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Everything posted by PauloBarnesi

  1. Sad to see the end of his career; his last three or so years haven’t really been very good, so this isn’t a surprise. As many have said it would hard not to be affectionate towards him, and as TV says a fans favourite. I am not going to worry about his future as he seemed a smart guy who can go on to a successful career in business or football. Thanks for the memories “Der Hammer”
  2. Go and see a decent physio and let them judge what to do. The problem is finding a decent physio...
  3. bit of both .. my initial exit point would have been New York but they only had economy free on Avios so I just re-routed my schedule slightly to get the club ticket out from Philadelphia (was going to both cities anyway so didn't make any odds to me) funnily enough , a friend of mine has enough Virgin miles to take him to Mars and back and his complaint is that he can never redeem them ... I don' think it's just a BA thing tbf I had some Virgin miles and it seemed to give me financial discounts on future Virgin flights.
  4. Virgin aren’t part of star alliance officially are they?
  5. We made a lot on the Vodafone deal in tax, oh no we didn’t, as it seems its a Dutch company.
  6. Were you able to do these when you wanted, or had to fit your time around BA...
  7. I can never seem to actually use the things. Wanted to fly to LA next April; nothing doing on the days at all. I spoke to someone who is PA to one of the big wigs at BA and she said it was rubbish...
  8. Flew Qatar to Goa last year. Doha was in a state, but was impressed by the lounge. Wish I could have stayed longer. Enjoyed the offer of the vintage bottle of champagne on the Doha to Goa part of the flight. Fly BA pretty regularly; agreed they are in general disappointing. Also pretty annoying frequent flier programme. Virgin on the other hand are really good when they are really good, but my goodness when things go wrong, they really go wrong. Better than the shite rail service. But thats Beardie for you. Flying Air New Zealand next year, be intrigued to see how good they might be....
  9. What about the debut album from new Liverpool group Fat Wah!
  10. Now there's an album, very probably my favourite NO album but what did it change? nothing. Did it influence anything? no it probably didn't. It's the only NO album I still listen to from beginning to end, it is a good album... but in reality it is just that. Later NO material was hugely influential and did change an awful lot of perceptions about what is possible but Movement is kind of like a dirty secret, it is the transition album between JD and NO but that is it, its an historical document but that is all it is. Doesn't deserve to be in this list imo and it is a favourite album of mine. What you don’t rate Waiting for the sirens call? Anyway movement is a good album, but a patchy one, like all NO albums imo. Nice cover mind....
  11. And roddy frame is playing it in its entirety to celebrate its 30th anniversary in december.. Which I seem to have been a real fool and bought tickets for. 25 years since I last saw them/him live, lets hope he puts on a decent show...
  12. Funny thing is they make exceptional road cycling tyres.
  13. High Land Hard Rain by Aztec Camera. Pity it was pretty much diminishing returns from then on, but a real masterpiece of its time and place.
  14. PauloBarnesi


    So he is then blaming something he was very instrumental with, along with most of the current Gvmt. In other words, he cannot exactly moan about something he was very much part of I think saying he was “very instrumental” is perhaps overstating something. You could say Tony Blair or Alastair Campbell was “very instrumental” and that he like many others voted to go along with it, but he was not as far as I recall the driving force. In his leisure like many he has changed his views, of which we are all allowed with the wonder that is hindsight. The logic would also be that as many voted for Labour and therefore Blair, they are also “Very Instrumental” in the war? Paul, I appreciate your voting preference and understand why you would not want to put any Iraq "blame" on the Tory party. But the facts don't lie and they are there despite you not wanting to accept them that Hammond, Cameron, Gideon, May etc were all very much instrumental in allowing that vote to get through parliament when without the then Tory opposition support it would have been defeated as there had been so many Labour (Gvmt) MP's votig against it. Your arguments are actually self defeating in that you are now saying that they have had a change of mind so it does not count. If that is the case then how can Hammond etc and any other of teh Tory party that were massively in favour of Iraq war, now use it as some sort of excuse for not allowing another war to happen with Syria? You and other Tory supporters devolving any sort of responsibility for Iraq war from those who voted for it is pretty much a bury your head in the sand attitude, IMO, especially when the same people then use Iraq as some sort of excuse http://www.publicwhip.org.uk/mp.php?mpn=Philip_Hammond&mpc=Runnymede_and_Weybridge&house=commons&dmp=963&display=motions I wonder who that man who has been stalking me for the last 25 years is when I go to vote. Pity you couldn’t see the ballot slip and so have jumped to conclusions. Just because people don’t agree with you, doesn’t make them something you wish to project on to them. Many many people have a very heavy heart about Iraq. Some knew the reality, but misjudged what would happen. Others were misled by others. It has without doubt played a huge role in what happened yesterday, both for Labour, the Conservatives & LIb Dems. If you can’t accept that then history is of no use to us. Who knows what will happen now, whether inaction or action will improve the situation in Syria.
  15. PauloBarnesi


    So he is then blaming something he was very instrumental with, along with most of the current Gvmt. In other words, he cannot exactly moan about something he was very much part of I think saying he was “very instrumental” is perhaps overstating something. You could say Tony Blair or Alastair Campbell was “very instrumental” and that he like many others voted to go along with it, but he was not as far as I recall the driving force. In his leisure like many he has changed his views, of which we are all allowed with the wonder that is hindsight. The logic would also be that as many voted for Labour and therefore Blair, they are also “Very Instrumental” in the war?
  16. PauloBarnesi


    But he’s right? Iraq and how we went to war casts a long shadow over everything.
  17. PauloBarnesi


    Independent foreign policy? Really? Maybe we are just saving our diminishing military to strike out Bob Mugabe.
  18. But certainly much smaller than One Direction surprisingly 1D 1st album sold 700k in the UK, AM sold 1.2m, 2nd albums 650k v 700k 1D don't actually shift that many records, they're a proper modern day boy band, more famous for being famous I suspect worldwide 1D sell more, which was what you were alluding to!
  19. PauloBarnesi


    Must be something about the position; Coulson & Campbell didn’t exactly cover themselves in glory... But of course he’s not an MP, so he won’t be deciding if an attack is made or not...
  20. But certainly much smaller than One Direction
  21. Influential in the sense that every band since has said, they don't want to sound like Big Country? Very very funny. Anyway because Mr Bland is probably in the Outback, The Blue Nile’s first album.
  22. PauloBarnesi


    er, aren’t we on the UN Security Council? Though you are right in many ways we haven’t been a player since the early 20th C and the UN security Council looks like the victors of WWII plus China. Probably Britain and France should be replaced by Europe’s real power, Germany. But that wouldn’t sit well with us would it
  23. Creation were a poor man’s Postcard
  24. Lost faces of 617 Squadron Still a remarkable achievement in so many ways.
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