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Everything posted by PauloBarnesi

  1. See the tip of 2009 Little Boots has covered Freddie’s single with King Giorgio ‘Love Kills’. Queen had a few tunes I guess, but sadly seemed more interested in pompous stadium rock. As was pointed out on BBC4s Prog series, they bough Prog to the masses. Is that a good thing?
  2. I agree it seems strange that one would need drink stations on a 10K, but I guess weather conditions are dependant. Not a big fan of Lucozade sport, but those pouch like bottles seem to be pretty easy to carry around. I think its post the run when you really need to drink. People often go for a run, and think as soon as they stop running they can relax. Infact its the post run ritual that seems the most vital; rehydration/stretch, etc. To think I used to run 15 miles, sit down, turn on the tv and have a beer, beggers belief!!!
  3. Well yes, but TBH only when you start getting much over ten miles or so. I was alluding to hydration in a broader sense; before (not too much in one go) and after. Obviously with seasonal variations. I would suggest that if it wasn’t the pain of carrying liquid that virtually any run over say 20 minutes and you can start to think about liquid. Having run/swim/cycled at an ok/good level in swimming and cycling I would take on fluid at a fairly regular rate; small amounts, but enough. Obviously in these its easy; liquid at the end of the pool, liquid on the bike. Its well known that by the time you want to start taking on liquid its already too late [cue aload of sport research]. Certainly training the body to take on liquid/fuel in any activity is good.
  4. As Nick pointed out earlier; hydration is vital.
  5. I'm almost certain he has yeah. Think he's riding for Astana (the one that used to be Discovery). I think he'll be up there, but he won't win it. Astana are not formerly Discovery (formerly US Postal, and actually owned in part by LA through Tailwind). Discovery disbanded completely. Astana was a new team who now happen to have the ex-director of Discovery, Johann Bruynell and a number of ex-Discovery riders including Contador, as well as number of ex-Telekom aka T-Mobile riders like Andreas Kloden. They look like they will resign Vinokorov an ex-T-Mobile rider who was kicked out of the tour whilst riding with Astana. They were banned from the 2008 tour. Bruynell of course is no stranger to hiring not so innocent riders. After Italian Basso was kicked out of the tour and fired by CSC, Bruynell broke ranks and hired him for Discovery. Basso was subsequently banned.
  6. errrr.... Winning the Tour the most don’t make you the best in it. Step forward the cannibal Mr Eddy Merckx.
  7. Gait is the way your feet are planted on the ground when you run. Some lucky people have feet that are straight when they hit the ground; most people’s feet hit the ground at an angle. If thats too much either inwards or outwards, you will be inefficient in your running style, but also will lead to injury problems. Orthothics (inserts into your running shoes) will help to correct this problem and lead to less injuries. Good running shops will have a treadmill where they will video the way you run and analyse your gait and then recommend which is the best shoe that will give you support where you need it. I personally would recommend when you start running, to do run/walking sessions. Rather than going out and running 5 miles straight, start off with a period of walking (this will loosen you up), say five minutes, then run for ten minutes, walk for a couple of minutes and then run again. This will help you build up staminia. Another thing to try is Fartlek. This is where you run at varying speeds. SO you might run three minutes flat out and then gently jog for five minutes and then have five minutes of fast running. Try to avoid turning sessions into just slogging out the miles. (apologies if this has been written before). The cost of trainers depends on your running style, but generally they are worth the money. Once you have found a pair of shoes that work for you stick with them (you can find places that are cheap on the internet). I reckon £40-£70 is the usual range
  8. heart rate monitors are useful; in a typical weekly cycle some runs should be taken ‘easy’ others ‘harder’. A heart rate monitor will give you an idea how hard you are going; if you are going too hard the HRM will warn you. I would recommend Asics myself and if you are serious and have any issues of pronation or supernation (sp) then orthothics will be essential and worth expense...
  9. Quite a few on here. The best advice I would give; Good Trainers and Stretching...
  10. Blair was educated in the private system, Cameron was educated at a public school, so you might say its on the rise compared to Grocer Heath and the Grocer’s daughter
  11. Thatcher went to a girls school that was a grammar. Of all the recent prime minister Major, who left school at 16 might be considered the most ‘normal’; Callaghan who didn’t go to University did pass the Oxbridge entrance examination.
  12. Its probably more to do with getting into the right university than school, but to get into the right university its probably having gone to the right school. I seem to remember when this topic was raised before there was a notion that people within the private and public school (by public I mean Rugby, Eton, Harrow, Westminster, etc) are more confident; either through the education or through the arrogance of these systems, such schools tend to breed ‘leaders’; one only has to look at the prime ministers of this country to see how many went to public or selective schools and graduated from Oxbridge...
  13. ah ha , that's a different thing altogether and very wrong in my opinion ... it may be a different thing to a good number of people (you and I included) however, far too many people seem to think that the best way to help their children is to put them into paid for education as if you pay for it, it must be better. Which is why although a different point, it is linked. I think some people pay for their children’s education, not because they believe it will make them more intelligent, but they will meet the ‘right’ people and then hope they will go to the ‘right’ university where again they will meet the ‘right’ people. Its the social/networking aspect of things, nothing to do with the teaching.
  14. Isn’t parenting the constant balancing of children vs parents wishes. Whether it be forcing them to eat Broccoli or getting them to stop playing on the wii and get outside. Parents in the end have to do what they think is best and sometimes its not a popular choice [scenes of Papa Barnesi forcing young George to learn the history of Aston Villa; years 1893-1896...)
  15. Just want to check. Did Andy van der Meyde make an appearance at some point yesterday?
  16. We have a different situation here in London; you have excellent private schools; some of the best in the country academically. And certainly some of the most expensive. You have a small number of grammar schools. And then you have in many places a huge gap to the state system; some better than others. Some so bad they are failing in every way; academically as well as from the basic point of safety. In the end their isn’t choice; its become a joke.
  17. Liverpool iirc used to full of decent grammar schools.
  18. If everywhere had state grammar schools I suspect the private sector of education would be very limited. I think getting rid of grammar schools was one of the most short sighted things that Labour have ever done, and was counter productive. In the end its what is the best education (and dare I say extra cirriculum activities; i.e. sport) available to you as parent and for your child.
  19. Its a strange season, and with 23 games to go, so many twists to come. At the moment we are not at full strength, and with a signing in January I would hope that we will come good in the new year where the shake up really happens. Be interesting to see how Manchester City strengthen and how Tottenham do. Its going to be tough, but who said it would be easy? We aren't at full strength granted but we are only missing one player and its worrying how much one player being missing can affect us. Your right though there is a long way to go and a transfer window approaching we need to take advantage of it. I can only see Man City, Spurs and us out of the chasing pack spending any money. I would say Bouma has been missed; not in a ‘aren’t we playing crap now Bouma is out’, but rather ‘Shorey needs to settle a bit more, because he’s not as solid as Bouma’ way. Carew was missed on Saturday, but not quite as much as we feared against Arsenal and Man U.
  20. Its a strange season, and with 23 games to go, so many twists to come. At the moment we are not at full strength, and with a signing in January I would hope that we will come good in the new year where the shake up really happens. Be interesting to see how Manchester City strengthen and how Tottenham do. Its going to be tough, but who said it would be easy?
  21. I would have been biting the hand off to be in their position in DOLs second season
  22. It because films age as technology moves on. Music stays pretty much the same, and so you can listen to music from the 1960's and it can still sound good. The song could have been made in any year. if you watch a film from the 1960's, you know you are watching a film from that decade. Things have moved on so much, that something that was 'state of the art' is now just laughable. also fashion, language, themes all change with time. As someone else pointed out, movie audiences are more demanding nowadays, which means that serious money needs to be spent on sets, editing, etc... I must remember the next time I go past Chiswick House; wow this must be updated tp pander to today. Or when I read the Great Gatsby; wouldn’t it be better if Gatsby didn’t die. I am sure Brief Encounter would be improved if they have a sex scene for today’s audience. Its not to say you can’t remake a great movie and do something great, but the evidence would suggest otherwise. Do you honestly watch 2001 and dismiss it because it looks like a 60s version of the future? Do you believe that Psycho was improved in the remake? That Tom Hank’s version of the Lady Killers is really worth something. The film industry should maybe try to do something better than digging up old movies and remaking them...
  23. Would we ever have a thread; which of these classic albums should be remade? What is it about movies that allows them to be remade? Oh yes, its the Studios trying to make some more money.
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