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Everything posted by villianusa

  1. Although he did make one world class save and a couple of good uns. There are goals in this team, I think. If we play like we did today against Sunderland we'll beat them. That said, if we play like we did today against Swansea, you'd have thought we'd have beaten them. People keep saying that, but 18 games in and we are scoring at .61 goals a game, A goal every 141 minutes, piss poor by any standards. We get a shot on target every 16 attempts that equates a shot on target every 31 minutes. I am impressed with the improvements in the last few games, but unless we focus on creativity in the final third the second half of the season will be the same. I don't think we will go down, but it's going to be another frustrating season. Oh, it was a stonewall penalty. Well I think there's been progress in the last few games so as fans if we get behind the team we'll reap the rewards of that over time. Gabby was a blatant pen, without the push he would've scored. Benteke should've scored. Gabby should've done better with the header at the end and so should've Hutton. Four clear cut opportunities in the space of 25 mins. Admittedly they had that Dyer chance, but if we play like we did second half we will dick Sunderland. A lot of ifs and wishes but no goals. Give me a shout when you've developed that technology where Lambert can control the players' thoughts and decisions when striking/heading a ball or stick to FIFA mate! Maybe if you knew anything about coaching then you would know a coach does control a players thoughts and decisions before a game by developing a pattern of play. If they are really good managers then they develop a couple so they can fall back on things if plan A isn't working. Once they walk onto the field it is somewhat of a different matter, but if he continues to pick the same players who do the same things (not create, or score) that's down to him. For your information, I never bother playing simulation games on TV, I was out getting my UEFA licenses. Have a good day.
  2. Did you even watch it? Yes, and we still lost. Yep. And if you're judging football games purely by the scoreline, so are you. When you are in a result based sport then you do look at the scoreline. If you happen to read my previous post I said I was happy with the improved performance but creating as much as we are we will continue to lose games by the odd goal. You can keep saying we should, or we will score, but the fact is we don't score enough.
  3. Although he did make one world class save and a couple of good uns. There are goals in this team, I think. If we play like we did today against Sunderland we'll beat them. That said, if we play like we did today against Swansea, you'd have thought we'd have beaten them. People keep saying that, but 18 games in and we are scoring at .61 goals a game, A goal every 141 minutes, piss poor by any standards. We get a shot on target every 16 attempts that equates a shot on target every 31 minutes. I am impressed with the improvements in the last few games, but unless we focus on creativity in the final third the second half of the season will be the same. I don't think we will go down, but it's going to be another frustrating season. Oh, it was a stonewall penalty. Well I think there's been progress in the last few games so as fans if we get behind the team we'll reap the rewards of that over time. Gabby was a blatant pen, without the push he would've scored. Benteke should've scored. Gabby should've done better with the header at the end and so should've Hutton. Four clear cut opportunities in the space of 25 mins. Admittedly they had that Dyer chance, but if we play like we did second half we will dick Sunderland. A lot of ifs and wishes but no goals.
  4. Did you even watch it? Yes, and we still lost.
  5. Although he did make one world class save and a couple of good uns. There are goals in this team, I think. If we play like we did today against Sunderland we'll beat them. That said, if we play like we did today against Swansea, you'd have thought we'd have beaten them. People keep saying that, but 18 games in and we are scoring at .61 goals a game, A goal every 141 minutes, piss poor by any standards. We get a shot on target every 16 attempts that equates a shot on target every 31 minutes. I am impressed with the improvements in the last few games, but unless we focus on creativity in the final third the second half of the season will be the same. I don't think we will go down, but it's going to be another frustrating season. Oh, it was a stonewall penalty.
  6. Is that the officlal or a prediction? Official.
  7. Great performance today, just hope he wasn't putting himself in the shop window.
  8. I'm very happy he is trying to change things on the field. I predicted we'd play five across the back and it worked well for us today. It's going to take 2-3 months for the team to get fully use to the system (passing). Going to give him a bit of breathing space to see if he can continue the philosophy change. Team deserve a lot of credit after today's game. Against a Man U team full of internationals on a 6 match winning streak. Only the sending off spoils the day.
  9. Probably a Baggies fan.
  10. I finally made it, I was in Mat Kendrick's fan round up in the mail today. Woot!
  11. Two games out of three where he hasn't gone enough when it comes to holding up the ball. Very poor touch at times.
  12. The worrying stat for me is a goal every 144 minutes. It doesn't matter if we have 10 or 11 players, I'm not very confident we are going to score. Not a fan of Lambert, but I won't blame him for today's overall result. I think we need to move away from the three up to unless we get two out and out wingers to supply Benteke.
  13. A change of tactics are need. 532 going into the next game Guzan Okore Vlaar Clark Bacuna Cissokho Sanchez Delph Grealish Gabby Benteke I think it make us a little harder to break down and allow our forwards to be forwards. A goal every 144 minutes this seasons isn't good enough.
  14. I can see why the ref gave a red card, but I don't think it was more than a yellow. He was stretching for the ball and his foot was fairly low. Problem was the speed of the tackle, it made it look worse than it was. I think the tackle on Gabby was worse, but it was much slower
  15. There's no need for that bobzy. Also, though we had a lot of chances, I wouldn't say our win was 'comfortable' at all. Far from it, infact. When we went down to ten men, many of the guys by me in the Upper Holte were geniunely worried that we might throw away a hard-earned win. When you can't hold a civil discussion, then cuss someone out. A real touch of class.
  16. Don't need new ones, the old ones will do just fine.
  17. 72% possession, 6 shots, 1 on target, if we could only get another on target who knows...
  18. Before the last game, we were averaging a goal every 160 minutes this season. That can't continue because we will be relegated.
  19. If it hadn't of been for Guzan and the woodwork we could of easily lost the games against Westham, Southampton, and Burnley. If that had happened our season would be a lot worse. It works both ways.
  20. Considering how much time we spent defending their onslaught, I think he had a bloody good game. You're more than welcome to your opinion.
  21. One piece of great individual play may have saved his job. We are so poor in possession that other team's will need to help us over the long run. I have to say the players are fighting for him and the team, but my word I haven't seen such a disorganized team in a long, long time. He needs to bring in a number 2 who can work on tactics because constantly chasing the ball is only going to lead to failure. He gets his number two right this time and he may have a future, screw it up again and one win in eleven isn't going to be good enough next time.
  22. Even though he scored the winning goal, I don't think he had a great game. His hold up play was poor by his standard, but acceptable considering his layoff. I look forward to him getting fully match fit and hopefully saving our season.
  23. I will give Lambert some credit, he tried something different today and it worked up to a point. A lot more movement in the first half with Cole leading the charge. nd half we did the Lambert retreat and we were lucky to walk away with a point. Burnley had two great chances at the end and probably should have scored. Results matter in the end and if our run continues, we are going to have to have other teams perform worse than us for us to stay up. Last couple of weeks is the first time in his tenure that I truly believe we will get relegated. I keep reading we will do better when X, Y, & Z return. I sadly don't see this. When they were playing we were just as bad and sometimes worse. None of those were playing today and we played one of our best performances. Saying that, this is against the worse team in the league who we were soon be passing.
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