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Everything posted by dont_do_it_doug.

  1. Interesting debate, I've only read the first 6 pages and even as a 20 a day man I agree with the majority of the non smokers. It's a vile habit and aside from the health risks if it helps non-smokers to feel more comfortable in my company I'm all for it. I don't want to feel like I'm ruining someones meal, making their clothes stink or contributing to their childs asthma problems. But unfortunately, like most smokers I just can't help myself. After a few pints or a nice meal I simply MUST have a cigarette. If from now on I have to go outside to do so then so be it. Infact, I may make this one I'm smoking my last. Can't see the point in it anymore. Maybe this ban just saved my life........
  2. Errrr, nobody has gone off on one. Nobody said you were calling O'Neill a lyer. Infact, I suggested the possibility myself. He had Ashley Young sat next to him, the last thing he was going to do was to say the lad was second choice. Take a chill pill. We're not all out to get you......
  3. Two completely different players though Nick. And he got Carew some 5 months later. I see your point though, there wasn't enough 'smoke'. I think if we'd made a bid we would have known about it. But that doesn't mean we didn't sound him out. Anyway, like I say we'll probably never know.......
  4. To be honest, neither of you can prove Martin O'Neills interest in Defoe either way. So you're just going to have to agree to disagree. FWIW I'd be suprised if he wasn't interested in some capacity. Young(ish), English, looking for a fresh challenge etc etc.......
  5. That's not what he said at the time, he said he wanted both. Though he had good reason to lie (Ashley was sat next to him).
  6. Therin lies the problem. He probably wouldn't be backup, he'd probably work his way ahead of Big John IMO. But where does that leave the big man? Neither of them will want to be second choice. I'd much rather we concentrate on improving other weaker areas of the side. Such as right back.
  7. I'm not sure. He's got a good work ethic, but I'm not sure we've got the right midfield to compliment him. We'd need a 'proper' defensive mid IMO.
  8. Can we stop the bickering please? I know we're bored, but let's not take it out on each other..... Anyway, back to an earlier 'link'........ As much as I think Eidur Gudjohnsen is absolute class, I really can't see how he'd fit into our system. Instead of Carew maybe, but not with him. Not near enough goal potential. For me Carew is the third name on the teamsheet, one of only 4 or 5 players we own who I can see being good enough for the 'top'. So I can't see him being replaced this early in the game. Gudjohnsen is a no-no.
  9. I can see where you're coming from with that. It happened at Arsenal, Chelsea and to a lesser extent the likes of Middlesbrough and Bolton have had their profiles raised significantly by what appear to be 'one in a million' signings. BUT, in most of those cases it was a slow process. One player at a time. Also, I don't think any of the players you mention happen to have a high enough profile. There's no Gullit, no Bergkamp, not even a Juninho.
  10. I think you're living in la-la land. I'm as ambitious as the next man, I believe that there could be a slim chance we might be able to get one of those players if the circumstances were right. But the odds on getting all of them? You're right....impossible.....
  11. I have never seen him play for Hamburg but I saw alot of him when he played for Ajax, and back then he was bloody awesome! When he played RB he wasn´t afraid at getting forward and he wasn´t afraid to get stuck in! Add to that he has a really good technique (spelling!?!?). At CM he is a real how do you say it - "ball player"? Great passer and as I recall it has a decent shot on him. Now you mention it I do recall him playing for Ajax. Can't remember much though so thanks for the quick review :winkold:
  12. I must admit I've never seen de Jong play (that I can recall), I'd go as far as to suggest the vast majority on here haven't either. But he's shit hot on FM :winkold:
  13. Well I've been told Koumas is too old at 27, so Geremi must be concidered ancient at 28. Could be a fantastic signing. Suprised there isn't more rumour surrounding him to be honest.
  14. I think there's a chance both of them could spend a significant amount of time on the bench next season.
  15. Perhaps, but I'd be suprised if we're looking for that specific quality. I think we underestimate the experience in our side already. Barry, Laursen, Mellberg, Bouma, Carew, Petrov........ Not exactly inexperienced 'kids' are they?
  16. Oh look, someone has already come up with a nice nickname for him. Maybe the fact that he doesn't fit into any of those catagories i.e. he offers something we haven't got is the reason we MIGHT be interested? Myself, I think he's the 'plan B' for Koumas. Very similar players.
  17. In all honesty I'd rather have Koumas than Nakamura. But I'll be happy enough with either of them if the manager really wants them. Reo-Coker and Nakamura/Koumas wouldn't be a bad start would it, not bad at all.......
  18. Based on? It can't be his time in Scotland, he looks anything but mediocre. Granted it is only the SPL, but you must be watching a different player to the one I've seen. He's a bit of a legend at Reggina also, at least according to wikipedia
  19. Riiiiiiight. Nothing to do with having watched him play some 10-15 times, nothing to do with reading every single report on the guy I could find over the last 3 days. No, it's because he has a fancy name. IF he does become as good as someone like Fabregas, which I think he COULD, then yes there's a chance he could be the best signing we'd ever make. Impossible to compare him with McGrath, so I won't even try. You say that with such confidence.
  20. Sneijder won't suffer from rotation, Sneijder will be the first name on the team sheet. He'll have a chance to be the best player we've ever signed, maybe one of the best in the world today. Or at the very least he'll be the biggest 'star'. He reminds me of Cesc Fabregas. Great range of passing, great vision, can play anywhere across the middle and not afraid to get stuck in. If we sign him I'll eat my own face. P.S. it really isn't that difficult to spell :winkold:
  21. Who have newcastle and west ham signed? and who said anything about Carew being our Goalscorer? From the day he joined i've known what to expect from him, a glut of goals is not what Carew's reknowned for. What's Carew settling in also got to do with it? To say Carew is one of your fellow country men, you don't half bitch about him. I'm bloody proud to have big John Carew at our club and i honestly believe he's settled. I was kidding dude, hence the smiley. I adore Carew I'll ask again on behalf of the origional poster - Who have Newcastle and West Ham signed?
  22. Do we all feel now then that we can forget this one and put it to bed that he definately won't be signing! No, because with the way he's running his mouth off in the press I'd be amazed if he stays there. So until he moves to Valencia (likely), he's still on the market. While he's still on the market, nothing is definate.
  23. Drummers are to bands what Labourers are to the building trade. Often given a bad rep, but generaly they work hard and without them bugger all gets finished. My mate loves the Twang, might give them a listen.
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