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Everything posted by P3te

  1. Warnock has been pants I'd bring Luke Young on for him. sure why not bring on guzan for dunne as well then we can have a right back at left back, a center back at right back, and a keeper in central defence
  2. why on earth would we do that? if any defensive subs are made it should be dunne off for young, move carlos into the middle with collins and keep the other sub makes no sense to bring bouma on unless warnock gets a knock
  3. wonder if the fonz will even get off the bench tonight probably not so frustrating
  4. P3te

    General Chat

    ah thats pretty managable though to be fair i know people 50 times that in debt
  5. richard hawley - coles corner which is one of my favourite albums ever
  6. Directly fixing? No. No brown envelopes or anything like that imo. Especially not for players... Youd be looking for more than a career's earnings for throwing a game to make it worthwhile, and that aint gonna happen Indirect, unintentional fixing based on media influence? Yeh, definitely
  7. arsenio scores some amount of goals for a kid who was initially declared a defender when he signed
  8. ireland and bent in fix relationship with nrc result
  9. twas a lovely day today, was about 15-17 when we were at the beach. which is irish summer weather
  10. at the beach today the beach in march... who ever heard the likes of it
  11. for us, 3 rounds of 2 legged qualifiers to get to the group stages We would go straght into the 3rd qualifying round would'nt we? or the play offs no we're unseeded, so my understanding of it is that we go in at the first qualifying round
  12. for us, 3 rounds of 2 legged qualifiers to get to the group stages
  13. One word.....Everton!!! imo we're not good enough to get through the qualifiers first time, especially since we wont be seeded. however that makes the early part of the summer even more important. we need to use the fact that we're in the qualifiers to bring in a higher standard of player, which will in turn make it a bit easier to finish top 4 again. these things are gradual, within a couple of years being top 4 regulars then i think we'll really reap the rewards will count for nothing if we finish top 4 then sit on our hands all summer in the transfer market before going out in the qualifiers though
  14. whats the card limit for a ban now? its not 5 any more sure its not? 10 for a game ban between now and april?
  15. General, any word on kit supplier for next season and beyond? It was a 3 year deal with Nike originally wasnt it? Not sure if I remember hearing anything about us extending it
  16. P3te

    General Chat

    theres an ice cream over here with bits of oreos in it... holy hell its unbelievably good
  17. yeh its not like kicking a flag at a chi... erm never mind
  18. P3te

    Do you read?

    Don't dismiss the often overlooked Dirk Gently books either. They are IMHO at least the equal of the HHGTTG series. excellent! theyre next on the list so!
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