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Everything posted by donnie

  1. What a fight and certainly a fight of the year contender. Didnt realise crawford was that good and even in defeat Gamboa's stock has risen despite his dodgy chin being exposed tonight. The best crowd amd atmosphere at an american event ive seen in a long time as well. Incredible entertainment. The commentator gary logan said that crawford is the closest to thomas hearns he has ever seen. I was thinking that the whole fight. His jab is sensational and looks comfortable fighting in either southpaw or orthodox. Intresting that after the fight 50 cent was missing from Gamboa's side...gamboa needs to get rid of him and join top rank or golden boy to become more active again.
  2. Eh?! Have I missed something here?? **EDIT** Actually, yeah I do remember now Go on spill the beans then what have I missed??...
  3. Eh?! Have I missed something here??
  4. Yeah ive never rated him but a bit harsh to call him a paper champion. His world title win was against a legitimate world level opponent in rocky martinez and against all odds he managed to win on points in a fight of the year contender. His defences since then have been woeful though. If you want a paper champion look no further then scott quiqq and jamie mcdonnell. Its a scandal that they can call themselves 'world champions' when they aint really.
  5. donnie

    General Chat

    Wow, your only 23?! From your posting style I honestly assumed you was 40+.
  6. donnie

    General Chat

    Just hit me in exactly a year and half ill be 30!! The thought of turning 30 scares the heck out of me...the things i thought id have done by now but havent...sheeitt. The 20's has just gone so stupidly fast.
  7. Nah, no agenda. Just no one gives a toss except for you.
  8. I miss the days when the documentary channels used to be about....documentaries. Used to love watching history and wildlife docs especially about WW2. Just looking through the listings of the history channels, discovery, national geo. and its the same rubbish like storage wars (I like that to be fair), shipping wars, air crash investigation, pawn stars. The youth of today for ya.
  9. Whats the role entail and in what sector?? Just do lots of research before the interview enough so you can blag you know what your doing, dress like a pimp and im sure your be fine. Im guessing your still in employment so you have nothing to lose if you get it or not. If not shit happens. In 50 years time no one going to give a shit about the jobs they worked but instead will reflect on what they have done in life and the places they have been too. Good luck.
  10. Your 22 lad not 32, why on earth would you want a gf at that age?? Enjoy your freedom whilst your still young. You should be out banging biatches not into some soppy soap opera crap with a girl who cant make her mind up. Your from the czech Republic as well?? Damn the girls are fine there not like the lardy, obese binge drinking english girls we have here. I found the exception to this thats why im in a relationship but im 28 not 22.
  11. I bought a rainforest. 3 part documentary on the bbc iplayer...best documentary ive seen in a long time. About a camera man who buys a small part of the amazon but faces issues such as illegal loggers on his land. So beautifully made. The scene where an area of rainforest is burnt down to make way for a cattle ranch was sad to watch. The amazon rainforest will certainly be on my places to go on my south america trip next year.
  12. They do in UFC and thats without the 450+ amateur fights like Lomanchenko has had. I really don't give a shit about UFC. Lol yeah UFC is a load of BS to be honest. I tried to get into it but nah its awful to watch. It seems to attract a certain demographic of roid head idiots who think they are tough in their 'tap out' tshirts.
  13. They do in UFC and thats without the 450+ amateur fights like Lomanchenko has had.
  14. Loma was absolutely incredible last night. Technically superb. Personally right now I think he beats Donaire, especially as Donaire is clearly not the fighter he was 2-3 years ago. I guess Rigondeux is the big match up the purists are craving for. Crawford v gamboa next week. Cant wait! Crawford looked good against ricky burns (although I guess it wasnt hard not to) and ive always loved watching gamboa despite his obvious flaws and that he has bee inactive since being with '50 cent promotions'. Ricky Burns fights Friday night on sky, although ive never heard of his opponent ive read he is decent and will prove an extremely tough comeback fight for burna. Might be worth having a few quid on his opponent if the reports ive read are true.
  15. Quite strong words and accusations there. I would love to see how you back up on a public forum calling someone a racist. I look forward to your "evidence" and also note your tolerance of violence towards women - nice !Here you go:racist Yasmin She's also on record (BBC Dateline London) in 2006 saying she wanted white men to disappear and hoped that in 100 years they would be a forgotten species. That's pretty racist in my book. As for violence towards women... Wanting to punch that cow is a simple expression of good taste and common sense, actually punching her would be wrong, criminal and rightly bring prosecution. See the difference there? so on a public forum you encourage violence towards women, says a lot really. Wanting to punch a woman is pretty poor IMO obviously we differ a lot in the way we think Think you need to re-read what he wrote and delete your post because he never encouraged anything.
  16. donnie

    General Chat

    Nothing worse than buying condoms from the shop. Always go bright red when im at the checkout, and the shop assistant scans the packet and gives me 'the look'. Thank god for self service checkouts.
  17. It annoys me that I dont like coffee. I hate the taste and I hate the smell. But, I feel like im missing out due to the amount of variety and the way alot of people seem to bang the drum of the greatness of coffee. Oh well, a real man drinks tetley!
  18. Witness for the Prosecution - 10 out of 10. ATG movie. ATG acting performance. The twist at the end was just....wow!! Dare i say it but better then 12 angry men (which is also a 10 out of 10). Sin City - 8 out of 10. - loved it. Cant wait for the sequel. Django Unchained - 6.5 out of 10. Decent enough but still a disappointment tbh. Dragged on way to long. Not a patch on inglorious bastards.
  19. But instead be dominated by beautiful towns and cities like milton keynes, wrexham, sheffield, Wolverhampton, etc. Ive come to realise that the ugly buildings and lack of infrastructure seems generic throughout the UK. The rare places of beauty such as York, Chester, Edinburgh and parts of London are few and far between. Only thing I love about the UK is our countryside. You cant beat an english country pub.
  20. Because people in this country are horrified of change. Energy prices go up "let's build wind farms! They're cheap and will lower our rising prices, because we'll be generating the power!". "Great idea, hmm, now where to put them.. how about on this hill, it'll be perfect!". "No, because they'll be within my living room windows view, which I rarely look out of, but I will if they put windfarms there!". "Let's build a high speed railway from A - B, it'll save everyone who uses it a lot of time!". "Great idea! hmm where shall we put it?? How about there, sure, we'll have to knock down some old stock houses, but it'll benefit the whole country!". "NEVER! my grandad lived in those shitty old delapidated houses, I never want them knocked down!". "Lets build an extenstion to the run way, so we can increase the amount of tourists coming to the country, the important commuters and make the general infrastructure of the country better for all!". "Great idea! which run-way should we extend? Hmm.. How about this one?". "NEVER! there are 500 families living in those shitty old houses, and my **** grandad lived in one of them, I'll be dead before I let you and those noisy planes ruin everything for everyone!!!". "Let's build a new, wider motorway so we can reduce everyones commute by 45 minutes!". - "NEVER, those trees and shrubs look lovely, I mean, look at all that beautiful Japanese Knotweed growing..!" KEEP OUR HERITAGE YES, BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF MAKING THE COUNTRY A SHITTY OLD SHIT HOLE.. look at the broken down houses on the Hagley Road, cannot be knocked down because of grade 2 listed buildings - they are falling apart. God damn, this subject pisses me off.....badly. Quality post fella. Spot on with everything you say and well written. Agree with you TonyH to an extent but for a country like the UK its not acceptable to have as many ugly towns and cities as we do and be so far beyond in our infrastructure.
  21. The infrastructure and architecture in the UK compared to other countries is abysmal. Why cant we have big modern skyscraper buildings here like those in shanghai, toronto, even bangkok. Why cant we have efficient, modern sky trains like those in asia. Why cant we have beautiful architecture like in spain and italy? The UK is miles behind countries in terms of this compared to countries that are supposedly poorer economically then us. The ugliness of our towns and cities is depressing.
  22. Poor performance from Provodnikov, shocked at his tactics considering he has freddie roach as his trainer but nah he never lost that fight. Good performance from Aligeri and it was no way a 'robbery' but his attacks consisted of light punching flicks with no penetration beyond any of his punches other then the odd jab that got through. Fair play to him though especially fighting 11 rounds with one eye. Rose got destroyed just as expected. I know andrade is 3 levels above him but dont get the mentality of someone like rose in getting a major shot at a world title just to get in there to make up the numbers and cover up without attempting to go for a win.
  23. Brian rose fighting andrade for the world title Saturday. Rose has to be the second worst fighter ive seen from the UK to fight for a world title after Lee Purdy. He has that little chance that sky hasnt even bothered to promote it. Provodnikov, the most exciting fighter in boxing, is the headline. Ive never heard of the guy he is fighting. Worth watching though just to see Provodnikov.
  24. Yeah they are legit. Ive been with them years ago and had no problems. Surprised people still book with travel agents...skyscanner for flights, booking.com for hotels...save your self money. Seems pointless paying the middleman a commission for something you can book yourself.
  25. Stevo, As someone who doesn't know you personally, you have some thinking to do. Where do you live now? Do you have a girlfriend/wife? Do you own a house? etc etc. But honestly, if I were putting myself in your position, I'd do it. I've been a bit frightend about moving away from familiar surroundings my entire life, but I have friends who live in Portsmouth and they absolutely love it. I have friends who live in Carlisle and really enjoy the "outdoorsy" stuff. Just remember, Portsmouth to Leeds is 4 hours in a car, it's no time at all - and if you seriously think you can make a difference to your quality of life, then you should absolutely go for it. But everyone is different, but it could be a good thing It's not the moving away that worries me. I lived in leeds for 3 years at uni and it's close enough to come home fairly often. It's more the gf and family being in brum, and the fact I'd be leaving a good job here with decent future prospects. I haven't even seen a job spec or anything yet, just got some thinking to do How much more salary will you be getting compared to your current position?? If its less than 10k a year more dont seem worth the stress of uprooting if your happy here with gf, family, friends, etc. If your not happy here, than fresh start and all that plus a bit more cash.
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