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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. Sorry rob but I wouldn't be able to get the type of pics you are after until the decision has been made if ya get me
  2. I have offered to DHUTWU before, i think my exact words were "I will shag you up the arse but I don't wanna go anywhere near your Ginger pubes" Yeah we work together and on the same "team" but in all fairness it is just one big shagfest at our place (one that I have publicly stayed away from and had nothing to do with, apart from the gaffa's missus if anyone remembers them posts)
  3. Has anyone else ever been ground down by a girl??? There is a bird I work with and she has never really made any secret of the fact that she likes me, whilst I have always got on pretty well with her I have never actually looked at her like that and I have hadto endure endless questions and "jokey" grillings about her and "when we will "get it on" and I have always quaffed at them and said "naaahhhh" Only thing is like I say she is persistent as **** and is slowly (very slowly) winning me round, to the point I recon we would probably go quite well together (better than the **** up shite I got myself into before anyway) Plus.......she has no soul....she is ginger
  4. Best venue I have ever been to without a shadow of a doubt
  5. sorting out tickets to see spiritualized at the sage in newcastle went a few years ago and saw them do the whole of the ''ladies and gentlemen'' album and it was easily the best gig I've ever been to there is gunna be about 5 or 6 of us going to it, cant **** wait man oh yeah I have got the bootleg beatles in december as well at the NIA
  6. the only thing with koi is that financially it can be pretty crippling we have got about £2000/£2500 worth of fish in our pond and me dad has been thinking about filling it in (hard to maintain it on his own without any help) and the most that anyone has offered for the fish is £250, he's decided now that he is keeping them (much to my delight) its awesome though from when you start building it just watching it take shape and then getting the plant life around it to look just how you want it, then when you throw in some big bastard fish and get them used to you so they swim over to you and eat out of your hand, the best bit though is going out and buying some proper baby fish as cheap as you can and watching them grow into monsters. you have to educate yourself quite a bit as well to learn how to get the water just right for them, I found myself just reading up on the different breeds of them, I can name now pretty much every different type of koi carp
  7. play the guitar, banjo and keyboard used to class keeping koi carp as a hobby but since moving out I dont actually do much but look at them and feed them when I am round me mom n dads when I get a place of my own with a garden the first thing I will do will be to build a pond and get some koi in there, really is a fullfilling hobby
  8. Found out today that my godsons dad died on saturday, he was only in his early thirties. Feel absolutely gutted for my godson he's only 5 and had only got to know his dad over the last 2 years or so and absolutely idolised him, dont know how his mom is going to tell him. Its knocked me about quite a bit man, not **** nice at all, when I was speaking to him on yesterday all he was going on about was his dad to me, I had no idea at the time but his mom text me today to say sorry if she was a bit off and told me then.
  9. probably something that doesn't involve any physical activity at all
  10. I do still believe that with a few weeks training I could beat him
  11. people were saying about how well Jessica Ennis performed considering the pressure she was under I think Bolt thrives off it, he enjoys the pressure
  12. Just watching the fan, film with De Niro and snipes Ain't seen it in years but it was quite good if I remember correctly
  13. Had to go to a christening today, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting to be honest, normally I **** hate them sorts of things and especially the reception afterwards but it was ok I suppose, just got back from me mom n dads after having me dinner round there and now I am determined to not move off the settee until I go to bed
  14. I didn't enjoy ted, I love family guy but I thought it was just...meh Some funny bits but not hilarious
  15. I went to TGI's the other day, I like the place but I am getting a bit bored of it now, whenever there is a works meal or whatever that is the only place people wanna go to (and I will stress it is one of the few social occasions I will go out with people from work but that is only because it is paid for and is during works time) any way I really like the place but always have the same thing Pint of Stella Jack Daniels chicken wings Chicken, steak and battered shimp (or prawn) with onion rings and chips Had it loads of time before but the steak this time was **** awesome one of the best steaks I've had in years.
  16. But are they actually toys or are they the kind of toys that geeks buy and keep in the original package?
  17. I am being sent on an errand to pick this up today, if it looks any good I mite get one for myself as well
  18. Managed to book a hotel 1/2 a mile away from the venue for just £50 between the two of us so that's pretty sound. The only thin that will kill us is the train tickets. The last froch fight the tickets were about £80/£90 an they were up in the gods, no reason why I can't try to sort something for his next fight though anyway.
  19. not that I know of lock stock just the other week I had to reset my laptop back to factory settings after getting a killer virus from looking on dirty websites so me comp should be clean
  20. agreed completely chindie, 2 films I would accept but still cant see why it couldn't be done in one long film 3 is crazy though agreed with briggaman as well the tone of the film should be lighter than LOTR
  21. is anyone else getting random words linking to adverts on this site today or is my computer being ghey???
  22. is this chad kid the one that has been getting a load of abuse about his dad or something like that?
  23. watching the womens volleyball now strangely enough...so tell me more about the malfunction. I did get to see some of the boxing last night but I was round seeing my godson so it was pretty difficult to concentrate when you have a four year old climbing on your head and his mom yattering away at you
  24. I didn't really rate it to be honest, I was quite looking forward to it but the family guy jokes just dont translate into real life having said that though I watched it by myself and I'm always better with comedies when there is someone watching it with me, I just kind of find it difficult to laugh at a film on my own even if I find it funny the flash gordon bit was pretty good though
  25. I have somehow managed to completely miss every second of the olympics so far, bit of a shame cuz I normally quite enjoy it but I just havent had a chance since it started to just sit down and watch telly at all until now Just this second stuck it on for the first time
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