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Everything posted by Rino8

  1. In an ideal world we win 447-0. With the Liverpool players looking on and laughing, they've already qualified for the Super League why would they be arsed?
  2. Klopp is the only shout I think, not mid season but if this went through I can see him leaving. No chance with the rest of the managers though
  3. Gonna be loads of eyes on tonight's game and what Klopp has to say. Tuchel and Ole have basically said said the same no comment shit so far but Klopp might be the only one that could say something.
  4. It's a PR job for Jose. While I'm sure he might feel that way this is a very convenient hill to die on.
  5. I posted this having read a tweet from the Vice President of the European Commission. I don't doubt Neville etc more the actual decision makers.
  6. Killed the rest of the season and possibly football in general for me. Make no mistake the people we're seeing coming out in outrage aren't doing this for the integrity of the sport, its not for the fans or its importance in worldwide culture, they're only speaking up because they don't have a slice of the pie.
  7. Will we get an invite for being a breath of fresh air? I hope so
  8. City are pally with Uefa, I'm assuming they knew this would be received like this and by not signing its a chance for good PR
  9. Wonder if the same people saying this are the ones saying we'd do a Norwich last summer. Don't worry lads if you make a big prediction every summer you'll get one right eventually
  10. I think Spurs are the easier team to be finishing above here, from Leeds perspective anyway. I think Everton will keep doing enough to not be caught by either of us, but Spurs are standing still and look like they have nothing to play for. All the games might be catching up with them too
  11. Firmino has been shit for a long while and gets no criticism, funny that
  12. Games would legitimately be 150 minutes+ until players got their act together
  13. Bit sad to see Bayern out without Lewandowski. They win this with him
  14. Good chance I'm an idiot but I'm sick of Bayern knocking it down to each other in the box, then back to somebody else to shoot etc. Somebody shoot jesus
  15. Nah if you look carefully Grealish has actually slid his ankle under Coops' knee. Sneaky of him
  16. I'm confident I'd be absolutely **** defending Mpabbe. You know you watch some defenders and think if I was a footballer training every day I reckon I'd have done alright there? No chance. Looks like he's playing with different physics when he gets running
  17. Front three of Lalana, Welbeck and Maupay and I don't know how they could expect anything else.
  18. I think Evertons league position flatters them and has for some time, they're not doing bad obviously but this is about where they'll finish. Looking poor yet again
  19. That's the worst decision this season. The line is wrong, he's clearly onside. What's going on? How can people be paid to be 'experts' and make mistakes every single game day
  20. City covered more distance than us, the burnout is here
  21. I'm not sure why anybody would bother with English players these days. You're paying probably an extra 30-50% purely because of where they're born. Every prem club should be looking at the French league, the whole thing is financially unsustainable with the TV deal going under and unless you're PSG every player is for sale this summer
  22. I don't think City would be anywhere near 10th with Casilla in goal.
  23. Vlahovic will be at Chelsea for £70 million in a couple years. Rapidly outgrowing the circus of Fiorentina
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