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Everything posted by thunderball

  1. Agreed KSV, defence is the worst position in the PL for blooding youngsters as the standard is so high, even the smallest mistake gets punished, and that can be the difference between 3 points and 1 or worse - its suicide to go all season with youngsters, that was most of our problem last year (as well as the young and inexperienced midfield and young and inexperienced forward line). Natural ability as a defender can only take you so far because experience counts for so much at the back.
  2. That's from the MON school of player deployment. No, let's hope Lambert uses midfielders for midfield roles. But Clark is much better suited to midfield rather than defence as he is good with the ball at his feet and is very composed, but is liable to the odd mistake which is much less punishable in midfield. It's not the MON school of player development either, that's not playing youth players when needed, Clark has been played in midfield by both Houllier and McLeish IIRC and looked competent. Barry started out as CB, he became our nailed central midfielder for about 7-8 years. Bale was a LB and almost sold by spurs 'cause he wasn't very good there, he's now one of the best players in the world on the left wing/behind the striker. Henry started out as a winger and became the best striker of his generation. I don't think Clark is in the same league as these players, but they are examples that mean just because you start your career in one position it doesn't mean it's your best position. Valid points.
  3. That's from the MON school of player deployment. No, let's hope Lambert uses midfielders for midfield roles.
  4. Young - would improve us but no thanks, been there done that and Man U are getting rid for a reason. Now Milner, there would be a real re-signing we would all love, worth 2 Ashley Youngs.
  5. I wasn't being pessimistic either, safe mid table (for me this includes 'just top half' and is anywhere from 12th to 9th) is cautiously optimistic after the past three seasons! I just hope that last seasons 2nd half doesn't flatter to deceive, even with cracking form we still relied on Wigan's misfortune last season to stay up. I see our problem still at the other end, we cannot stop conceding goals and that is a terrible trait in the premier league - if we had a solid back 5 and Sylla, I would feel much more confident but I don't feel this has been fully addressed. No doubt when in the mood we are mouth watering going forward, but all that hard works was undone so easily and so many times last season (any stats on lost points from winning positions?) - I just hope we don't we don't end up relying on Benteke we need 3/4's of our goals coming from elsewhere.
  6. I agree that we are not much better than last season which may mean a safe mid-table finish at best. Our strength in depth has improved but not the first team (I await Okore's progress) in any way other than experience. Would have liked to see a solid experienced left back, would like to see a solid experienced centre back as well as Okore. We need: another forward and creative midfielder, especially when Bent and Ireland leave. Would love to see Nacer Chadli (for more than one reason!), and Finnbogason or at a push Gomis. This would improve us immensely. Over the moon about Benteke, its like signing a £40m player - this doesn't happen to the Villa!
  7. I stopped here. Me too. Believe me, Benteke is worth £25m. He is defiantly worth that to Villa at the moment, and was worth it last season. I genuinely think he will be in the top 5 forwards in the world at 26, and could be worth £50m plus IF he knuckles down because he is occasionally too casual - he has everything in his locker except self belief, and that will only come with game time in a lesser club.
  8. Villa offered to double his wages to £40k p.w., Spurs won't pay much more, but Chelsea and Arsenal would depending on his transfer fee. But we didn't have to pay him any more than his current £20k p.w. cause he has 3 years left - this is the point. Truth is, he will sign for some club for another 4 years contract on maybe £50k p.w. and not get a pay rise again because he will be at a bigger club. If he'd waited until next summer after a good WC he could be worth £40m, and as a proven entity could easily command £100K p.w. for 4 years. Where's the agents sense here? It's short term greed.
  9. Just cannot see Spurs paying £25m cash. They will be paying big money to Bale and Paulinho, plus Dafoe, Lennon and Adebayor, who wont be easy to move on (please God Faulkner don't help them out) and will need to pay CB at least £50k p.w. the have just broken their transfer record for Paulinho, but don't have Champions league. Spurs 5th place was all down to Bale, they are nothing special so don't put ourselves down because of our recent form, we are not far away on second half of season form - if Lambert buys well again we could conceivably finish above Spurs, but Benteke would have been a big part in that. Great pity but I blame Kismet 100%
  10. Read somewhere on twitter that PL has lined up an alternative if CB leaves.
  11. The club needs to stop this rot or we will forever be in this position. At £20k p.w. we can surely set an example nd sell for similar money next year. Can't help but think he getting poor advice though. Silly boy. £30m and he can go but it won't be with my blessing.
  12. I agree, this lad is going to go for around 10m which is way out of our league Seems a bit excessive...there are others out there I reckon we would pay £10m for the right player, we paid £7m(?) for Benteke and that worked out?
  13. WTF? I dare not go back a page to find what prompted this, as its taken 10 minutes for the page to load due to all the GIF action!
  14. The Mail have no idea what's going on, most transfers in have been pretty much left field so far, and the club certainly have no reason to give info to the Mail or leak info out unless its a (useful) diversion tactic. If anything has been said I'd take it with a pinch of salt, I reckon Kendricks taken the bait and doing their bidding. If the management believe he is the man for such an important role, they will pay what's needed, I think it's no coincidence that nothing is happening while Bent and Ireland remain in stasis.
  15. Maybe PL will play 3 CB's and two wing backs?
  16. Dead right, but all it takes is a Levy-like hard line to show as a club we are back on track: The boy is NOT FOR SALE. We hold a strong contract and he needs 1st team football, it suits us this season. Further, we don't need the money as we can pay the transfer fees on the players that fit the clubs financial model, and all PL clubs this season are seriously rich.
  17. There's no smoke without fire. Of course we were interested, just because he doesn't sign doesn't mean we were never in. A few said a week or so ago that PL put a take it or leave it offer to him, he left it. He's obviously a mercenary, better off without - Ukrainian league........ Phhht! ;-)
  18. It's anything but clear as day. If anything there are seemingly more ITK's suggesting there is something in this than not...... We can only wait and see.
  19. Free transfer on the right wages, experience at the highest level, knows and respects the club, and he's a sensible chap and a consummate professional, and we need some older heads at the club - what not to like about this deal? He doesn't have to play very game, but if he did he would be earning it with Lambert in charge.
  20. With Milner also told he's surplus to Man City requirements wouldn't you rather Little Jimmy instead?
  21. Feels the right fit, although Tweets suggesting our target is another AM (not named)
  22. This season to prove he warrants a place otherwise it's time to move on, it's up to Albrighton and it sounds like he is going to give it a go so good on him. Personally I don't think he's good enough for the division but what do I know, it's PL's decision, but it would be great to be surprised. We do hang on to youngsters too long though - how many chances does Delfonso need?
  23. We will buy a decent AM this summer. As soon as we off load some wages and put some more money in the kitty I reckon we could spend another £30m, maybe more - lets face it we need to. The players we have brought in are kids and I reckon PL knows he will need a couple of "experienced" heads (maybe 24/25 y.o.). I am certain the big guns are yet to arrive, for me Belhanda fits the bill. I reckon they are waiting for the dust to settle as the headline £12m will more likely be £8m.
  24. For me it's Delp OR Sylla, not both, unless we are playing particularly offensive teams. I reckon PL fell into both because he had little else at the time but I reckon a midfield 3 would consist of Westwood, an AM and one of either Delph or Sylla. If PL is giving to spend £10m, it's in Belhanda's role - either him or someone else like him, and the stats add up: acclaimed youngster without a silly inflated price and could start on £30k p.w. ish. It actually wouldn't surprise me if PL buys another centre back and plays with Lowton & Bennett/other as wing backs as a 3-5-2
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