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Everything posted by AshVilla

  1. Was pretty crap in the first 5 - 10 mins of the game but grew into it and was quality Deserves to keep his place imo
  2. Take a bow son for his goal But the woeful defending afterwards kind of took a bit of shine off it
  3. All im getting on facebook is rival fans saying he's going to leave... 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS!
  4. Quality performance This kid has a big future ahead of him looks composed on the ball and likes to get forward
  5. Clearly if Bannan had played tonight we would have won 10 - 1
  6. No thanks to any Wolves player... They should be ashamed of themselves
  7. I just pray the Benteke that turns up tonight is the unstoppable one capable of routing Sunderland on his own Hopefully it won't be the one that is anonymous and does nothing
  8. Any midfield which does not involve Bannan will do me fine
  9. AshVilla


    If only we had taken 3 points against Fulham... Pity we can't keep a clean sheet to save our lives.
  10. AshVilla


    Gareth Bale 1 Wigan 1
  11. AshVilla


    I expect Gareth Bale FC to beat Wigan then again at the same time i wouldn't rule out Wigan grabbing a last minute equaliser either
  12. PMSL.... Seriously Liverpool fans claim that everybody is against their club but come on statements like this do themselves no favours.... Here are a couple more gems "I'm wondering if Brendan is pressuring our players up too much. Carra was ready to murder on Sunday, can't remember ever seeing him so twisted, Shelvey was booked within minutes of coming on, Sturridge could easily have been sent off and this happened with Louis. This isn't like us at all, I get the feeling all is not well." Yes its all Brendan Rodgers fault..... "I think the FA is in the process of introducing a new card for disciplinary action on the pitch. It is the black card, and it is to be used every time Luis Suarez does something naughty. It carries a punishment that is double the standard given under normal circumstances" Actually here's a point i agree with it will match their black armbands perfectly... "I know this doesn't really mean much but I heard on a sports podcast (Slate's Hang Up and Listen) and one of the host was talking about the history of biting sports. He brought up this Ancient Greek Olympian sport of Pankration. It's a martial arts where you can do anything to you opponent except for gouge eyes and bite. It seems that cultural in sports that you are allowed to break legs with a tackle and elbow someone in the head but that is "part of the game". However, to bite someone now and even in the past was a faux pas. I know this doesn't mean his ban should be this severe but I just thought this was interesting and something to think about" I really don't know what to make of this one.... "We're moving from what I remember as the game to an X Factor, Britain's Got Talent, The Voice **** football game, where if those with Sky Remotes press their red button hard enough, or those on Twitter shout loud enough, the FA will act. Press red to vote for a longer suspension. **** off" Wow? "Standard chartered who are being hammered for being corrupt mother****** right now wont say a word with regards to this.. Too busy salvaging their own credibility" Exactly what do the sponsors have to do with this? Add another name to the LFC blame game "Appealing is a waste of time. Its a tory stitch up against Liverpool FC. Sure Suarez deserves a ban but 1st thatcher tries to destroy Liverpool FC allowing the lies about Hillsborough and now david cameron deems it requires the most senior political figure in Britain to pass comment on a Liverpool FC matter thus ensuring the **** suckers at the fa act with an over the top ban. *** you cameron and **** you the tory party. I hope Suarez stays and scores many more goals for us, give me a winner like Suarez over the likes of Downing who every week is in one rag or anther saying how well his career is going now and how much he is improving. I dont see a great deal of improvement." Perhaps i should put this one in the CONdem thread.. "HIS PREVIOUS BITING INCIDENT HAS NO BEARING ON THIS AS IT WAS NOT UNDER FA JURISDICTION, HIS RACIST BAN WAS NOT CLASSED AS VIOLENT CONDUCT AND AS SUCH CAN'T BE USED AGAINST HIM, THIS WAS HIS FIRST VIOLENT CONDUCT CHARGE WHILST UNDER FA JURISDICTION SO THEY SHOULD OF TREATED IT AS AN FIRST OFFENCE AND TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION HIS PLEA AS WELL AS THE OUTCOME OF SAID INCIDENT (IE: THE SKIN WAS NOT BROKEN, IT LOOKS MAD AND IT WAS BUT NO!!!!!!! PHYSICAL HARM WAS DONE) INSTEAD THEY DECIDED TO TAG IT ONTO HIS EXISTING RACISM CASE AND PREVIOUS BITING CASE WHICH IS AGAINST FA REGULATIONS, NEED I ******* SAY MORE?" U MAD BRO? Caps lock obviously broken... "If we don't appeal and he goes, im taking up the bundesliga, because this club isnt the same anymore anyway, and neither is football in the country in general. i feel sick saying that but like a few others ive been teetering on the bring for quite some time and this could be the tipping point" Wouldn't it make more sense to support the club Luis joins? Especially if you love him that much to abandon the club you have supported... O Rose thou art sick. The invisible worm, That flies in the night In the howling storm: Has found out thy bed Of crimson joy: And his dark secret love Does thy life destroy. Wtf? "As a ST holder can I claim a rebate from the FA or the club as I'm being denied watching the best player we have? I bought my ticket expecting full value for money in the knowledge Suarez would play when fit. These clowns are not fulfilling their commitments to provide me with the entertainment this lad brings to the game. It will be like watching/listening to the Beatles without John Lennon" Genius
  13. Because Liverpool fans are the most deluded in the premier league Instead of accepting what Suarez did was wrong and was clearly out of order they think there is a massive conspiracy by the FA to dick them over I hope he leaves. Clearly their best player and they will fail to lure any other player near his skill level based on their mediocre league position
  14. The fact of the matter is he has done this before and got banned for 7 matches He did not learn his lesson and has done it again. You do not hand out a lesser punishment if you re offend and do the same crime again? 10 matches is correct
  15. No doubt the liverpool team will be wearing black armbands with a 1 minute silence in light of this news
  16. Ben Kingsley's stunt double They should be twins
  17. Game of Thrones latest episode can someone please explain
  18. Yet he's chalked up 3 times more assists than Barry Bannan supposedly one of the best crossers in the premier league I'd like to see him given a chance in a more advanced position
  19. I don't see a winger there, not at this level certainly. I thought the same about Gareth Bale once
  20. AshVilla


    The fans really need to wind Di Canio up Monday night I think if we can go in at half time in the lead he will explode at half time which will benefit us massively
  21. Just when you think and hope this thread is going the same way as the players career (Into the wilderness) it comes back again like a bad smell. I suppose we would have thrashed Manure last night if he were on the pitch
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