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Everything posted by thunderball

  1. Whatever excuses that keep being levelled, Lambert has a terrible record, and the club has set new lows under his tenure. If he wins the next two, will that erase the terrible results, annual relegation battle and rubbish served up week on week over the past few years, no. It's time for a change.
  2. £8m is the going rate for average PL midfielders. Look at the dross we bought looking for value (excl Westwood, but he has taken 3 years to get there)
  3. Saw Ian Ormonroyd score, I think it was at Old Trafford and it was a record crowd for the first division at 47K. I know they don't count but also saw Eric Cantona play for Leeds and Ray Wilkins play for QPR at VP.
  4. Pleased about this. Keep the good news coming please, we have momentum.
  5. I wouldn't get too emotional about it, footballers are all the same (mercenary) and so are the clubs and most of us would look after ourselves. He's played a blinder - got himself into the shop window while he improves his earning ability (in 12 months time) at Man Utd's expense. In fairness we need him more than he needs us. Who knows, it may have a happy ending but I think we have come up trumps too, and after all, we may be after bigger fish next summer?
  6. In fairness, Management did sort a number deals early. The shelf clearing at other clubs only unfolds towards the end of the window, and with agents playing clubs off against each other its a difficult time to close out deals. Let's not forget, and it may shock a few, but we are not the most attractive proposition in the PL and we are relatively constrained too. at least we seem to have a handle sensible finances as boring as that may be.
  7. Better off without him if that's his attitude. Obviously doesn't yet realise he is a failure that's why he is being shown the door, could have re-established his reputation at a level better suited to his ability. He needs to adjust first, better off someone else having him on the rebound.
  8. He tends to pass sideways, doesn't take chances. He'll feel right at home then
  9. I reckon the opposite - you wouldn't buy a new kitchen if you were in the process of selling your house.
  10. You pretty much just trebled his transfer fee. Troon, "et al" was a reference to [Tonev] Helenius and Luna. You can also add Sylla to failed risks.
  11. Hopefully it will be a double bid for Welbeck, he's on his way too. That would really signal that Randy is "Re-energised".
  12. Can only improve us. Who cares how much, it's Randy's money, rather risk 8mil on TC than the £5/6m we spunked out on Tonev et al who are now all loaned out because they were utter rubbish, or £1m on that Aquafresh fella.
  13. 33% conversion sounds pretty good to me? Thinking positive..... ;-)
  14. Didn't see it, any chance of an overview please? apart from everyone, who was shit?
  15. Simply crazy, we turn a corner and still manage to shoot ourselves in the foot? Surely having a valuable player(s) locked into a contract is of benefit when selling the club? It will cost the same to employ a replacement but add to that the transfer fee? Utter madness.
  16. And who could blame him? I wonder if he will leave if Lerner goes?
  17. Pleasing performance, but this says more about how shite we have become. Massively short on quality at the business end of the field, but look much more solid. Really in need of 2nr big money signings and our forwards to come back. I am losing my fear thankfully, but he next 4/5 games will show us where we really are.
  18. I had a real downer on PL, but his summers work in very difficult circumstances is excellent so far. Perhaps there is a good manager in there after all. If he can crack the possession and creating chances, with Benteke and Kojak back we could be a surprise this season. Noted he said this evening that Vlaar is going nowhere, even running his contract down won't alter that.
  19. Looked ok to me, doesn't set the world on fire, but was far from a liability which is what our midfield (whole team) had become. Another solid acquisition by Lambert for me, but not sure if he will get too much game time once The Rock gets up to speed and Cole finds his place?
  20. Looked ok to me. Solid debut. I was expecting him to be limited and just a midfield anchor/destroyer but his passing game looks pretty bright. Great value.
  21. Hard to turn down £15m on a 29 year old in the last 12 months of his contract, although I read yesterday that Lambert wants £20m. Vlaar is the Go-On-Strike sort, but would never begrudge a player a big money move to a club like Man Utd. Vlaar has only just come good, he can be replaced though. That's football. He won't go to Utd though, just can't see this happen.
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