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Everything posted by VillaChris

  1. Yes I'd say that. Even though defensively we've been good in last 6 weeks I've always felt there's a clanger or two in Bunn as his decision making and positioning is dodgy. Things like flying out at Vardy. No idea what we do with Guzan's confidence also shot...maybe we should've signed a keeper in January...oh.
  2. Only good thing about this club. Yes we don't sell out much but given how dismal we've been at home last 5 years winning on average 4 home games a season, I'd say 33-35k average as this season looks like again is pretty good going. And we still take good numbers away.
  3. 1-2 nil, result still a little in the balance so just frustation and annoyance. At 6 nil game over so **** the players, club etc. You see that from the hardcore at many clubs when results on the pitch are at their lowest ebb.
  4. Teams will wait until he plays some games again I think, we'll have him until January.
  5. Again like Arsenal got many tough away games still to play (although they are about to win one of those impossibly difficult away games) but got to go to Liverpool, Stoke and also West Ham and Chelsea, both of whom will be desperate to stop them winning the league. Really Leicester have the best schedule by quite a distance, one game a week, many winnable home games and their hardest aways now are Man. United who are hopeless and Chelsea on the last day. I'd suggest if we go to the last day and Leicester are 1 point clear of Arsenal and Spurs, Chelsea will recall likes of Djbouti and Michael Hector and just play them, no chance they let another London club win the league.
  6. Need a rebuilt really now. So many key players touching or over 30. Both RBs Sagna and Zabaleta are over 30 now, same at LB Kolorov and Clichy so would imagine Pep will try to get people in like David Alaba. They are a joke at CB when Kompany isn't there and he himself is 29 and frequently injured. Toure will surely be on his way and even a maestro like David Silva is 30 and this is probably his poorest season since moving to England. Some great players like Aguero to work with but a lot of work for Guardiola to do.
  7. Ihenancho.....outstanding young player. Brilliant in the six yard box. Will be interesting to see how Pep moulds him over the next few years.
  8. Don't think Giroud's all round game is looking that sharp tbh, his touch is starting to get a bit ropey again. Arsenal have a tough few weeks ahead, two games v Barca, away games at Man. United and Spurs. Rotation is needed regardless.
  9. I think Leicester have shifted their target this season a little! And what was that about Spurs should just be happy to finish 4th? Yes when you're 12 games to go, 2 points behind the league leaders and you realise you aren't chasing a Mourinho managed Chelsea, a Ferguson managed Man. United but a Ranieri manager Leicester why wouldn't you target winning the league? Bold statement saying they need to win it next season. As I've said all the other teams will be much stronger with new managers.
  10. Not sure if a sarcy post or not but with the 10 men Walcott was always going to get space regardless. I just thought after the 5-2 it was logical to start him as certain players fit certain games and opposition better. Giroud seems to be running into one of his can't hit a barn door run of games so think he could do with a bit of a breather and get him fresh for the run in especially with Welbeck now, you can start him v Man. United away.
  11. Bold prediction alert: Welbeck to score the goal that knocks Barca out of the champions league and the whole Universe to explode as a result. No title winner or relegated teams then.
  12. Anyone but Spurs please. Leicester, Man. City, Arsenal etc. Spurs though have the best defensive unit in the league...Lloris....Toby....Dier. Can withstand the loss of Vertongthen aswell seemingly. Gives them the base going forward. I still think man for man their 10-12 had more star quality but fair to say they're a little more tactically aware with Pochettino than with 'arry.
  13. They need to win it though this year surely? Chelsea will be miles better next season, Man. United under Mourinho will quickly become formidable again I'd suggest and obviously Man. City under Pep will be up there. Liverpool are too far behind but a couple of transfer windows under Klopp and he might produce a decent team. If Arsenal don't win it this year then when do they win it. They would be 12 years without a league title, it's about time. lol.
  14. Man. City out of the race if they lose this. Two home defeats to title challengers you don't come back from that especially with the Champions league starting again.
  15. It's just the newbies isn't it, especially who buy the scarfs. Man. City have always had very loyal support so I find it hard to criticise that side of the club. When they went down to league one in 98/99 think they had an average of 27k that season in a 30k ground. More than we'll be getting in the championship I'd say.
  16. I said if they won today they'd go on to win the league. Just had a look at their fixture list though.....plenty of winnable home games but they still have to visit both Manchester clubs, Spurs, West Ham and Everton. Very tough.
  17. In fairness England haven't played at Twickenham yet... they were always very strong at home under Lancaster, well until the World cup started! 2/3 to play at Twickenham, when was the last time England lost at home in 6 nations? You'd have to make them favourites at this point.
  18. Yeah Italy always seem to compete well in first halfs and then tail off badly in the second. Knew that would happen when they missed that kick at 6-9.
  19. Only listened on the radio but genuinely didn't hear his name once...at least with Bacuna and Gana's **** ups you know they're involved.
  20. Lock lock lock...we ain't winning another game this season after today.
  21. Man. City have no chance if Kompany dosen't play every game in the run in. I think they'll have have a good run in the CL aswell which will mean they drop more points in the league.
  22. Arsenal would've been out of the title race if they hadn't won this....next two away games are Man. United and Spurs, they'll do well to get 4 points from those two. Massive massive goal.
  23. Not with 11. Leicester need to respond now, home games with Norwich and West Brom, you couldn't have hand picked two better opponents for them really.
  24. Wow.....Welbeck with Arsenal's most important goal in years and years in a league season. This title race...
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