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Everything posted by dont_do_it_doug.

  1. Hmmm. Try this and follow the first link. Not 100% sure why the origional link isn't working.
  2. Yes absolutely it's a good idea. I've put my name down a few times on my passport application and my drivers licence application and neither time have I recieved a card or any confirmation at all that I'm now a doner. This way people like me wouldn't have to worry about whether they were in or not. If you're adamant you don't want to be saving lives when you're dead then I'm sure they'll make it easy enough for you to opt out. A decent idea from the government at last. P.S. I've signed up through the website now, here. I suggest anybody who deosn't have a problem with saving lives once they're dead does so too. It takes about 5 minutes max. (They're not having my eyes though :winkold: )
  3. I would agree with you there General, to a degree. I think it's a combination of the Harewood deal, the Reo-Coker signing seemingly taking an age for whatever reason, the apparent lack of activity regarding other targets and the increasing realisation that we're not going to turn into world beaters overnight. For people like me that realisation was already in place, others simply got carried away. I would recommend that in future all communication from the club regarding transfer targets should be limited to a "We're trying our best". As you're probably aware a throwaway comment made by Fitzgerald has led some fans to believe, including the author of this article, that the club has lied to us. Although we all want the same outcome, perhaps at times it's best to treat cirtain sections of the supporters as the enemy and not supply them with ammo. We as Villa fans are a sensitive bunch. We've been mistreated so badly in the past that we're finding it difficult to dish out explicit trust. I hope you can understand that.
  4. Hey welcome to the DDID official Marlon Harwood Appreciation Society!! MHAS for short Not to confused with those naughty Hamas people.
  5. Seems to conflict with your sig, does it not? Which one is it? OR are you just PFEing? I was only joking, forgot the 'makes it OK' smiley. I'm expecting another 3.
  6. I'm convinced, Reo-Coker is it. :winkold:
  7. I've got one still jooked up to my telly. Cost me a pretty penny 7 years ago. £240 infact which was a fair bit for a VCR back then. I've absolutely no idea if it still works.
  8. Just because NV agrees with you doesn't make you right.
  9. The General has already answered this one. The club will NOT be making special arrangements for smokers.
  10. General, what are your feelings about the new kit being leaked well ahead of schedule? Does it annoy you or were you expecting it?
  11. One Reo-Coker, there's only one Reo-Coker........
  12. That video allways manages to make the hairs on my neck stand up.
  13. I'm impressed with the West Ham fans who have actualy took the time to post a reasonable response. Good show, you've gone up in my estimation. Still a bunch of kit stealing bastards mind. :winkold:
  14. Oh absolutely. I'm a firm believer in Evolution and the Big Bang theory as scientific events that explain how we've come to be. Yet neither of them explain why. Science can prove a hell of a lot beyond reasonable doubt. But then there are things that cannot be measured and explained. IMO of course.
  15. It's quite simple I'd imagine. You don't believe in God. So you are saying there are no God whatsoever. When in fact, you dont know? I'm not saying that, I believe in God. Nobody can say for sure, only what they believe in. There are people who are convinced God exists, there are those that are convinced he doesn't. IMO neither will be left out on judgement day (whatever that entails).
  16. It's quite simple I'd imagine. You don't believe in God. TT - Even Hindu's have a set of 'rules' to follow. Personally, I'll just carry on the way I am. Trying to do the right thing and being true to myself. If that's enough, great. If not, then God is crueler than I think.
  17. Agnostic. I can't see how anyone who believes in God feel they have the right to tell people which religion is the right one. They all claim to be the word of God after all, so who are we to decide? If God has a specific plan for me I'm prety sure he'll let me know.
  18. Some of us have work at 6am the next day. If KO was any later than it is now I wouldn't be able to go.
  19. I'd say even the risk that this is true should be taken very seriously indeed. Fair play to the government for being proactive rather than reactive.
  20. You think? I'd say it isn't economically viable anyway, so the point is mute. 15 years ago people were debating whether smoking caused cancer. Commen sense suggested it did, but scientificaly it was still a myth. Common sense would now suggest that standing in a room full of smoke can only have an adverse effect on your health, even if the evidence isn't quite in place. Out of interest, what are the 'official' reasons given for the smoking ban?
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