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Everything posted by villianusa

  1. Anyone been over to the City forums? I wouldn't wish to dirty myself; I'm just wondering what is being said.
  2. Still time for them to buy Dunne and Collins. :wink:
  3. Just realised City lost; made the day even better. :birthday:
  4. MOTM = Ashley Young, closely followed by Friedal. Young pips it for his build up play for the goal and the amount of work he put in for the team. Don't like to knock a player after a win like that but Downing, WTF!!!
  5. We scored, they didn't. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the nerves. :notworthy:
  6. Maybe he is putting the tought tackling Downing to left center and Ash out to wing and pushing Ireland forward. Actually I wouldn't mind bringing Albrighton right center; he doesn't mind putting himself about. Have he pushing on from the middle similar to what Milner did. This would push Ireland forward and Ash back to the wing.
  7. At least the defense looks stronger.
  8. 1510: BREAKING EVERTON TEAM NEWS: Jack Rodwell starts for the Toffees at Villa Park. From BBC
  9. Gutted as I'm sure everyone else is. I'll leave my reactions until I don't wish to put my fist through my computer screen.
  10. Woke up this morning and switched the game on and saw Ireland was playing ahead of NRC. I stated in the game thread that it would be a mistake and NRC needed to play. Playing against Nolan, Smith and Barton and we put Petrov and Ireland in the middle. This to me shows a lack of tactical awareness or sadly worse still a new player comes in so he has to play. Poor decision from me and I feel we will see Mac say he doesn't want the job after this game. I had been waiting to see how he was after a game we lost. He said he hadn't had chance think about it; he'll have that time now. I'm not saying he should go because in the end I'll think he'll get it right. On the team performance, Warnock has carried on his poor pre-season form. Friedal is looking shakey and Carew made a major error and hasn't recovered yet. Young is getting frustrated and could see him getting booked in the second half. For me get Downing off and bring on NRC. Wingers can swtich and push Ireland forward. Start playing the ball on the floor and stop the long ball crap it ain't working. Carew will score second half just give him some service.
  11. He obviously hasn't met Mr. Dunn
  12. It amazes me how people can see the game so differently than others. The sad thing is that there are certain fans who just don't like certain players. It doesn't matter how well they play they will always be crap in their eyes. Heskey and NRC worked their asses off tonight with a group of youngesters and players who have hardly played in the last year. They did a fine job in what was a difficult game but still get slated. I'll be honest and say that I'm not the biggest fan of Petrov but man enough to see the big picture and admit when he does well. I wish certain fans would just get behind the team and the players and know the players are doing the best they can. Sadly we don't have Ronaldo, Messi, Kaka or Torres but have players who want to play. Very proud of all the players tonight no matter how they played. They wear the claret and blue and I'll give a fair reflection on their performnace because they deserve it. I must admit though I didn't know Hogg was playing until the 2nd half. He needs to go out on loan for more experiance along with Lichaj. KM was true to his word when he told players he would give everyone their chance. I believe he has done that in his first two games. He said after he did that, players would be picked due to their performances and not who they are. So as he said "Let the competition begin!"
  13. they both missed the header guzan is just at fault as curt is what do you expect from someone that hasnt played a competitive game in almost a year? people want miracles? No it was Curtis at fault. I don't expect miracles but I do expect him to be the right side of the man he is marking and I do expect him to win a header now and again. I like Curtis Dem you know that but when you open your mouth you better produce the goods and he hasn't, not by a long way. He was at least goal side of his man but jumped very, very badly. IF Lichaj had been goal side of his man they would not have scored. Lichaj should have cleared up at the back post; that is the RB's job but he was way off.
  14. NRC has been chasing all he can considering Hogg is none exsistant. Lichaj off / Clark on and move Beye to RB Hogg off / Delf on and move Bannan to CM Take Heskey off after 20 minutes an bring Weimann on. Warnock I feel has been weak again and is letting alot of crosses coming in from his side. We do need to look at a back-up LB.
  15. I honestly hope he does so we can see what possible future he has. We are not going to see that if we don't play them.
  16. The youngesters area year older and year wiser. I think you will see a stronger team in the home leg. I also can see NRC leading us to another cup win.
  17. I like the same line up in this formation. ---------------------Guzan------------------------ Beye--------Davies--------Clark--------Warnock --------------------Reo Coker-------------------- Albrighton--------------------------------Downing ---------------------Bannan---------------------- --------------Heskey-------Delfouneso---------- That should do it. It's a shame we don't have a reserve left back, though. Warnock has to play just about every game. Can Lowry not play there, or even Lichja (sp)?
  18. So probably: Guzan Beye Davies Clark Warnock Albrighton NRC Bannan Downing Heskey Weimann Maybe?
  19. I really, really, really hope Spurs get slammed today but sadly they probably won't.
  20. He remind me of a young Alan Hansen. Very composed on ball and read the game very well.
  21. I pray you are female because he is good but not that good.
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