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Everything posted by AshVilla

  1. Apparently Gearbox have bought the IP for the Homeworld games I don't know if to be excited or cry after the derp fest that was Colonial Marines Homeworld 1 and 2 were classics some of my fave PC games of all time I have been looking forward to a number 3 forever I really hope they don't screw it up At least EA didn't get their claws into it i suppose imagine a Mothership where you would have to pay real money to buy a corvette or a bomber.... Gearbox really have a lot to answer for after Colonial Marines they better put things right
  2. The Last Stand LOL/10 Arnie and Johnny Knoxville in the same movie.... As much as i adore Arnie he really needs to retire.
  3. I'm sure he will be the next West Ham manager I find it amusing how West Ham keep dragging out big Sam signing a new deal until they are safe They are clearly safe surely they will sit down with him asap and give him the deal he deserves But then again this is Gold and Sullivan I'm sure Arry's agent has already put the feelers out
  4. What makes me laugh is there are quite a few pool fans claiming they should get rid of him and he's a disgrace to the football club. They are deluded and simply do not have the luxury of doing this He carries them week in week out is their best player and they have no chance of signing anybody else near to his calibre I dread to think where they would be in the table without his goals probably down where we are judged on the way they have performed in some matches this season
  5. AshVilla


    I think we will need to spend at least 15 mill just to stand still next season and be in a relegation dogfight again We are short of at least 4 quality experienced players
  6. Always been a boob man myself they are simply not big enough But she is stunning
  7. WTF "Authorities do not know if they will be able to question the subject as he was shot in the throat and tongue so he cannot speak" Umm there is an invention called a pen and paper?
  8. Sorry guys but Suarez does not deserve the abuse he's getting What he did is perfectly ok He wanted a taste of the champions league Lets face it he will never get that at Liverpool
  9. Arsenal co owner is now UK's richest man Add another 10 mill onto his price
  10. AshVilla


    Interesting I wonder if Bannan will get selected against United. Thinking back to the 2-2 draw against them at Villa Park under Houllier. Bannan ran the show that day. Unlikely. He wasn't even on the bench against Fulham and we needed him there. We lost the possession battle 49%/51%. Lambert won't recall him directly to the first XI in the next match. He should start him on the bench at least. If he doesn't, will be very worried indeed why he is not starting one of our most important players when we need him most.
  11. AshVilla


    If we had taken care of our own business against Fulham we wouldn't have needed to worry so much about today Inevitable other sides were going to win and turn themselves around i think we will be ruing the fact we failed to take all 3 points from that game
  12. Great alive Time for the CIA to bring out the waterboard
  13. How exactly? Some guy has a boat on a trailer parked in his backyard, under a tarp. I'm expecting him to find a way out by combining his cooking skills with clichéd Eastern wisdom. Hopefully there isn't a microwave on board
  14. Jesus just watched the cbs newstream so many cops.... I overheard the hostage negotiator yelling your gonna need a bigger boat
  15. We all know what cops do with cop killers He could come out waving white underwear above his head trying to surrender and they will probably still stick a bullet in his head I do not believe this "we want to take him alive bs"
  16. There were hundreds of bullets fired at his car the likely hood he drove away from that scene without being shot would be a miracle He has probably crawled and died somewhere
  17. As if they tried to resuscitate him for 15 mins after he got to the hospital I'm no medical expert but with wounds like that he had zero chance
  18. Apparently according to CBS reporter and his sources a bomb the same as the one used in the marathon bombing was thrown at police during the firefight but did not create the same explosive yield because the lid came off the pressure cooker thank god They also made pipe bombs and they are going to do a controlled explosion on their home because it was basically a bomb making factory They were also defending the FBI for releasing the footage to flush them out as they doubt that was going to be the last attack they were going to make and with the amount of explosive material they have found its extremely likely they were going to bomb alot more things
  19. LOL, I didn't think much about 'him' to be honest!
  20. I salute and cheer on all the protesters who have gone to give her the send off she deserves I would have gone myself but unfortunately I'm having to work to pay for the thing... I guess she gets the last laugh after all
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