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Everything posted by P3te

  1. oh stan i know we want you to shoot more... but jesus
  2. downing to score in the first 10 minutes of the second half feel it in my waters
  3. id give carew 15 more in the second half, but tell him in the dressing room if he doesnt sort his game out hes off, then get the kid on
  4. quiet from jc get fonz on after 60 if theres no improvement there. hes just not getting involved aside from getting in the way of that clearance
  5. I'd say Ireland is worth £10 million max at this moment in time. only coz hes been left out in the cold thats what id take, if they actually enquired though id push for ireland and £20m initially, see what they say. might end up getting a few bob more than the £10m i suggested i do think tho, that a straight swap of jimmy for ireland (in terms of on the pitch) wouldnt leave us too far off where we are now
  6. Ireland plus 10m please. If we used the money shrewdly we'd come out on top there imo
  7. P3te

    General Chat

    proposing... mental? not mental?
  8. not at all we need to focus on qualifying for europe next season, so that we can play the young lads there instead, leaving the senior players ready to go out and make sure we qualify for europe in the league again so we can play the young lads
  9. spuds winning may just have ended it regardless
  10. we'll bring on heskey and then sidwell oh joy
  11. you know, i think ive figured out our gameplan mon wants the wingers to try to kill the defenders by kicking the ball off them as hard and as often as possible
  12. But the scoreline says different a 1-0 scoreline doesnt say a team is playing badly in fairness
  13. 10 cans of magners in the fridge cannot **** wait to get stuck into them
  14. my new goal for this week
  15. P3te

    FIFA 10

    It could be awesome in FIFA 11 Milf It won't! They say they change it, but they just don't. I wouldn't keep your hopes up! its a 4 year project according to rutter last summer, itll take time to get it right and they know that
  16. P3te

    FIFA 10

    an irish one called click
  17. P3te

    FIFA 10

    had it in the office for about 5 weeks actually nobodys been arsed playing it because we have to license the fifa world cup logo out to use it in the magazine, which we're not bothered with
  18. P3te

    FIFA 10

    getting to play fifa 11 next month! cant wait
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