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Everything posted by PauloBarnesi

  1. For some reason you can only run a certain number of options in a poll, so see part 2
  2. And the rest of the teams See also West Brom and Top of the table Please vote only once
  3. Due to the nature of polls I can only run a limited number, so I am going to have to split the premiership, so please vote only in one.... see also West Brom and Rest of bottom of table
  4. Run/walk at the beginning. So say Run for 6 minutes, walk for 4, run for 6, walk for 4, run for 6 walk for 4 and warm down. Do that 3 times a week. In the other 3 days of the week (always take a day off), just walk for 30 minutes or so. Gradually change the proportion; more running less walking. Then stop walking altogether. Do it gently, never increasing anything by more than 10% or so in a week. In 10 weeks you should easily be able to run for 40 or so minutes at 8 minute mile pace.
  5. Please take note; a parallel thread exists which has a discussion of this.
  6. Clough invented the mid season break. It didn’t seem to help us as much as it used to help him. Clough used to kick players off the coach if the moaned. I wonder if MON would be prepared to do that to some of the senior players today.
  7. I think you can get arrested for that. Something about crimes to 8000 years of music culture.
  8. Rob Halford and some Donk would have improved both bands
  9. This isn’t a dig, but in the last thirty years hasn’t the future often looked bright (at times very bright, putting your local rivals into shade with Bryan Ferry’s team mate) and then faded into mediocrity and worse? For every great player you have produced or bought, until the upstairs (the board) is truly sorted it just seems to me that you can’t truly live up to potential. Moyes is a fantastic manager, but can he take you beyond the ceiling with the current board and its backing?
  10. Sorry but I did give another option; Hazel Dean. Surely someone must like her??
  11. Well obviously she is some people’s fave because she has garned three votes, but then again I think Lily Cole is quite pretty! One thing is for sure Cheryl Cole says it all by being Mrs Ashley Cole.
  12. I will quite happily say Nicola just to be contrary.
  13. Who is this new player? CA HILL or is it C A HILL?
  14. Don’t mention Van der Meyde. Moyes has done well not two ways about it. Though he doesn’t know yet that you have to tell players to play till the final whistle
  15. I am a big Apple fan, but the actual piece of hardware isn’t that great IMO. Year on year Apple seem to be making hardware that isn’t as good as it used to be. Maybe in the old days they spoilt us, but I ve taken back two iMacs, a Macbook pro and an iPhone in the last few years for repair. Would say that the technical response has always been good. Took said iPhone back to Apple store last week. Booked a session at the Genius Bar. No questions asked and they replaced it on the spot. Very impressed by that. Had bought it from well know shop, but after both my wife and I were victims of card fraud have refused to deal with them. But in general the iPhone for its system and software is fantastic.
  16. You will probably like Little Boots then; she’s mad keen for this kind of stuff
  17. But thats as far as I know got nothing to do with Moroder. Its a cheap copy of Automatic Lover by Dee Dee Jackson
  18. Now this is a topic; Quite clearly Donna ‘Giorgio Moroder’ Summer. Eno is reported to have said that this was the future of music; the remix is highly thought of but I prefer the original. Bizarrely Blondie covered it; Heart of Glass being their own masterpiece. Love to Love you Baby in its 16 minutes worth of glory is a classic, though obviously Youtube can’ fit that length. Though if this was the best band of the time/ilk it would be hard to argue that Chic weren’t worth a shout; how good were le Freak and Good Times? Sylvester was just a little silly
  19. Even if he wasn’t in the starting eleven; would he be a better bet for changing it round than say Harewood or Nathan? I would say yes. I think we have adapted well without him, but some games he would have made the win more comfortable or turned a draw to a win if he’d come off the bench.
  20. Ballet to the masses? Please explain? I guess Opera to the masses, but Ballet?
  21. It must be a slow news day for this to come up again.
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