want to get to but there’d be room for a goal scoring winger like El Ghazi on the bench without a doubt.
  11. Great win today and a thoroughly deserved three points. Fancy us to beat palace which would take us above the 50 point mark and represent our best season in years. Two or three top quality signings and the return of Jack should make us very competitive next season.
  12. I don’t think it was malicious but I do think it’s dangerous. If a challenge ends up with you planting your studs into a players ankle then I’d argue that it is a pretty reckless challenge to be making. As I say I’d probably have given a yellow for the challenge because I agree it’s not intentional but I don’t see how it’s not a foul. The fact they’ve given the red for denial of a goal scoring opportunity is ludicrous because as far as I could tell there’s absolutely no way that Vardy is getting to that ball before the keeper.
  13. Am I the only one who thinks that’s a foul? I mean he gets a touch on the ball but the follow through is pretty dangerous and could have broke his ankle. The red card for denying a goal scoring opportunity is strange as the ball was running through to the keeper. That kind of out of control tackle which gets a bit of a touch on the ball and then follows through recklessly even if not deliberately is pretty dangerous. I could almost understand a red card for a reckless challenge (although this would still be harsh) but it’s a yellow card every time for me.
  14. I mean I was responding to posts saying “he has to go”, “I’ve had enough of him” and “he’s disgraced the club tonight” to quote just three examples.
  15. A better player would have had a hat trick. He’s missed the target from 5 yards out as part of that cameo and that sums up why he’s ultimately never going to be the answer. By all means give him a few starts for the rest of the season. He’s no worse than others who are getting more minutes. If he’s still part of the squad next season then I’d worry we’ve done something wrong in the transfer window.
  16. This thread is turning me off football almost as much as the Super League farce. Im not sure I can justify the cost of a season ticket to spend 19 matches of football in the company of a fan base that has become so entitled. I genuinely thought a couple of years in the championship might have humbled us a bit but no we’re now calling for a manager who’s taken us from 14th in the championship to 11th in the premier league in 2 and a bit seasons to go.
  17. Is there a player in there? I think what you see is what you get. He’s been consistently bad for most of the season with one or two moments of quality which look more and more like flukes the more he plays. He’s the stand out weakness in our starting eleven for me and I’d actually put him below Trezeguet and El Ghazi in terms of quality at this point. If you add to that that his off the ball work is non-existent then you end up with the frustrating player that he is. I’d be looking to get rid of him in the summer and look for a serious upgrade.
  18. I don’t know how many times people have to say it but if any team lost £100m plus of talent then they’d struggle. To put it on terms of today’s game you’d probably have to take out the entire Albion first eleven for them to be missing the same value of players as us just missing Jack.
  19. Did we event try passes under Bruce? Wasn’t that more of the issue?
  20. The way people were talking I thought Wolves had an easy run in. Last three look pretty tough for them and all in all it’s a similar run in to us. Win tonight and I fancy us to finish above Wolves but below the other two who do actually have easy run ins.
  21. That’s not the rule it’s just that generally with a backwards pass the recipient will have been behind the ball so not in an offside position. I’d imagine it’s a pretty rare occurrence but if you’re ahead of the ball then you’re offside even if the direction of the pass isn’t forwards.
  22. Direction that the ball goes in isn’t relevant and never has been. If you’re offside when a ball is played then you’re offside. Haven’t actually seen this goal but I assume the goalscorer was ahead of the ball and ran back to get it.
  23. Surely that depends on who the Glazers appoint next. Going on their track record it’s unlikely to be much of an improvement particularly given Man United’s reported financial issues.
  24. Yeah there's a good chance this could be me done with football. If I'm being honest the changes to the Champions League that were announced are the start of a slippery slope towards automatic qualification for the "big teams" which will inevitably happen at some point if these teams are allowed to continue unchecked. I get that there will always be teams that are more disadvantaged than others but everything about the teams at the top of football at the moment stinks to be honest.
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