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Everything posted by donnie

  1. Lara fought like a chump. It wasnt boxing, it was running. His negative tactics reminded me of dirrell. Throwing a jab then running away. Punch stats mean nothing. Although it was one of alverez's better performances it shows how average he is by allowing the fight to become so close. Seems to me you was watching the fight with you anti alverez glasses on. Can accept you saying lara won, but a robbery?!?! Come on man.
  2. Sorry but you was watching another fight if you think lara was robbed. Alvarez imo won by 2 rounds. It was close but I dont see an argument for lara winning. From boxnation and reading the boxing websites, not a single expert had lara winning the fight. Im not an alverez fan at all but that was the best he has fought in a while. It was good to see him busy for a change. Not a great fight though and if you know the result I wouldnt be in a rush to watch it.
  3. donnie


    Luckily you will barely meet any parisians in paris. The majority of people there in the shops and cafes are of north african descent. I have a love/hate relationship with paris. Love parts of it especially around the latin quarter area. The restaurants are sublime, the museums are superb, and the architecture is breathtaking. However, the hotels are ridiculously overpriced, I never feel completely safe there especially when im with my gf, and the airport is filthy. In terms of the OP's question, my friend went with his daughter, he looked everywhere online but couldn't beat the prices coop travel were offering. All that hassle of getting there just for one night seems a biy pointless to me though. Surely 2 nights needed at least.
  4. donnie

    General Chat

    Zara is probably the biggest shop brand in europe and the selection for men is huge.
  5. donnie

    General Chat

    Peacocks, primark, charity shops, the 'overpriced' next....some cheap bastards on here :-) I honestly always thought peacocks was a cheaper version of bon marche (used to get dragged there by my nan as a kid). Clothes for older women. Didnt realise it catered for gentlemen. Personally I dont think you can beat Zara. The quality and choice of clothes is spot on. Although the birmingham one isnt thr best, i love going zara when im abroad as it seems to have a more varied range then thr zara we have here. Other then that, not a whole lot of places to go for a man. Armani exchange in town is alright I guess as is selfridges. Zara all the way.
  6. donnie

    Gym Routine

    Just keep playing football. Your fitness will eventually improve the more you play. Obviously jogging a few times a week will help. I jog 2 times a week in the park doing 2 miles each time and too be honest its tedious as hell. I mix it up with boxing 3 times a week and football once a week. The best for fitness though requires 4 MINUTES, yes thats 4 MINUTES of your time. Its called Tabata which is basically a version of interval training. Go as fast and I mean as fast as you can sprinting for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest, then repeat 8 times. Sounds easy. NAHHHHH. really really difficult and if you give the full 100% effort with your sprints your do well to do 4 first time. Studies have proven that 4 minutes of doing this is as efdective as doing 30 boring boring BORING minutes on a treadmill in terms of cardio and fitness. All the footballers do interval training to increase their fitness not long old runs like the dinosaurs in life still swear by.
  7. Definitely one of my films of the year so far. Certainly one of the films of the year along with Her, wolf of wall street and dallas buyers club. Havent seen a film quite like snowpiercer though. Hope it gets the cult following it deserves.
  8. Snowpiercer - 8.5 out of 10 - best and most original sci fi film that has come out of hollywood in a long time (from the genius that is joon-ho bong). Such a shame that it has gone under the radar. Stars captain america's chris evans (finally makes a decent movie), billy elliot, and tilda swinton (the ugly biatch from the beach). It is about the last remaining humans that are on a non stop train ride seperated by the class system. I wont explain the concept to much as frankly I cant be arsed. However, this is a MUST SEE for any sci fi fans or any one who appreciates well made movies.
  9. donnie

    General Chat

    Who actually reads t & c's and rules though when you join a site?? Yep no one.
  10. donnie

    General Chat

    Anyone ever seen a nutrionist before?? Im hopeless when it comes to knowing what I should and shouldnt eat. Hopeful a better diet will give me an edge when competing.
  11. donnie

    General Chat

    I think there is an element of thinking the grass is greener on the other side. People who are single want to be in a relationship and vice versa! I'm the opposite to you... 35, single and probably thinking i have thrown away the best chance of a lasting relationship. Due to my insistence of not being tied down, i've thrown away opportunities with very nice ladies. They've all rightly moved on and are getting engaged, having kids, etc. I just didn't want to give up the lads holidays, the feeling that I didn't want have to answer to anyone or even consider anyone else. Could be construed as selfish by me? Don't get me wrong, i've had some great times being a single bloke... loads of holidays, enough notches on my bedpost and some great memories. But getting older and say, being 50 and single, that doesn't sound appealing to me! I may meet someone, but it does get harder when you get older and women are either taken or have baggage. If you've met the woman you want to spent the rest of your life with then i would say you would be foolish to throw it away on the notion that being single is wonderful... it isn't. It has it's moments, but it has it's downsides as well. Top post. Im 28 in a relationship for the last 4 years with a great girl but have always had this grass is greener attitude although I realise im very lucky ive never felt fulfilled mainly because ive always wanted to life abroad as a single man, meeting new people with no responsibilities, but I realise that after a certain age that lifestyle is a little odd and will need to settle down with a career, house, the boring things. What I find hardest is seeing my social life dwindling from lads holidays and nights out 3-4 times a week, to the odd boring couples nights out every few months now all my mates are settled down.My regular trips abroad every couple of months are the only things that keep things fresh and give me something to look forward too. Im lucky in that my gf loves travelling as well so likes to come with me as much as possible although nothing beats the excitement of meeting a new girl on holiday, its still an amazing feeling sharing new experiences and seeing new places with the girl I love (no emo). 35 is still young though. Cant be too hard to meet some stunning eastern european or south east asian wife material on one of your trips abroad.
  12. Thanks man. It lacks real 'off the beaten track' countries though like Iran, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, etc before I can dare to call myself well travelled.
  13. Yeah wasnt sure about that one, ill replace it with Gibraltar then.
  14. England Scotland Wales France Belgium Germany Austria Slovenia Slovakia Hungary Italy Spain Greece Cyprus Malta Romania Bulgaria Turkey Gibraltar Estonia Czech republic Holland Portugal Vietnam Cambodia Thailand Hong kong India UAE Usa Canada 31 in total. Next year hope to add Argentina, peru and chile to my list. Favourite city - Vienna. Best women - Tallinn, estonia. Not even close. Best beer - Italy Friendliest people - cambodia Rudest people - Americans. Nothing worse then being on a trip with a group of americans. Rude, loud, obnoxious. Least favourite country - bulgaria Best Food - cambodia Worst food - czech republic
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2680178/Is-Blakes-7-budget-JIM-SHELLEY-reviews-The-Anomaly.html This film review annoys me. Cant believe this guy can even call it a review and secondly how on earth he will be paid for that!
  16. donnie

    General Chat

    Actually fack Malta. One of the greatest cities in the world is im spain that is incredibly cheap to fly to that has everything from a beach, to amazing architecture, to amazing restaurants, to the best football team in the world...barcelona
  17. donnie

    General Chat

    South of France is ridiculously expensive in terms of accommodation, food, beer, etc. I like Malta alot but its not really a holiday resort, more a 3-4 day break, as it doesnt have a proper beach. Spain easily out of the three. Cheap, great beaches, lots of choices in terms of flights. Depends where in spain though I guess. EDIT : just seen you want a cultured 3-4 day break not a week. Malta easily then although like I say it hasnt got a proper beach there. I went for 4 nights last year in a 4 star hotel in st julians for £130 each including flights and hotel.
  18. donnie

    2014 Holiday Plans

    Thanks for this tony...was edging towards marakech only because Morocco is another country I can tick off my list but the more I read Istanbul sounds like an incredible place.
  19. donnie

    General Chat

    It was the cornerflag restaurant there when I went but the guides escort you there anyway. It was a great day out considering it was a present I wasnt bothered about at all. Incredible that the away changing rooms are twice as big as ours, no wonder we are so shit at home. The meal wasnt to bad at all either.
  20. Inside Llewyn Davis - 6 out of 10. Really was disappointed tbh. A bit bland and it was all a bit 'was that it' at the end of it. Gave it a decent score though as the acting was first class and loved the soundtrack so much ive downloaded it. Annie Hall - 9 out of 10. Woody Allen at his best. Explores love and heartbreak. Beautiful movie that I just read beat star wars in the oscars as best picture. Blue is the warmest colour - 7 out of 10 - highly rated french romantic drama film from last year. Was decent enough and worth a watch.
  21. If dolph ziggler was pushed and given a slightly better gimmick he would be as big as HHH was in his heyday. He is gonna be a star im tellin ya all.
  22. donnie

    2014 Holiday Plans

    So far this year Ive done estonia, malta, thailand, cambodia and a short trip to vietnam. Going to belgium (zzzzzzzzz) in 2 weeks for a couple of nights then want to do one more trip in September to either istanbul or marakech depending on how the flights work out. Im already planning next years trip to argentina, chile and peru which will hopefully top any trip ive done before.
  23. Kasabian have stole this Glastonbury. Not a huge fan normally but they have been incredible tonight.
  24. Dont get the hate on here for the Qashqai. Looks great, drives great, and nissan make reliable cars. Can only drive 'high up' cars now like Qashqai, land rovers, any other 4 x 4's or people carriers. It feels to weird now when ever im in mates 'low down' cars like audi's and golfs.
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