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Everything posted by coda

  1. You can't not enjoy West Ham losing 3-0.
  2. Promising start for His Dark Materials. Ruth Wilson <3. Feel like I shouldn't have abandoned the books.
  3. Sanderson is Tessa Sanderson's nephew.
  4. Wat? I thought this was a remake of the comic/film. Do you need to understand the source to watch this?
  5. The Beeb recently showed a three-part documentary on Chairman Xi, China: A New World Order. Still on iplayer if you want 3 hours of his regime's crimes and our complicity.
  6. Haven't watched South Park in about 20 years. Watched the latest episode due to China banning it.
  7. West Ham score, Carragher: "that's the West Ham way." Like Newcastle and their number 9.
  8. Trying to avoid reviews but hearing about the alt-right co-opting Joker.
  9. I posted on here when having a 9am beer on derby day and was told to sort my life out.
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