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Everything posted by dont_do_it_doug.

  1. So you would let somebody die because of your principles? I'm up for an Opt Out system, which I wouldn't do of course. But to be honest, it's not exactly difficult to become a donor, you can do it over the friggin internet. The ONLY reason somebody should have for not being a donor is IMO on religious grounds. Otherwise you have no excuse.
  2. Yep, sorry, forgot about Pienaar. So why are you so workmanlike and dull? I respect what Moyes has done, he's been fantastic for the club. But man oh man show a little invention, take the shackles off a little and you might go somewhere. I don't see him doing it.
  3. Yeah, I like Jagielka. It would be a good fight between him, Davies and Cuellar for a place next to Laursen. I have to be honest, as much as I rate the likes of Arteta and Cahill, Everton don't really have anyone to match the sheer volume of quality that Young produces, even when he's been off colour for most of this season. Arteta maybe, when he's on top of his game, is close. You would think though that with the combination of the two, Cahill/Arteta, Everton would create more than they do. But they seem overly workmanlike for a challenge on the top 4. They're missing something and I suspect it's tactical. Yakubu is a natural, but I expect Gabby will score more goals this season and in the future. I do like Saha though, a vastly underrated player. BUT, who out of the two is doing the donkey work? I don't see either of them in the Andy Johnson mould. Everton just have too many question marks for my liking....
  4. Or Fulham, Hull and Stoke. Unless you think Everton are also capable of challenging Arsenal?
  5. I think the first few games of the season proved completely the opposite. Don't get me wrong, I like and respect Everton. My opinion isn't really based on the merits of your club. It's based on the fact that we really are in a league of our own this season. Everton are probably favourites for 6th.
  6. Just spoke to a friend of mine, he is a Chelsea fan, so neutral (yes he was a fan before they were good!) he says at full strength Everton have more quality and depth, but at the moment Villa are miles ahead in confidence and momentum. From a neutral Your point? I just spoke to a dirty bluenose who disagrees. He's not neutral at all.
  7. You sure? We have improved also, and we haven't hit anywhere near top gear yet... :winkold: I'm as sure as I can be. Although I'm of course open to the possibility that I could be wrong, I believe that in terms of quality and depth, confidence and momentum, were streaks ahead. Not to mention that as of right now were in a much better position to add to the squad in January if necessary. I've been saying since day dot that we'll finish 4th, I've seen nothing yet to change my mind. Everton on the other hand won't be anywhere near IMO.
  8. I may be speaking out of turn, but I don't see Everton as a threat. Infact, I don't see anyone as a threat to us for 5th. We've improved enough that unless we suffer an unlucky run of injuries, we're out on our own. Our battle is for 4th.
  9. We did win things during the Ellis era, but by the time he finally sold up we were in serious danger of doing a Nottingham Forest. He took the club to the brink, I can't imagine we'd have won anything for a long old while. It sounds absurd now, but we could have been playing Blackpool and Birmingham rather than Arsenal and Manchester United in the coming weeks. Now we have hope, then we had none. I still don't understand how your comment is relevant to what we had become.
  10. You have no idea what you're saying. You can't have.
  11. Wow, what a rocket polisher.
  12. What the hell happened to Simon Terry? Mod one minute, gone the next.
  13. Hope you don't mind me dragging up an old thread, but I wonder how Martin O'Neill would rank amongst these?
  14. 'To the End' would be a better choice, or 'Tender'. The Great Escape is a cracking album though. Rediscovered it t'other day.
  15. Think it's a bit sad to be honest. Ian - On second thoughts, we've never met. Not sure why I got that into my head.
  16. Seconded. I had him pegged as a grumbling old man with a stick and a can of John Smiths Ian - Though we had met once? Must have imagined it! How did you think I'd look then? Qwpzxjor1 - A geriatric cripple with an alcohol problem? Sweet!
  17. AG - You look a lot younger than I expected, you come across quite mature in your posts. Without hair.... With hair.... Nostril hair....
  18. I agree. I remember when my dad had the pub, we had the Hatton/Mayweather fight on 'after hours'. Pub was packed to the rafters and it seemed like everyone was a smoker. It hurt my eyes and we couldn't get rid of the smell for days. I don't mind standing outside.
  19. So...........did ye quit? Or still on the weed? Nah, still smoke ciggies like a trooper. Haven't smoked weed regularly for about 5 years
  20. General, are you going to deal with big JC personally? I wouldn't want to be on the end of a bollocking off you and Martin
  21. General, what is going on with the Reserves? We've not played a home game in what feels like months, I'm not sure the club fully appreciate how much some of us like watching them.
  22. Sexual relations? Who are you, Bill Clinton?
  23. That's bullshit. **** rocket polishers. Anyway, We're gonna win the league, We're gonna win the league, Now you better believe us, Now you better believe us, Now you better believe UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSS We're gonna win the league
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