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Everything posted by AndyM3000

  1. I get Mitchell off the bench for Mahrez. Nice insurance because I need Salah to blank.
  2. AndyM3000

    Louie Barry

    These aren't dead games to Smith, he will want to finish as high as possible and is unlikely to give these kids a run out for the sake of it. I don't think we will see Barry this season or next season. A lot of these lads are still too young, there's only one 18 year old getting a decent chunk of prem minutes and that's Fabio Silva for Wolves and only because of Jimenez's injury.
  3. A lot of hits this week, I managed to jump 15% in rank without a ball being kicked.
  4. I ended up with just Mahrez figuring he may be on pens/corners/freekicks and I couldn't trust the others. Plus it was likely a short stay for City players anyway. This is what you get for going against the template . I captained Kane and Salah is 170% EO so that won't be a fun watch if Kane bricks the game before him.
  5. If you could take the top x active accounts at the end of season and group them by total hits taken (-4, -8 etc) then weighted them to average position I'd like to see what the most optimal hit strategy is. The data must be available in an excel file somewhere I'd imagine.
  6. 3.5k now. A lot of luck in this game, I haven't had any huge issues throughout the season as you can tell if I still have my 2nd WC to play! Used the first in GW5 as well. The second half of this season has been very template, it's hard to get that big boost up the ranks because the template team has just been rewarded.
  7. 131 with a -4. Last nights games really helped, points everywhere for me with Digne, Martinez, Salah, Jota, Trent, Bruno all returning. Salah didn't outscore Bruno like I thought he might but he was fairly fortunate with a pen and one that could have gone down as an own goal. Wildcard now active while we wait for the pressers. Was planning to avoid City but hearing they might be at full strength tonight so Mahrez, Foden, Stones on the radar again.
  8. Yep, he would have been. I actually think we have some of the worst fans in the league, our away fans are class mind. Too quick to get on the players backs, zero chance we beat Pool 7-2 at home, the minute Salah pulls one back the place would go tense and any slight misplaced pass would cause a groan. Anyone who directly sends or even comments abuse on a players social media needs to be banned from Villa Park. Nobody would say any of this stuff to his face.
  9. So many soft pens now though, rather than trying to play the ball they are just trying to get a leg in front of any tackle. City on yesterday wasn't a pen either, stupid challenge though, just don't tackle in the box anymore.
  10. Only Fernandes for me from Utd. Would have liked Greenwood but wanted Salah and went Trent over Shaw. I just can't predict what will happen with the defence and these are hard games. Bruno (c) purely because his EO is going to be through the roof and if I can't enjoy a TGW then what's the point!
  11. The difficult games are 2 days apart though, I think it's unlikely he's totally rested for our game and then gets 180 mins Tue/Thur. There's also a good chance he's off at HT/60 mins tonight, if the games go smoothly for Utd he may start all 3 but get subbed after an hour.
  12. Was pretty happy with how things were before this change. Zaha and one other were coming in but now I'll need to get Salah in. Looks like Son > Salah, Dias > Trent and Kane > Watkins but wont make any decisions until Friday. I have wildcard but would rather take a small hit and then be able to wildcard after this DGW as I already have a lot set up for it. On the face of it I do think Utd's fixtures are a bit of a trap. 3 games in 5 days against us, Leicester and Pool. These are tough games and they will be heavily rotated, they also have no striker options which doesn't help me as I need to shift Kane for the funds. Shaw, Bruno and Greenwood are the only real options and I don't think any of them start all 3. Fully expect Telles, James, Mata and even VDB to get 90+ mins over this period. Not sure what to do with Jota given he was benched when the line ups were announced on Sunday, Liverpool might well change their plans though as they will face a very tired United on the back end of this 3 game stretch. I reckon Salah is a better captain option than Fernandes, need to check the expected EO though to see if I want to punt on that. I don't fancy watching Fernandes potentially play 3 games if his EO is 150%+ and he's not my captain. Utd game tomorrow is all but done but I think they play a strong team, sit tight and wait for the Friday pressers!
  13. Im on 47 with Lingard to go and Coady will come off my bench if the Utd Pool game doesn't end up being played this week. Thought they might have done it today but Utd have Roma on Thursday so impossible now. I only have Jota and Fernandes so worked out okay for me. Bit of a shame this season is such a shitshow though.
  14. Maybe a bit aggressive but I'm still baffled they couldn't shift them from blocking a hotel and Old Trafford. I remember being in a police escort after an away game at Blues, we were just taken round in circles for about 90 minutes and that was after being locked in for an hour because they couldn't get the noses to leave.
  15. They achieved something anyway, it made all the big news outlets even if the game went ahead. I never said I don't support the protest, I'm surprised that such a small amount of people can't be dispersed and they get the game on.
  16. How have a handful of fans got this game called off. Police are soft in this country, get the water cannons out and get them gone. I'm all for what they are protesting about but it seems mad to me that it's caused the game to be called off when we are playing behind closed doors anyway.
  17. He's not a youth kid by the way, he's 23. I like him as a player and the different option he can offer but he's not a lone striker in the system we play. We need another system if we want to play with Davis and Watkins, same situation with Wesley. He's going to have a battle on his hands to get any minutes next season with Wesley back, ideally he does go out on loan to get some minutes/goals and then returns the following season. If we get into the Europa League somehow next season then we will have a load more games to offer him but right now our focus is on the league and he's not going to get many minutes.
  18. Villa win but Calvert Lewin and Digne get a goal and an assist as well as somehow topping the bonus with 3 and 2? No idea how that even works but fantastic.
  19. And that performance is why he won't be stuck out on the wing to make way for someone else. The best front man for our team is Watkins and that's where he will play. Long live King Ollie.
  20. Nice and tidy from Barkley and El Ghazi. Quick passes, just need to get some shots off.
  21. Hes good off the ball, he's just got no composure on it. Needs to slow down sometimes, everything is at 100mph.
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