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Everything posted by penguin

  1. The midfield aren't creating anything, it's poor. Ok well that's your opinion, mine is different. They are winning the ball well in the middle of the park well and getting it wide to get crosses in which is our attackers main strength .
  2. I think our midfield has been fine. Pressing them very well, not giving them time on the ball which they thrive on.
  3. penguin


    Just watched his post match interview, he's such a likable character. Of all places why did he have to go there
  4. 3 according to 365. The same as Chelsea.
  5. I'm by no means a Sherwood fan but I can't see a lot he's done wrong here tbh, especially to deserve the stick he's getting. We've battled and matched them IMO, losing due to some bad luck and a horrendous individual(s) error.
  6. And they have us? They've had two shots FFS, we have been unlucky.
  7. Is it even possible to be this unlucky
  8. He's clearly still trying to find the best team, which is annoying but given the amount of new players not unexpected, a view which was shared by many pre-season. Not really sure why what looks to be a good team selection this week, in terms of how we've performed, is being used as a stick to beat him with because he hasn't played it before. *Barring the hideous individual error, which Sherwood can hardly be blamed for. Although I'm sure some will try.
  9. Because it was a diabolical touch. If he had any sort of technique he could have controlled it and quickly passed it back to Guzan, who could have cleared it properly. Or Guzan could've just cleared it properly in the first place.... [emoji31] Nah. Clearly Lescott should have killed it dead, megged Willian and sent Gestede on his way.
  10. Individual errors to cost us yet again. Guzan and Lescott need dropping ASAP.
  11. penguin


    I really hope they don't get Klopp as then ill have no choice but to dislike him.
  12. Enough is enough. Don't mind him staying on in some capacity, man motivator or whatever the feck he's good at but its time for someone who knows how to manage a team to come in. Setting up so defensively has gave me horrible Lambert déjà vu, what's happened to the pressing positive style we employed against the Baggies and Liverpool in the semi last season. It's like the Southampton game has cause him to bottle it completely with his positive approach (much like the Chelsea game under Lambert). Time to go.
  13. Is he really being scapegoated? He has been poor by and large this season, saying that doesn't make any other player immune to criticism or that our poor results have been solely his fault and I haven't seen anything to suggest people believe this to be the case.
  14. Well that depends whether they mean average in terms of all the players in the league or the just the ones in our squad.
  15. My team did distinctly average to bad but I had Sanchez as my captain not sure whether to chalk that down to luck or a masterstroke of genius, I know which one I'm leaning toward .
  16. The players aren't doing too much wrong (individually), a lot of the points lost have been down to the manager unfortunately. I disagree, there have been some atricious pieces of individual play this season that have cost us. Guzan, Amavi, Clark, Lescott, Sanchez and Grealish have all been guilty of giving the ball away, poor positioning and poor decision making at times. you misunderstand me, I'm talking about general play. Is the 'general play' not down to how the manager has set us up though? I'd say individual errors or play have been the main factor for us in terms of points dropped e.g. Lescott and Bacuna chuckle brother act against Leicester, our players not being able to put away a host of chances against Sunderland and the Amavi-Guzan fiasco at Palace.
  17. Because do you really think the manager, coaching staff and players are all unhappy with them? Westwood is happily taking these shit corners and nobody has thought of changing it up? Maybe it was his choice to take them like that the very first time he took one for us. But he can't be being told to do anything differently, otherwise why would he still be on corner duty? I don't think there's anything to suggest anybody at the club thinks they're a problem. I do agree with your points here and said so in the bolded of my OP. Guess I was just arguing semantics over him actually being told to do something and him not being asked to change it.
  18. I wouldn't be averse to Alladyce, he plays an effective brand of football and at times West Ham played some good stuff last season. I've been very lenient and positive toward Sherwood thus far and whilst I know it's still early I can't help but feel my support dwindling as he appears to look a little too out of his depth and naive, although I still believe he deserves more time.
  19. Why do you think it's clear he's been told to take them that way Stevo? I had a very quick Google and saw quite a few mentions of him taking floated corners for Crewe, it seems to me that it's just his style. I really think we'd look a lot more dangerous if we had some one hitting them in with pace but do have to agree that the manager or the players would have called for a change if they had to much of an issue with it, which is odd considering it appears an almost unanimous issue to the fans.
  20. Haha this is brilliant. Wouldn't surprise me if they went on to win, Ramires's goal was worthy in a point itself, awesome strike.
  21. They've deserved it so far. Aggressive and not letting Chelsea breathe, how we should have played against Liverpool.
  22. I've defended him a lot but today was indefensible. Yes they may be 'Liverpool', but they are a side that has been struggling and quite frankly they really aren't that great. Yet instead of pressing them and putting them under pressure, causing them problems and testing their defence (Like Newcastle are currently doing to Chelsea, a far superior team, for the 30 minutes that have been played so far) we sit back and give them all the time in the world. No real shape and no purpose, Gestede was massively isolated and quite frankly I think the score line flattered us massively on the balance of play, taking nothing away from Gestede for his goals which he took brilliantly.
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