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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. How is this thread an argument for that ? I don't get it ? Examples ?
  2. Not sure, It's gone way past "arrogance". I am starting to think she might be mentally ill. To strive for something that will damage you and all those around you at any cost must have a medical name. The pathways between reality and a Shortbread based future seem to have a configuration problem for the wee Krankie. I truly believe she is losing it.
  3. It will be a currency from another country at that point, they cannot demand the use of a currency can they ? If London says you can't use it then what then ? They have as much right to use the Russina currency as if they are independent then the UK (whats left) has nothing to do with them from that point on ? I presume more money flows upwards to them than going to London so if they just turn the money off what would Krankie do then, can they for example just start using the Dollar as an example. (Some countries use the Dollar in combination with their own currency. + If Krankie just carries on and does not do what London tells her to do is she then not committing a crime also ? (Theft, money by false representation etc)
  4. You forgot "Shortbread" & "Tarten". Game changers, who needs oil when these can easily be combined in a box, shortbread & Tarten combo (She can use this if she is reading this, which we know she is). There is loads of other stuff that they are really good at and can be exported.like erm, you know. I suggest that Sturgeon is slightly less mentally stable than myself and I suspect that even now when she hears "Crackerjack" the old memories come flooding back. Nobody ever asks how she ended up dressed as a little boy and I don't want to know at this point. Anyone else but her and I would have said give it a go but i find her blinkered view just what we dont need at the moment when flexibility and compromise need to be the start point for Brexit etc. Not "I want this and I want it now "FREEEEEEDOM"" bolox from her. Bitter, I think so. ,Sucking a lemon permanently she is hmm the tarten is strong in her, Sturgeon has actually got lips like Angelina Jolie but due to the deep "Bitterization" and jealousy (Like, to the core of her Bitter Krankie self) most of her lips have turn inward and thus the feeding through a straw thing like a pet mouse in a London ruled cage with a little water pot where people drop lucky coins in with the Queens head on. Some land on little Sturgeon a swell. She's not into that.
  5. I would say it's a serious conflict of interests and should not be allowed. He can campaign for the Tories under the cover of a Newspaper. If there are by-elections or whatever then this can't be, can it ? Which letters get published, how things are to be twisted always in their favour. If they are going to try and run the press and they have no opposition in the Commons then I ask, is this really the democracy we should be proud of ?
  6. It's a bit like life I suppose but on a very small scale. Some things attract you, some things repulse you, sometimes one can't be arsed and we just sit around for a bit and some things you want to join up with. That's about it across the universe and it seems so simple it is genius. Everything has somewhere to go or something to do, even if it is sitting very still like a rock. What I really want to know is:- - If the universe was weighed 1 second after the big bang, in a big bag or something that stops things falling out the top. What would it weigh ? - If the universe was weighed NOW. Also in a big bag or something that stops things falling out the top, maybe some smaller bags as the stuff is all a bit smaller. What would it weigh ? My theory is that they should weigh the same. I have lost 2 kg this week also so it will be interesting how that all pans out.
  7. I have to agree, the idea that Scotland can live and thrive on it's own is madness. Do they even have the resources to fund it ? (as in Jobs / people / skills) ? Sturgeon is playing games she is not fit to play and she is just bitter, bitter at being born Scottish, bitter at been the epitome that is all that is wrong with Scotland. Bitter, jealous and unable to see when you are onto a good thing. The addiction to losing will ultimately start to take hold and she will end up like Salmon, a loser.
  8. I don't think the fire service would give a ****. I presume a Fire Engine can and will damage the cars in the way if it needed to get to a house fire. I doubt they would need to pay for it either as if it is illegally parked and stopping them doing their job it is just a piece of metal, hopefully.
  9. I was quite disturbed at how spontaneously and violently ill at that point I was, I had to turn my screaming face away. Even re-reading it in your post was difficult for me, At least i know I am not alone in this vision of hell that presented itself before me. You would think that with technology how it is a simple (on screen) warning a few hours before the event is all that is needed. Apart from that though it was OK.
  10. These 2 are where they should aim. Most people would go for these as it's so obvious it's a bit of a joke. Nationalised education - Remove any mention of religion and faith schools and that alone would win a lot of votes IMO. Nationalised rail - How can it not be this is a modern country ? It cannot be more expensive than by car at any point for example. The Nuclear disarmament & Anti-austerity are great ideas but I would suggest they keep it simple. Don't fight for these 2 as the barriers for success are out of their hands anyway.
  11. It was tongue in cheek, I was having a laugh so calm down or you will do yourself a mischief or damage your keyboard
  12. Question, can a organisation such as the Labour Party be deemed "not fir for purpose" ? If the purpose is the regain power and look after their own supporters and the rest of the population then they are closer to creating a real need for a gnome in every kitchen in the land than that. A: I will start a company based on donations, I aim to get interstellar travel of the ground in the next 5 years ? OR B: My name is Jeremy and I will be Prime Minister of Great Britain. In my world both of these are not achievable so why is it allowed to continue. Making the UK a one party system is dangerous and that is in effect what he is doing. If the Scots are |SNP and the rest is Tory what's the f'in point of it all ? Turning the UK into China is treason and Corbyn should be charged with this at the very least the word removed.
  13. Out of order, Tories would never let the animals burn and I think you know that, they have an interest in killing live animals for fun or interfering with dead ones.
  14. Seems a long time given they were doing them every week is what I mean. 60 days seems a long time in the current world to me anyway. I suppose they treat it a bit like drug trafficking in that they expect a certain % to get caught. We will see, but it seems very quiet at the moment. Also, a plot can mean many things, a coordinated bombing of all major subway routes in London is a plot but so is 4 teenagers from Barnsley buying loads of fertiliser and pipes from a internet wholesaler. The Police are super efficient and visible when it comes to justifying their existence and measures they have in place. "Significant" to the Police in terms of propaganda or "Significant" as in we have a bloke with a dirty bomb in the east end of London. I don't believe a lot of what the Police say or politicians, they don't do it for nothing remember. I'm not having a go by the way and we all see things different, but I have a very bad feeling at the moment, especially about NL and France.
  15. Not 100% convinced they are preventing anything at the moment. I think they will ramp it up as the elections for the various countries come into view would be what I would do if I was them.
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