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Everything posted by AndyM3000

  1. 2nd in this league but that's about as high up as I will get, first is miles ahead.
  2. Well I wanted to see the wingers in action together and they were absolutely dreadful, I don't want to see them again. Having only two proper wingers and them both being awful is a big problem. Shift to a 3-4-3 and use Jota & Grealish with Davis/Samatta and the full backs on either side of the 4 or use the 3-5-2 with wing backs. Either way it's desperate enough that I want to see Elmo or Jota in the next line up.
  3. It's because he's not a right back. I can't stand this playing people out of position lark, CBs > RB especially annoys me. Cuellar got shifted to RB, Axel got shifted to RB. When has a CB ever moved to RB and been good?
  4. Been saying this for a while, if we get relegated I'd be concerned if these lot are playing for us in the Championship. Nyland is battling it out for our 3rd choice keeper spot, Hause was a squad filler, Elmo was kept purely because we had to keep some players. We got promoted too quickly, the squad needed a good shake up in the Championship, it needed obliterating when we got promoted and we just couldn't afford to do that. Smith is certainly at fault, we can't have a CB playing RB, it never works and it ruins any threat down that right hand side. We have Elmo on the bench but a CB out of position is a better option? This is an issue. We have to score goals, we have a big man up front who can head the ball and nobody to cross it in for him. I thought Trez and El Ghazi would be decent options for us but El Ghazi has been below average and Trez outright awful. Our inability to defend has also caused us to not take as many risks going forward and we started packing the CM more, it hasn't really helped. We need to win games and you can't do that without scoring goals so we may as well go for it now. Elmo, Konsa/Hause, Mings, Targett as a back 4 until Fred is back. Let Luiz just sit in the middle with McGinn and Grealish, stick Trez/El Ghazi on the wing with Davis up top. We need more of a threat, they might be crap wingers but with two of them on and proper full backs behind them they might get more space and means their defenders have something else to worry about, it will free up space for Grealish. I'd rather go down trying to play some football than this shit we have to watch.
  5. Time to get him off the wing. Was fouled a lot in half decent positions and we take quick freekicks, we need to starting loading the box and hope it creates a chance.
  6. Almost all of them walk into our team and then they can bring on Tammy, Pedro, Pulisic & Barkley off the bench, who would all also walk into our team. I think we are going to get hammered here. Mark Grealish and who is creating anything? El Ghazi has no support with Konsa as a full back. Got a bad feeling we are going to get hammered here.
  7. I can't see us winning this one, I think they have too much quality and the 5 subs rule is going to help them more. We played a few days ago, the likes of Grealish and McGinn will tire quicker than them and we can't afford to take them off while they can rotate their entire attack. The one weak area they do have is their CBs, I'd be looking to get Davis onto them but we need to get players around him when we do that. I am more concerned about us using too much energy before the Newcastle game, which will be 3 matches in a week. We have to win that and it is winnable.
  8. Not sure if this has been mentioned but I find it a little strange how Jack hasn't posted anything to do with the whole #PlayersTogether thing considering a number of other first team players have and he's the captain.
  9. Without football it seems he gets distracted too easily and he surrounds himself with some right morons.
  10. I kinda hope they do because I have been saving freehit, wildcard and bench boost! Can't use them all if there's 1 GW left.
  11. This is how they have always done it. The 38GWs are set and they do not add a GW39, any fixutres moved must fit into the set GWs. Looking likely that we will have 9-10GWs of fixtures all in GW38 if it does restart.
  12. As long as you add some Werther's Originals to the basket you should get express delivery.
  13. My work have still not spoke about or sent a single email regarding COVID-19. Almost a bury your head in the sand attitude to it, amazing.
  14. Looks like we are entering the next phase. Football likely to be behind closed doors this weekend.
  15. Man City Arsenal has now been called off.
  16. We are all on PCs as well, I think we have about 4 laptops spare for 40 staff members. It's not an issue for many as most will have their own laptops/PCs at home and providing we get access to the systems/emails we can work fine. For security/GDPR reasons our USB ports are disabled and we aren't even allowed to use the printer, this could be standard with a company that works with somewhat sensitive data but it made me laugh when they banned the use of the printer. If this does go the way Italy has gone I don't fancy the commute through New Street to get to work.
  17. Is working from home normal for your company? Interested to follow how everyone else is approaching this as my company doesn't trust us to work from home and will be very reluctant to let us.
  18. Same can be said for Veretout, Gana, Amavi, Ayew and they have done okay since leaving despite being apart of the worst season in our history. It's a team game, if we get trashed 4-0 none of them are going to look good.
  19. We aren't going to get out of this by defending, we need to ride our luck defensively while trying to win the game. If we can't defend no matter what then just go out and try and win. Play Samatta, Grealish, Trez & El Ghazi with Luiz/Nakamba/Conor/McGinn in the middle two slot. Offered absolutely nothing up front today, they marked Grealish out the game as he was the only outlet.
  20. He's marking a guy much bigger and stronger than him. Seems like a bad set up to me.
  21. It's strange because I expected to get slated for it, we should care about the club and that only but it's the opportunity to build with Grealish that will be gone and I will be furious if we throw that away.
  22. At this point the only thing I care about is losing Grealish who is going to be our biggest talent of our lifetime. If we need to change manager to gamble then do it.
  23. The only way we scored last time against these lot was due to a Grealish worldy
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