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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. I think you are correct, no way back now no matter what happens. I don't know how a party actually dies but it cannot be far away.
  2. Many were lost during "The great database reconciliation", dark day's indeed. Many still suffer flashbacks or Post-Post Traumatic Error Syndrome, you end up with 39 k + or something ? Many Bothans died to bring us this information.
  3. Ta, I just remembered it but was not 100% sure it was VT, ta,
  4. Is it my imagination but did we at one point have people posting to VT using 2 different accounts? (10 years ago maybe or was it on another place entirely)
  5. An "arse like a broken cat flap" makes me laugh as does "a word removed like a wizards sleeve."
  6. Been there, done that. They always let themselves down in the end, you will end up alone holding a handful of the very precious stolen hair looking at yourself in a mirror tutting. Or it might be OK.
  7. It's a maths thing as well I suppose ?, You can block 1 person but if they have x fiends and they have Y friends and so on. It goes worldwide instantly anyway so I just seems there is a tidal wave of rubbish and a million people blocking stuff would still not dent it. Social media is a little stage for everyone I suppose, how one uses this small stage is up to them but some of it, there is no need.
  8. Now, now. Less of that, if we were not all on or in "Off Topic" everyday then the world be be all wrong. We, the collective, the hive mind that is "Off Topic" power the world and each other through some terrible time's. For, [INSERT STRONG MESSAGE HERE] it has always been thus & the world was righted.
  9. It's the only way to permanently fix the world, everything that is causing problems at the moment from Wars to Trump to travel bans can all be rewound to religion as the single original catalyst.
  10. I get you Jon but it must feel a bit like a fight you can't win.
  11. You are not a teacher or guardian and they should already know this. If you pull them up on it what would be the ideal outcome for you and what is the reality in your experience. Do people actually worry about this ?
  12. I have got one in my family as well. I only see the posts 3rd hand though as I do not have Facebook. Something about letting people drown last time in the Mediterranean. I got rid of Facebook years and years ago and the longer I live the better I feel for it. Facebook is someone else's battle to lose and the more people who ditch it the better the world will be. You would not follow these people in real life so I don't see the attraction in following blokes around in any form social media or at a shopping centre, it's just weird IMO.
  13. You do mean "Tommy" and not the head of the religion in question ?
  14. "Yep" Geoff the bar tender broke the silence in the Saloon, "these are 'bad dudes', and make no mistake". "They will be riding into this town come sunrise as sure as Mr Dilkington, the cobbler opens that damn shop of his at 5 past 9 in the A M." The Sheriff jumped down from his bar stool, once balance was fully attained he stated to walk back and forth along the bars length. The bottom of his revolver's scapping along the wooden floorboards, leaving two small trail of a sawdust slug type juice in his wake that could be interpreted as a midget railway. The sheriff strode forward, and spat out "These 'bad dudes', they been doing 'bad dude' things and as Sheriff of this god damn town it stop's now" The piano that had stated playing stopped, dead. "Shut the town gates" Trump is starting to sound like a wild west sheriff, who happens to be a midget in this case,but never mind that, his language is ridiculous. Who the **** does 'bad dudes' resonant with ? Be on the look out for 'bad dudes'.
  15. No but that's probably what he'll be getting. Just to be a bit dull, the "Cocky" thing in drug dealing terms was actually the nick name of Curtis Warren. It's something to do with being the "Cock of the manor" so to speak and will take on all comers to the area and all that rubbish. I read a book that mentioned it.
  16. Not going to happen. I think a " like" now and then is enough.
  17. Oh shit, sorry mate. I mis-understood the first bit. That's horrific, keep all your options open. Good luck then.
  18. It's odd, I cannot watch things like programmes about Elephant poachers, whale hunters, babies in ICU's on hospital programmes or things that detail X set of monkeys will go exitinkt etc. it is a relatively recent thing (say 3 to 5 years) where I feel so very sad that I almost feel like crying and I turn it off. Like properly sad and if I see an advert on CNN for money to help stop poachers I flip this off also. I am not sure if it is pure frustration or what but it's odd and my heart rate increases (Garmin fit bandy thing says so). Am I unique in this ?
  19. Have you seen the video of Jack getting ready for some of the scenes in The Shining, scary stuff. He basically looks like a boxer getting ready in the dressing room.
  20. That seem's good advice. I am trying to split money up where possible to different places as it goes. If the Nonceomatic Wilders wins in Holland then I could be in trouble but I can get by with Dutch language so I got that going for me :-)
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