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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Best wishes my man. Nothing else to say really, just make sure they are doing everything you think they can.
  2. I genuinely don’t know. Specific to this conflict, I doubt the IDF threaten to execute IDF personnel that refuse to murder mothers and children.
  3. There is existing female specific law and offences, and further legislation proposed for this coming summer to deal specifically with hate crimes against women and girls. ’I haven’t read it but’ will be a common piece of prose over the next few weeks. Having seen the twisted anger a 20mph speed limit has on some roads in wales has created, **** knows what a piece of legislation like this will drag out of the scummier end of the press, politics, and social media.
  4. I don’t understand why she’s got so deep in to the spat on the extreme end of transgender politics and has essentially called out all transgender people as fakes. There is an intelligent debate to be had about a level playing field in sport, and safe spaces, and criminal activity. But for some reason she has taken those reasonable points and decided to absolutely focus hate on the entirety of a very fragile minority.
  5. I took the ‘you’ in the original post as a ‘people in general’, not some freaks on VT. I think for ‘people in general’, it’s very likely to be true. People in my office presume I am a music snob as I still buy music rather than listening to what some Steve Jobs leasing algorithm gives me.
  6. Important question: have you drawn a cock n balls? This isn’t personal, I just really want it to have burnt out whilst you were admiring a patio cock n balls.
  7. The bit I’d disagree with, is the lack of ideology. There absolutely is an ideology, albeit wrong. Perhaps the problem is that both the largest parties have the same ideology and have persuaded great swathes of the voting public that it is the only viable ideology. That the market is king and that the economy of a nation state is run on similar lines to a domestic household budget.
  8. Thames Water was debt free when it went private. It’s paid out dividends, given out favourable loans, not planned for the future, and got itself £18 billion of debt. If I did that, the police would be around.
  9. We’ll also have to remember it’s no defence to say I was just carrying out orders. it’s not just Netanyahu that is a war criminal, the IDF soldiers that have murdered tens of thousands also need to be hunted down, those behind 7th October also need to be hunted down.
  10. I think this is one of those rare occasions I’ll be getting the 6 CD set, everything on there and £20
  11. The telly. There is very little I would be keen to watch, maybe the occasional series such as Pottery Throwdown. We have more channels and subscriptions than ever but i can scroll around and its all just mostly dross. I’ve just watched the first episode of Fargo series 5 and I thought that was good, but I can see it being several days before I watch the next one, unless i just plain completely forget about it.
  12. Found one once for £60 but someone had written their name and address across the whole front in biro and doodled all over the back.
  13. Larry David / curb your enthusiasm is about as good as good comedy writing and observation gets. Always a delight to go channel hopping and find an episode.
  14. AI is definitely getting better but you can still tell they aren’t real.
  15. Cars. I liked cars and had a few different things, from a 1960’s Spitfire, to a few different Mercedes. Then one day, financial crash and I ended up driving an old Astra a relative gave me, then an old Mazda a friend gave me. It was like the spell was broken. I’m very lucky to be back in a position where if I wanted to, I could get back in to it. But I’m far less interested. They are white goods. Just make sure it can do motorway speed, and has a decent stereo. Currently driving the most invisible car in the world and it’s great.
  16. All K Pop is absolute shit and the bands are just fake and paedos. I might go and write that on twitter, and then just wait…
  17. Lots of 2 Tone on BBC4 this evening. Truly the best time to be a spiky little kid.
  18. Lamb koftas, yogurt, pitta, couscous at Cafe Piano in Worcester. Really good food, and a spectacularly rare event, more food than I could finish. If I had one tiny criticism, the piano was really loud.
  19. I think it’s a case of **** around and find out for the business world. We can’t have open access to everything for the extraction of profit, even from drinking water. With us supposed to be so grateful to these people that once their profits are threatened we bail them out. We need a fundamental recalibration of our relationship with profit driven international capitalism because for 40 years now we’ve been told its the only thing that will make life better and save us from declining standards and that’s clearly demonstrably absolute bollocks.
  20. Campaign organiser for Enoch Powell at 2 elections. Pro Brexit. Propped up May’s government, then complained when he got what he’d voted for. As a N.I. based MP voted in Westminster against gay marriage in England. Anti any LGBQ equality legislation. Currently charged with rape and other offences. Just an all round good egg.
  21. Yeah, I liked that. It feels like a bit of a slower start this year than last year. 2023 I’d committed to buying something every month and by end of March I was on two a month and missing a good few. My fave for this year is still Motherland by Angharad at the moment, but a long way to go.
  22. I mean, personally, Frampton was second in Humble Pie and then that singing down a straw schtick didnt really do it for me. I get the point about the Englishness of Small Faces though, I think that’s fair.
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