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Everything posted by Genie

  1. Genie

    General Chat

    Gutted for you mate, and this time of the year too :-(
  2. Genie

    Snow Watch!

    If you need any for your driveway I did notice ASDA were selling big sacks of it when I was there on Friday.
  3. Genie

    Snow Watch!

    I was a bit sad to see no more snow in Tamworth this morning :-( Hopefully get some later.
  4. Genie

    Snow Watch!

    Just been out to pick up a Chinese take away and it was showing -3 degrees although it felt much colder. Still a smidge o of snow about.
  5. You're a big fan of sweeping statements aren't you Bicks
  6. The Moose (I know) on Talk Sport this morning was saying he had it on good authority that Ash was going to Arsenal in January. If GH has come out with the "£80m" statement I think it proves that clubs are sniffing around and making enquiries. Maybe he is resigned to losing him :-(
  7. Agreed Claret that Chelsea will still win the league, they had 60 shots against Small Heath and Zilina and only yielded 2 goals. I don't they are playing badly, just being unlucky. Someone is going to get a real spanking from them, hopefully its the barcodes this weekend. When Lamaprd and Essien return they'll be back to their unstoppable selves.
  8. Genie

    General Chat

    I think the main problem is we have to buy the majority of our grit in and the bean counters don't want to over order and be left with a pile of unusable salt for 10 months.
  9. Depends what is in the Panorama show that is due to be aired a couple of days before the vote.
  10. Genie

    Top Gear

    Are there any "specials" imminent?
  11. 1) He could play every week 2) Heskey's injury record isn't that bad at all 3) Wages may be a problem, maybe Villa have to give him an exit payoff to top up his wages that Bolton are willing to pay (better than paying his full wages to do f-all). 4) I think he fits their hoof, hold it up play perfectly.
  12. Serious question, could we swap him for Heskey? I'm sure Heskey might suit their style of play.
  13. ^^ I've got a feeling its going to get very ugly very fast in Korea
  14. Bannan will be a special player, reminds me very much of a young Steven gerrard ,he just needs to go easy on the Hollywood passes.
  15. I think It has to be champions league qualification this year and premier league winners next season.
  16. Genie

    Ice rink

    Gotta be the worst one yet
  17. FREE Unlock calculator: here Put IMEI in (which is printed on the box and is also available at Settings-About Phone-Status-IMEI), select ZTE, leave default model as ZTE BLUEBELT Got this info from HUKD, btw, this is now the hottest deal ever on the website, goes to show how good value this mobile is.
  18. I also have the SF and LOVE it., as others have said, you can simply hit the 'Market' button and have a mooch around without registering anything and download the free apps till your hearts content. For those thinking of buying the Orange San Francisco I believe you can now get it in some different colours (White and Grey I think) from Orange and it is also available from Play.com, there is also an online calculator to generate a free unlock code. Let me know if you're interested.
  19. Genie

    General Chat

    A good old fashioned English name
  20. Can't see how legally they can withhold his (Harrison's) money, if he signed a contract then he should get paid. Most people knew he'd get battered anyway so its not really a surprise.
  21. Will be a funny year for me this time round, I've got a little boy who's only 14 weeks old now so will not have any idea what is going on, next year will be awesome. Also for the first time in ages I'll get paid for the whole 2 weeks that I'm off All in all, yes, its great.
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