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Everything posted by villianusa

  1. Same again would leave us on 42 points the exact same as host first season. Is that really acceptable? Zero progress in 3 seasons. wasn't it Mr O'Neill who said you have to spend a fortune just to stay where you are in this league? I think that is much truer today than 6 years ago, and considering we have hardly spent anything, yes I think that is acceptable despite not being an admirable acheivement. He just wanted a reason to spend a fortune.
  2. 36 goals in 77 games in a largely average side? Poor goal-scoring? If he was the finished article by now he would not be at Villa. I believe he was trying to be thesicious, but I could be wrong. Facetious? Nope.
  3. 36 goals in 77 games in a largely average side? Poor goal-scoring? If he was the finished article by now he would not be at Villa. I believe he was trying to be thesicious, but I could be wrong.
  4. Anyone watched him in the reserves? Give us a run down on him. Thanks.
  5. Lambert said when he watched again "that neither of them were very brave." Worried about getting hurt maybe. Where is Peter White when you need him.
  6. I agree, but he still should have been in the best position but he wasn't.
  7. Not ridiculous at all, he's had two really good games since he returned. The rest, he hasn't done a great deal. He hasn't been holding the balls up very well, passes going a stray and not really playing the percentage positions in the box. He is getting some rough treatment from defenders, but he needs to be able to handle that if he is going to reach the very top.
  8. Bang on!!! This is why we are not scoring goals, Why Lambert cannot see this and make the change I really don't understand He's limitation as a top class coach I personally believe. I hope he proves me wrong. Maybe if we get enough players sent off, the right team will pick its self.
  9. So because he has a decent record, it's okay to put in half-assed shifts?
  10. He is not worth the 7.5 being touted. I'd pay a couple of million at tops. Would rather be playing Bacuna right now.
  11. But we complain about creativity and then expect Benteke to be on the end of every shitty cross. We do have poor creativity, that's why when we do create something he gets in the right places. I'm sure he'll improve as he gets older.
  12. Because that's where the space was. He stopped his run, all the Sunderland defenders ran on. If Grealish played it before trying to take the defender on the outside, it would've been a chance. Instead, while this isn't a criticism of Grealish, there was about 4 Sunderland defenders where he put the ball. Nice one, I wish others would see this. Many a time he has been unmarked and people want him to make the run into a crowd full of opposition players. But if Benteke had delayed his run he would of been in acres of spaces just out side the 6 yard box. That's where he should have been, but sadly he wasn't.
  13. Another bad game today, but he will improve. I cannot understand why he ran to the edge of the box when Grealish nearly always goes to the players left when trying to cross. We needed him busting a gut to get into the six yard box, the same thing he didn't do when Bacuna was looking to cross in the other game.
  14. I loved the clip on TV when he and I believe Scott Marshall were scribbling notes after the sending off. Marshall paused and it looked like Lambert took a sneaky look to steal his ideas. Got his way of playing tactically (players movement) and doesn't seem to want to change that no matter if we pass the ball (which I like) or long ball. Players are making same runs into same areas and we are creating very little. He needs to start Grealish, right?????
  15. Didn't look like scoring with 11, nor with 10. the same problems exist there. Delph was a red, lunged in and stamped down on the players ankle. If Richardson's was, his certainly was. More worried about losing Sanchez than Benteke right now. Another poor performance from the big guy, excellent from Sanchez.
  16. KSV, you have a point but Vlaar is captain and long term isn't so much of a worry if he goes lame as he will be gone in 20 games or less. Okore will hopefully be here for years to come.
  17. I said in the Lambert thread that I expected Okore to be the one rested. He's stilll on the road back from recovery and he is the future so why risk him having a setback. N'Zog playing is another matter. Bacuna or Grealish should have come in for him.
  18. It's hard to argue with that as statistically there has been no improvement. In Lamberts first two seasons overall we averaged just a fraction over a point a game and as things stand now this season we average a fraction over a point a game. However I do think unlike the last couple of seasons we do have a much stronger squad this season and certainly of late we are at least trying to play better football. Given that our next 3 games are against Sunderland and Palace at home and Leicester away I'd like to think we can take between 7 and 9 points from that run and things could look much better. However I am aware we are just as likely to take only a couple of points from those games and again find ourselves in deep trouble. For me these next three games could well define how our season will pan put. Looking solely at the game on Sunday it will be interesting to see what Lambert does personnel wise. I don't think we should go with 3 centre backs and I'd personally drop Vlaar and go with Clark and Okore but I am unsure if Lambert will have the balls to do that. Today he tried to accommodate all three by pushing Clark to left back and taking off Cissokho. Also for me Grealish needs to start but Lambert always has one eye on how well his wide forward players can defend so I am not sure that Grealish will get the nod as unlike NZogbia, Weimann and Gabby, who will put a shift in defensively, that isn't in Jacks locker. However going forward for me he could offer the creative edge we clearly lack. I hope Lambert is brave enough to play him especially as the decision is made easier with Gabby out. Clark will make way imo as harsh as that will be. Him being shifted from centre back from the latter part of the game hints at this. Upfront I'd imagine it will be Weimann and benteke and I'd really like to see Grealish as the third attacker from the start. Hoefully him getting on ahead of N'zogbia today indicates the pecking order currently. I agree Clark will be the one likely to move, but I would probably of rested Okore. He has played really well, but give him a break as he has still not long returned from a long layoff. He is our future so would rather not risk him. It's the forward six that worry me. I believe Sanchez, Delph and Benteke have their places, the other three spots should be all up for grabs. Lambert has now taken Aly off twice in a row and pushed Clark to LB. He may start next game like this. You very well could be right. Clark did okay there today, but he usually gets caught out for pass, which I would be worried about again.
  19. He's not performing at the level he can, and at the moment it's not good enough to move us forward, but will keep us where we are.
  20. With new or more creative minded players i believe so. I believe Bacuna for Weimann, Grealish for Gabby and Cole for Cleverley would be a start. A new creative mid is essential come Jan. as many have said for years.
  21. I'm sure most of the post games threads we lost by the odd goal you would be correct. The attacking players have very limited vision and our dead ball delivery is killing us. I believe we sort that out and we do have upper middle table team.
  22. It's hard to argue with that as statistically there has been no improvement. In Lamberts first two seasons overall we averaged just a fraction over a point a game and as things stand now this season we average a fraction over a point a game. However I do think unlike the last couple of seasons we do have a much stronger squad this season and certainly of late we are at least trying to play better football. Given that our next 3 games are against Sunderland and Palace at home and Leicester away I'd like to think we can take between 7 and 9 points from that run and things could look much better. However I am aware we are just as likely to take only a couple of points from those games and again find ourselves in deep trouble. For me these next three games could well define how our season will pan put. Looking solely at the game on Sunday it will be interesting to see what Lambert does personnel wise. I don't think we should go with 3 centre backs and I'd personally drop Vlaar and go with Clark and Okore but I am unsure if Lambert will have the balls to do that. Today he tried to accommodate all three by pushing Clark to left back and taking off Cissokho. Also for me Grealish needs to start but Lambert always has one eye on how well his wide forward players can defend so I am not sure that Grealish will get the nod as unlike NZogbia, Weimann and Gabby, who will put a shift in defensively, that isn't in Jacks locker. However going forward for me he could offer the creative edge we clearly lack. I hope Lambert is brave enough to play him especially as the decision is made easier with Gabby out. Clark will make way imo as harsh as that will be. Him being shifted from centre back from the latter part of the game hints at this. Upfront I'd imagine it will be Weimann and benteke and I'd really like to see Grealish as the third attacker from the start. Hoefully him getting on ahead of N'zogbia today indicates the pecking order currently. I agree Clark will be the one likely to move, but I would probably of rested Okore. He has played really well, but give him a break as he has still not long returned from a long layoff. He is our future so would rather not risk him. It's the forward six that worry me. I believe Sanchez, Delph and Benteke have their places, the other three spots should be all up for grabs.
  23. Although he did make one world class save and a couple of good uns. There are goals in this team, I think. If we play like we did today against Sunderland we'll beat them. That said, if we play like we did today against Swansea, you'd have thought we'd have beaten them. People keep saying that, but 18 games in and we are scoring at .61 goals a game, A goal every 141 minutes, piss poor by any standards. We get a shot on target every 16 attempts that equates a shot on target every 31 minutes. I am impressed with the improvements in the last few games, but unless we focus on creativity in the final third the second half of the season will be the same. I don't think we will go down, but it's going to be another frustrating season. Oh, it was a stonewall penalty. Well I think there's been progress in the last few games so as fans if we get behind the team we'll reap the rewards of that over time. Gabby was a blatant pen, without the push he would've scored. Benteke should've scored. Gabby should've done better with the header at the end and so should've Hutton. Four clear cut opportunities in the space of 25 mins. Admittedly they had that Dyer chance, but if we play like we did second half we will dick Sunderland. A lot of ifs and wishes but no goals. Give me a shout when you've developed that technology where Lambert can control the players' thoughts and decisions when striking/heading a ball or stick to FIFA mate! Maybe if you knew anything about coaching then you would know a coach does control a players thoughts and decisions before a game by developing a pattern of play. If they are really good managers then they develop a couple so they can fall back on things if plan A isn't working. Once they walk onto the field it is somewhat of a different matter, but if he continues to pick the same players who do the same things (not create, or score) that's down to him. For your information, I never bother playing simulation games on TV, I was out getting my UEFA licenses. Have a good day. If that is true you'd likely know that football is about chance creation, and there is little you can do as a manager if you set your team up, they create chances, and they fail to take them. Or do you suggest dropping Benteke? Please don't appeal to authority, I work in the football industry. Initial UEFA licenses are piss easy to obtain if you have the time and above all money. But yeah I'll stop now, don't want you wasting time responding - the next Sterling awaits your instructions We don't create though and that's the problem. Our final ball is piss poor for the best part and has been for a number of seasons. Lambert buys and picks the players and on today's performance you could very easily drop Benteke, on his previous two no. Sounds like you've never taken any high level licenses as you would know the hard work that goes into them. Eating pies at the ground doesn't put you in the football industry. Sorry to jump into your weird debate, but GIlberto has played at a fairly high level and knows what he's on about. He wouldn't bang on about it because he's a nice bloke. So have I. Such a nice block that he started throwing smart ass comments to score points. I shouldn't have bought into his childish behavior. For that I apologize.
  24. Although he did make one world class save and a couple of good uns. There are goals in this team, I think. If we play like we did today against Sunderland we'll beat them. That said, if we play like we did today against Swansea, you'd have thought we'd have beaten them. People keep saying that, but 18 games in and we are scoring at .61 goals a game, A goal every 141 minutes, piss poor by any standards. We get a shot on target every 16 attempts that equates a shot on target every 31 minutes. I am impressed with the improvements in the last few games, but unless we focus on creativity in the final third the second half of the season will be the same. I don't think we will go down, but it's going to be another frustrating season. Oh, it was a stonewall penalty. Well I think there's been progress in the last few games so as fans if we get behind the team we'll reap the rewards of that over time. Gabby was a blatant pen, without the push he would've scored. Benteke should've scored. Gabby should've done better with the header at the end and so should've Hutton. Four clear cut opportunities in the space of 25 mins. Admittedly they had that Dyer chance, but if we play like we did second half we will dick Sunderland. A lot of ifs and wishes but no goals. Give me a shout when you've developed that technology where Lambert can control the players' thoughts and decisions when striking/heading a ball or stick to FIFA mate! Maybe if you knew anything about coaching then you would know a coach does control a players thoughts and decisions before a game by developing a pattern of play. If they are really good managers then they develop a couple so they can fall back on things if plan A isn't working. Once they walk onto the field it is somewhat of a different matter, but if he continues to pick the same players who do the same things (not create, or score) that's down to him. For your information, I never bother playing simulation games on TV, I was out getting my UEFA licenses. Have a good day. If that is true you'd likely know that football is about chance creation, and there is little you can do as a manager if you set your team up, they create chances, and they fail to take them. Or do you suggest dropping Benteke? Please don't appeal to authority, I work in the football industry. Initial UEFA licenses are piss easy to obtain if you have the time and above all money. But yeah I'll stop now, don't want you wasting time responding - the next Sterling awaits your instructions We don't create though and that's the problem. Our final ball is piss poor for the best part and has been for a number of seasons. Lambert buys and picks the players and on today's performance you could very easily drop Benteke, on his previous two no. Sounds like you've never taken any high level licenses as you would know the hard work that goes into them. Eating pies at the ground doesn't put you in the football industry.
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