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Everything posted by villianusa

  1. Still started the game, so would appreciate a reply to that question. Thanks.
  2. How many wins is that when Gardner has started?
  3. You can be in the right place all the time, but if the ball never gets there then it doesn't matter. Yesterday's game the ball never got there, and if you have played as a striker you must know how frustrating that can be. We do need a 20 goal a season striker as we still don't have one at the club.
  4. Pretty much every player failed in some area of their game yesterday. Grealish gave the ball away so many times, and his passing is supposed to be one of his strong points. I'm not saying he shouldn't do better, or we need better, but to go over the top on one player isn't right. I've played as a forward for over thirty years, and in my earlier days at a decent level. The once thing for a striker is a lack of ball time. Doesn't matter how well or bad you play, the lack of ball makes it look like you did absolutely nothing. When you do get the ball you try to do more to make up for it and that's when more errors creep in. I agree, we need a replacement for Gabby, and I hope it happens in January, but if it doesn't I'll support him until it does.
  5. Let's see if he makes the changes like he said. I was okay with the team before we started, but they weren't up for it, and that falls oh Brucey.
  6. Thought he would help us back up this year. Send him of to Westham with his brother. Very poor indeed.
  7. You can slate him with the rest of the team, but when you get no service you can do nothing as a striker. He ran and challenged for every poor hit ball up towards him. No creativity in the team tonight, so no striker would have looked good.
  8. I think he must have been still thinking about the goal on the weekend because he wasn't thinking about this game.
  9. Oh, I know, but I don't think they will let us buy someone at half time.
  10. MOTM for me today, closely followed by Jedinak.
  11. Is there anyone who went to the game, able to give a write up on his performance?
  12. Villa have been poor for a number of season, and it isn't down to one player/manager, but the team as a collective. The manager has the biggest piece because they are the ones who pick the team and the tactics, but once they walk on the pitch it's down to the players. I don't think booing either is productive to the team. The difference I do see in booing a manger over a players is a player is on the field, and has to perform for the team. The manager is on the sidelines, and has to shout commands at the players. Much of what the manager says goes unheard, and players normally do what was set out before the game. The player is the center of attention, and if he is booed every time he touches the ball, this is going to put more pressure on them, which will bring more mistakes. Westwood hasn't been a superstar, but he also hasn't been the worst player over the last five years. He has been to do a very boring job, and if it goes wrong people get on his back. This is the same reason defenders get a lot more stick than forwards do. Forwards can get away with a lot more because they score goals, but I'm pretty sure, if you were to add them up, our forwards make more mistakes than Westwood. Grealish gets away with stuff because he makes and assist or scores a goal once in a while, but he gives the ball away so much, and most of his dribbles end up with lose of possession. This is a time to support everyone as we hope to continue to turn things around. Players need our support more than ever right now. and booing individuals isn't going to help.
  13. Got a lot of hard work ahead of him with this team. It looks like it isn't just Gabby who is unfit. They look like they are running in sand most of the time, and they can't last 90 minutes at this tempo. I'm not sure what RDM was doing around fitness, but Bruce needs to work on that quickly. Very poor from professional players.
  14. New manager, clean slate, who knows what might happen!
  15. No, 4231 But I wouldn't play it with the Villa players. I'd go with a diamond in midfielder, 41212
  16. just came in after coaching my kids team to a 6-0 win, I'll think I'll apply. Can't do any worse.
  17. Yes, I would do that also, but I'm not sure RDM will.
  18. We've played one up top lots of times. Bacuna Elphick Chester Cissokho Jedinak Tshibola Adomah Ayew Grealish Kodija
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