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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. Only if he was at a thalidomide conference but he wasn't so I don't get the sinister bit. I think you have him down as the end of level boss that you must hate and take apart. Is you saying that is sinister just riding the press wave of BS as well ? Don't forget, a lot of people want him to fail at their own expense FFS. What if, he does a good job ?
  2. I disagree. I think the BBC is remarkable, based purely by the way it's viewed by all sides. It's one of the better news organisations in the world, bias-wise. I have to agree here, the BBC is far ahead of any other news organisation I know of that is Global. I channel hop the news channels and it's not until you see the others that one realises we are very lucky indeed. For all it's faults it is easily the best broadcaster in the world, easily without competition and they all know it.
  3. Does that really matter though, maybe he wants everyone to be distracted by it. Seems to work quite well as people are getting a bit hot under the collar about silly little things. I don't see anyone taking apart Obama's record or promises. The real numbers that matter are not how many people turned up to see something, if they had half a brain they get mannequins to represent everyone who has died in a mass shooting over the last 8 years. I suggest these numbers are more important than who went to see a inauguration of someone who was not voted for in the state they are doing the counting. I dunno, seems a lot of effort is being made to shoot down everything Trump says or does.
  4. On Episode 3, just not feeling it. It's like a storyboard fell into the screen without any of the other bits thought about. It's like a Ronald Dahl story without the good bits.
  5. Could it be that he is not even bothered about the small stuff and basically says what he wants ? I don't care if 5 billion people turned up or 7, in the big scheme of things small stuff really does not matter when compared to trade or ISIS for example. He won the election and threw the media a little bone and it runs with "more people, less people" comparisons. The media are pathetic and would have jumped on anything, the grass was greener for Obama or it was colder this time than for Obama. The press have nothing, will get nothing and this is the best they can hope for, basically school newspaper stuff that makes them look like chumps and will do for the next 4 years. Powerless media now, not even after all the things Trump has said and done, they still couldn't get someone else in the White House. words removed. He is playing the media like a fiddle to be honest. The 'alternative truth', this is the same as pig fancier Cameron's " we will look after " Hard working" families" , had he not lied then the UK would undoubtedly still be in the EU. There are White house " How many people" lies and there are lies that put people into poverty.
  6. Something where the cost of train fares is always at least 10% cheaper than going by car would be a good start. The congestion charge in London plays a big part in that calculation i suppose.
  7. I think the main problem is that the Polling usually takes place in school's. Purposely placing them in these secret bunkers where, with the best will in the world, only a small % of the population know what or where they are is a diabolically cynical move orchestrated by criminal and political masterminds only before seen in things like "Die Hard 2" and "Goldeneye".
  8. I'm playing Fallout 4 as well :-)
  9. Your Fu is balanced and used appropriately in this circumstance. I was trying to help with the readership and nothing else but I doubt a newspaper can make people vote one way or another IMO.
  10. The online readership is massive I suspect. The Daily Mail online is read by Dutch people on the train so how many people in the UK visit it ? I estimate 5-10 Million + easily. Also, a lot of the other papers online require a subscription but the Daily Mail does not apply this and does not keep bugging you to join etc so I imagine that is a draw at the very least ?
  11. Did someone from Trump's team say the UK was at the now moved from the back to the front of the queue for a trade deal or did I imagine it all ?
  12. Me as well and I don't even know why. It's very odd.
  13. In isolation this is not a problem on a personal level, forget it and move on. The problems arise when it's starts to 100's, then 1000's of people been forced to basically cower to the Police and jump when told. They forget that this chips away over time and then you end up with Brixton, Toxteth and Handsworth with a copper chopped up. They have the benefit of hindsight here and things like this don't do them any favours. In the Youtube world they cannot make mistakes like this as the chip away effect is multiplied by the internet and things can go wrong in an hour or 2 (Like the recent riots showed us).
  14. The constant unending supply of oxygen to Will.I.am's brain needs a re-think, a small tweak only, one could say a re-mix of current supply values and governance in the oxygen supply criteria and deliverable service levels.
  15. I don't the ITV type channels over here, so I just watched 30 mins of the funniest clips from something called "The Chase" with Bradley Walsh on youtube. That made me laugh to the point of crying, I don't even know why either but the geezer is very funny and the actual contestants make it funny also. Some of the Questions are brilliant as well to be fair.
  16. My 4 year old Granddaughter remembered to ask for help from the teacher at nursery and made me a super Birthday Card yesterday, just got it. Best present going and its on my wall.
  17. I think you will find that is the:- "pre-launch" Quad-Drive-interface-burner (Ignition Phase 2) being initiated. It's going to be OK. I might be wrong.
  18. There is a version of the "Antiques Roadshow" in America. It immediately makes me think if Karl Pilkington in the Art Gallery in London, he walks up to the owner and asks him "What's the newest thing you got mate ?" Is it like that, I hope it is ? People rocking up with Scalectric's and Rubik cube's that have been carefully passed down through generation after generation. "There is some wear and tear which is to be expected after such a long time but you know what ? maybe we can just get another red sticker for it" Is it like that ?
  19. When the oil price gets to the level that the SNP thought it would be at? Combined with "Sturgeon" living in number 10. Personally I think she talks more shit than Trump, J.C. (Labour Leader) and May combined. If she truly wanted to "do what's best for Scottish people" it would not be to hold another referendum. Answers on a postcode on what would be best.
  20. Agreed, they are so pro-remain it's a bit uncomfortable to watch when they are supposed to be impartial. If they could play"Here comes the clowns" just before they cut to something about "Leave" they would. Shame as i think they have been OK where the US elections have been concerned. They haven't jumped on everything like a rabid dog anyway and showed some professional restraint at times.
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