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Everything posted by donnie

  1. donnie


    Just book an appointment with the nurse at your doctors, telling her or filling in the form, that your going thailand. Then they know from that the injections you need. I had a couple (cant remember which) that were combined all in one injection. Didnt have to pay either.
  2. I know exactly what your going through OP. Im a bit older at 28 and most days im constantly worrying about what im doing in life in terms of a career. I went to uni and since graduation ive been working in the field I graduated in, supply chain management. The problem is I hate it. It bores me to tears sitting there looking at spreadsheets all day. I contribute nothing in meetings except staring at the managers boobs as I day dream about anything except what is being discussed in the meeting. My mates all seem to have exciting jobs they love talking about which makes it worse. One is in the RAF, I have engineer friends who are earning a real good wage, another a police officer. Only myself and my accountant buddy hate our jobs, both pretty much stuck on excel spreadsheets all day. Im considering going back to uni to do radiography however ill be in my 30's and the stigma and having to live 3 years with no cash is a killer. Good luck OP. If its bothering you that bad then maybe you could take some time out to go travelling where you might pick up some fresh ideas of what you want to do.
  3. Isnt cotto with toprank though?? If so then no way will he fight canelo so the only option is golovkin. Although not confirmed, looks like the lara v canelo fight is off which im gutted about. With the split with richard schaffer and de la hoya, lara has left golden boy promotions and mayweather will no longer work with them.
  4. 4 bangs in a week?! Your hopeful. I know some good looking lads (no homo) who went magaluf and got nothing. The boy to girl ratio is ridiculous. If your going to get 4 bangs in magaluf then you either have some serious game or the bangs were not of the female kind...unless you pay.
  5. Season 1-4 of 24 was epic. Season 5 was decent. The rest atrocious. Although I know this new season of 24 is pretty woeful, im really enjoying it in a strange sort of way. Brings back lots of nostalgia of watching a full season in 3 days when in sixth form. Just finished watching the wire for the 2nd time. Season 4 imo is the greatest series of any tv show ever made.
  6. What one is Rupert, the retired policeman?No, this one. Why the hate for rupert??Him and about 3 others are the only guys bothering to get food. Id be pissed if you have guys just bloody sunbathing and sleeping on the beach. You have a big fat welsh crybaby sleeping all the time, a gay hairdresser who sunbathes on the beach, and a pathetic excuse for a man called ryan who acts like a baby (I like ryan though, he is pathetic but seems a nice lad and is good entertainment). Its the 60 year old cop I hate. Id want to chin him if I had to stay on the island. 'Ill overrule you'.. who does he think he is the old tosser.Really enjoyed this show. Are you Roy Keane with ITV football pundit mode glued in the 'ON' position? No idea what you are talking about, but yep if you say so.
  7. What one is Rupert, the retired policeman? No, this one. Why the hate for rupert?? Him and about 3 others are the only guys bothering to get food. Id be pissed if you have guys just bloody sunbathing and sleeping on the beach. You have a big fat welsh crybaby sleeping all the time, a gay hairdresser who sunbathes on the beach, and a pathetic excuse for a man called ryan who acts like a baby (I like ryan though, he is pathetic but seems a nice lad and is good entertainment). Its the 60 year old cop I hate. Id want to chin him if I had to stay on the island. 'Ill overrule you'.. who does he think he is the old tosser. Really enjoyed this show.
  8. Lara will beat Alverez imo. Also as alverez is goldenboy, pacman toprank that fight cant happen so not sure what roach is talking about. Pacman recently signed a new deal with toprank meaning the mayweather fight will defo never happen now. Cant choose between martinez v cotto. Martinez looked washed up against murray but can cotto successfully move up in weight especially as he is also past his best.
  9. Its good too see so much intrest in the fight. Other than myself, dr pangloss, leemond and the rev I dont see mamy people post on the boxing thread...are most of you casuals for the big fights or are you all big boxing fans?? Its a shame boxing isnt mainstream like it used to be. For me nothing compares to the excitement of a big fight.
  10. No way will Froch or Hearn want a fight with Ward. Thats why Hearn is making a big noise about Ward not being a big draw for fans to sell out a venue, but what he does know is his boxer was well and truly schooled by Ward in their previous encounter, also to add Ward broke his hand during the fight too. Chavez Jr will be most likely in LV. Ward would beat froch 99 times out of 100.
  11. Never lived up to the heights of the first encounter. I had groves up by 2 rounds before the KO. It has to be an easy final payday for Froch against chavez. Easy fight for him, big money, gets his big fight in vegas. Only fight that makes sense. Ward couldn't sell out a back garden, Golovkin is too high risk for low reward, and cant see why froch would want to fight degale. Surprisingly groves has signed with a german promoter. Once abraham has knocked out that scouse clearing in the woods paul smith, than id imagine groves will fight arthur abraham for the world title which he should win.
  12. Just been reading about brighton under the green party. Plans on 'meat free mondays' banning things like bacon butties. Considered using sheep as a method of traffic control. Tryed the impose the biggest council tax rise the country has ever seen. Proposal of gender netural toilets and transexual only gym sessions. Inviting gypises to park up in parks. Yep, they sound like a raving bunch of lunatics to me.
  13. Dont agree with any of that. Seems a weak argument to me but its your opinion so fair enough.
  14. Agree with your last point and i wouldnt vote UKIP because im happy to be apart of Europe and the positives of being in the EU far outweigh the negatives. However, we need to get more control back especially in regards to immigration. The influx of low skilled workers from eastern europe is seeing wages for the lower paid workers of this country stagnate. Fat cat coorperations are exploiting cheap labour from eastern Europe at the detriment to the UK worker. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Rather than allowing someone from somalia (example) here with no skills, unable to speak our language or fit into our way of life at a major cost to the taxpayer, we are better adopting the Australian and canadian way of offering large incentives to people from within and outside the EU with the desired skills. Not sure on your last point though?? How do UKIP demonise immigrants?? Havent seen evidence of that. Other than silly comments from individuals which are no worse than those we have heard from labour and tory mp's in the past. I fail to see how UKIP are racist??
  15. Is immigration really such a massive issue, that they're prepared to shoot themselves in the foot on so many other issues? Is it time for us to face the sad truth that a large number of UK citizens are actually racist or xenophobic? I can only take comfort in the fact that's not a massive amount of people. If you take in to account that approx 30% of the eligible population voted, and less than 30% voted UKIP, and now less three quarters of that original number have considered voting UKIP again. But yet across europe we have seen a worrying trend of many people voting for far right parties such as in france and greece. Are you saying all those are 'racist'?? Many polls on media sources such as sky news and in newspapers prove that the MAJORITY (and its a large majority) of people in the UK whether a tory voter, labour, lib dem, UKIP voter are concerned greatly by immigration. So are the Majority of the UK racist as well?? Of course not. Wanting to control our borders like pur good friends in canada and Australia is not racist. We need to be attracting the most skilled workers from around the world like doctors, engineers etc, and offer those incentives to come to our country. Those that offer nothing should not be allowed as is the case in Canada
  16. donnie


    A country I know very little about, other than Borat, but ive been invited to go to stay in the mountains with an old russian friend I know over there who has recently brought a hotel. Anyone (tonyh??) been and if so what's it like??
  17. donnie


    Avoid wrexham. Worst place ive ever been any where in the world by far and that includes places like walsall and nuneaton. Aberystwith is another hell hole. I know its not technically wales but its smack bang on the border. Chester! Lovely lovely town. One of my favourite places in the UK and certainly has enough to occupy for a few hours.
  18. Would be fascinating to see your pictures...loved reading your review. Thanks.
  19. Being a complete travelling-novice at the time, i bought my tickets through roundtheworldexperts.co.uk. They basically arranged a multi stop ticket with Qantas (sharing tickets with Emirates). There are probably cheaper ways of doing it, but £1500 wasn't too bad. Thanks for the post, interesting to hear your thoughts about Thailand. How long did you stay in Bangkok? Did you venture down Sukhumvit? I ask as if my only experience of Bangkok was Khao San then i'd dislike it as well Its glad to read that there still are some quiet island and coastlines in Thailand.. i've just commented on a post on another thread that they don't seem to exisit anymore. Hopefully the places you went won't be overrun with tourists anytime soon. We had 3 nights in Bangkok, went to the Grand Palace and weekend markets (as well as Khao San road). I didn't have anything against Bangkok, there was nothing that i particularly disliked, I just wouldn't chose to go there in lieu of some of the better places in the area. There are still a couple of reasonably untainted islands, Koh Mook only had 2 resorts on it, Koh Ngai only a couple more. There are also plenty of Islands which haven't been touched by tourism at all, as well as national parks such as Turatao. Koh Lipe on the other hand is a recent addition to the tourist brochure, thanks to one of the locals selling his land to a property developer, and that is an island that has been completely saturated with resorts etc. I hated bangkok to be honest. The major tourist attractions did nothing for me, lots of people trying to scam me and just didnt enjoy it at all. I was with my gf though. If I was with ny mates than I maybe would have had a better time. Chaing mai was much better. Loved the numerous markets, the people were much friendlier, the temples felt more authentic than bangkok, the food and drink was ridiculously cheap, not to mention the numerous activities such as treks and elephant rides. The perfect place for 2-3 days before hitting the beaches. Still preferred cambodia over thailand though.
  20. donnie

    General Chat

    By the way stevo looks like the curfew is now being ignored in alot of places in thailand such as phucket, koh samui, koh tao etc so your be fine.
  21. donnie

    General Chat

    There has never been a more wrong post in the history of VT. Keegan is an absolute goddess. Go on branning's instagram. Thats a real goddess :-)
  22. donnie

    General Chat

    Wow Lauren Branning from eastenders is smoking hot! Branning>>>>>>>michelle keegan (dont get the keegan hype)
  23. Oh if I had to choose than milliband all day. But its true (sky and other media sources conducted polls proving this) that the public image of Milliband is doing more harm than good for labour and yes he does come across as a very awkard guy. As much as I want to vote labour, I just cant vote for this buffoon. You are not voting for him though are you unless you live in Doncaster and that is what the Donnie bit means? - if so fancy a beer before the Chesterfield pre season match? :-) I wish people would actually start to look at policy and impact as a way of voting but as you said before that probably wont happen these days. I suppose when you see the MP's etc resorting to personal abuse (see Gideon attack on Brown previously as a perfect example) as a way of influencing then you know the slippery path towards the abyss that is US style politics is getting slippier and more increased. I rarely watch QT these days because of the idiocy of the whole show that some feel they have to put on, I prefer to read what was said rather than how the person looked etc Near lichfield im afraid :-) Donnie came from seeing the dvd 'donnie darko' on my shelf, I love the name so chose that. The problem with people looking at policies when deciding who to vote for is that their is so little difference to choose between the tories and labour (lib dems are no longer relevant) that for most it now comes down to the 'face' of the person in charge and who they can connect with. A working class lad like me cant connect with eton educated Cameron and I also cant connect with a weirdo who cant eat a bacon sandwich without looking strange :-) I know you disagree (I feel it is only fair to have differing fews on politics on here to add balance to the forum although I know alot on here seem less tolerant towards people who dont share their 'lefty' views), but I dont beleive UKIP are a racist party. I dont see how wanting to control immigration like our friends in Canada and Australia do, not stop immigration like alot of people scream out, is racist?? Its refreshing to see a party like UKIP that offers something different to the others come to the fore. Id also be delighted if a party like the Greens also saw a huge surge in popularity. Having real left (not the tree hugging sterotype) and right (not racist scum like BNP) parties to vote for rather than the same old tories and labour is refreshing.
  24. When in fact there are less Bulgarians and Romanians in the country now than there were before the "floodgates opened".Please provide an accurate source that backs up this claim.http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/dcp171778_361188.pdf 4000 less Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK since employment restrictions were ended. Cant find the part where it mentions the reductions in Romanians and Bulgarians, although I only skimmed through it, but I did read an increase of 178,000 non uk citizens entering the UK which is a staggering amount. 0.2 % One fifth of one percent of the population. We're being swamped! But we both know these are the 'official' statistics. Im sure they dont tell the whole picture. Yep. The sun, mirror, heil or ukip pamphlets don't count. Yep. This is true. The mail and the mirror are both anti-ukip and are continously running smear campaigns against them so yeah they dont count.
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