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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. This is how a conversation at work started today...or yesterday even 7:35am me-walk in and let out a depressing sort of ''MMUUUAAARRRHHHGGGHGHGGGGHH'' girl 1-morning lee me- eeuurrgghhhhh girl 2- nice to see you are ready to work today then me-meehhhgghhh well I'm here aint I gaffa-I wish all my staff had your enthusiasm me-I know i'm one in a fuckiing million
  2. no need for none of that for me
  3. Still here on the verge of smaShing my laptop, it's now Been 21 hours since I woke up I only have 3 fags left so if I can make them last until 6 I can go get some fresh air and I should be ok
  4. You may be correct but I have set the challenge and I have sky+ so if I miss it I can watch it in a better frame of mind I just took my hat off (its a really silly hat and I felt immediatle tired, my hat is my friend) I'm gunna do this ahit...why??? Because I can
  5. It's been an hour and no news. Enjoy your sleep! Goodnight. Don't worry friend, I am still awake, I have also just realised that I have absolutely no movement in my big toe on my right foot at all Thats kind of worrying, though comforting at the same time, Rite then to save any more of these 1hr good night posts I will set my alarm for exactly 60 minutes from now to let me know sheen to post next (ita 1:51 at the moment)
  6. Why? I dunno I have nothing better to do
  7. There is no need for people like Jessica alba on this planet ..she wins
  8. I will post updates every hour (at least) to prove I am still awake God knows why I am doing this...a test of stamina you may call it
  9. Ok I have been awake since 06:00 this morning and I was planning of not sleeping tomorrow night to watch the boxing, I am thinking of just staying awake now with no sleep How dya recon I will do? The only thing to keep me awake is energy drinks and stamina.
  10. nice quiet weekend for me after last weeks where I spent thursday friday and saturday hammered I actually dont enjoy going out and getting into them sorts of states any more, a few pints are great but when you get into the state you dont know what you done the night before its orrible anyway tonight I have to take the dog to the vets, then pop round see me mom n dad and have a curry tomorrow I am staying in and watching godfather 1,2 and 3 and then getting in a mahoosive pizza and watching the boxing sunday I'll be good for nothing I wont be going to bed till about 6:30am in the morning and whenever I do that I can only ever manage about an hours kip so I'll just mope around the flat and then cook meself some shit dinner...or finish off last nights pizza gunna switch me phone off so no one can get in touch with me on satday I just fancy being really antisocial
  11. I often haveto rip my whole little toe nail off because it grows all manky and orribleit bleeds a bit but feels a hell of a lot better afterwards I know that doesnt answer your question but I just thought I would share that with ya
  12. yep second one easily the best, mind you I havent watched them for quite some time, thats it on saturday I'm going to have a godfather feast before the boxing comes on cuz I'm in for a quiet weekend for a change
  13. leemond2008

    o2 signal

    when I was on the way back from hinckley to brum today one of the birds I work with was complaining that she couldnt get any signal all day, I have been getting a bit pissed off with her tonight cuz I have been trying to text her and aint had no reply. Had no idea about that though but that makes sense because I know she is on O2 lol
  14. I got an absolutely killer virus on my laptop this evening and after looking online it looked like it would take **** ages for me to get rid of it myself I decided to just reboot the whole thing back to factory settings so off I went I backed up all of my porn (probably the cause of all of the problems but oh well) and then and got started on it, it has only just finished doing it and the thing is running shit fast man, it must have been absolutely riddled with computer diseases and **** knows what lol. quite glad I did it now cuz I didn't realise how slow it was going
  15. you will probably find that he thought he would be attatching little wires to lightbulbs and making them flash and stuff like that, when he arrived and was told he couldnt actually do anything (which I understand why he couldnt) he probably just thought ''fuk dis shit I wanna mek sum light bulbs flash an tings innit'' and then just gave up before he actually started
  16. As old as the pyramids now. and just as relevant as the day those words were first spoken
  17. I got home at about 2:30pm from work today and have been picking at food all day, you know them day's when you just fancy something really nice to eat but dont know what? I have been scratching my head for hours trying to think what to have and just then pretty much without thinking about it I went and made myself a cup of tea and jam on toast absolutely **** lovely it was, sometime's the simplest things are the best
  18. my head is shaved every few weeks on a number 0, used to have hair all the way down my back when I was going through my ''zeppelin/scruffy'' stage one day I was walking home and it was boiling hot and I was sweating like a full on MOFO and it was sticking to me face, I was already receding quite a bit and just ignoring the fact I would soon look like bill bailey but that was the final straw got home chopped the lot off and had a shaved bonce and full beard pretty much ever since
  19. I did my work experiance at tsome council department, the first week was pretty shite just general office work, the second was great though I was in the post department and they stuck me with some asian lad who made it pretty clear he didn't want me around him whilst he was on his daily 3 hour trip to other buildings, mainly because he told me he was ''going to meet his girls'' so he left me standing outside directly next door to the place where I was working was an M&B pub so I was quite happy to sit in there for a few hours everyday
  20. I don't like cats never have done, but I would have one of them really really ugly hairless ones I recon I could learn to love one of them ****
  21. I watched about 30 minutes of quarantine the other night Switched it off, terrible attempt at a remake Don't think I have watched any other films lately...oh yeah one called meeting evil where Samuel L Jackson runs around playing a murderous cool black man (try to supress your shock) could have been quite good but it has been done to death and the ending was pretty god damn shite
  22. I have a bit pair of skullcandys (or whatever they are called) for when I'm at home but for listening in general I only ever wear The in ear Sony ones, normally spend between £40-60 on them and they have a lifespan of about 1 year and a day as they always seem to break or **** up a few days or weeks after the 12 month guarantee
  23. It doesn't matter where you work to be honest I show respect to people who deserve it, I work in an office and we are quite a close bunch (manager included) and he gives as good as he gets which is why I say he wouldn't bat an eyelid when someone goes off at him like we did, Christ knows how many times he has gone mad at us for no reason when he has been having a bad day and he understood how pissed off we were (some who were forced to do OT) only to not get paid when they should for it. Anyway all done and sorted everyone is happy...or happyish
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