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Everything posted by coda

  1. Damn ye, Winslow. You're fond of me lobster ain't ye?
  2. The Lighthouse is astonishing. The performances, the salty dialogue, the atmosphere, the light & dark & shadow, the elements, the foreboding soundscape.
  3. In Cadbury Heroes the Double Decker has the nougat on the bottom. Nobody cares.
  4. If you've already seen Cats you could do worse than checking out Uncut Gems. It features a great performance from *checks notes* Adam Sandler. Seriously, it's a gem.
  5. Disappointed by the lack of Cats buzz on here.
  6. When we play them Phil Jones will look like Beckenbauer.
  7. Has Mourinho mellowed a bit? This avuncular José seems less bitter and more matey. Early days and it probably won't last.
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