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Everything posted by Thug

  1. I liked your comment, but actually it’s very believable
  2. For someone who hates online football support… why are you logged into villatalk during a game?
  3. Why don’t you compare this: Sherwood had Gestede. Gerrard has Ings and Watkins.
  4. You do realise smith was sacked for defeats against: Spurs, Arsenal, West Ham, wolves and Southampton. This was despite having 10pts on the board from the previous 5 games? We’ve not progressed at all. We’ve gone backwards. To replace Smith with a rookie manager was an utterly appalling decision. Getting rid of Smith should only have happened for an elite manager. Such an amateur move.
  5. Yh I did read your post. And I think your version of utterly appalling is very different from many people on this board. 90% of the people that voted on whether he should stay or go after 3 games this season said ‘go’. Imagine how appalling you must believe someone to be performing if you’d want them gone this soon. Your headline stat in your post was the premier league PPG for each manager. Completely ignoring the fact that one manager was in charge of a team that had just come up via the play offs (usually the team most likely to go right back down again) And the other was in charge of a team that had just got 55 points in the premier league Following heavy investment. Its not the PPG that’s concerning. it’s being completely played off the park by Bournemouth and Palace, and hanging on by the skin of our teeth to beat Everton. We’re awful. And worse still having no idea how to plug a huge hole that Zaha was repeatedly exploiting.
  6. If you twist my arm really hard, I might at a push accept that given time he may come good. But anyone defending what he’s served up so far as anywhere near acceptable has lost their marbles in my opinion. This is the most one dimensional, clueless, repeatedly try the same crap regardless of how unsuccessful it is garbage I’ve seen for as long as I can remember. Rather have Bruce back. At least we could crack kebab jokes.
  7. How on earth can you include Smith’s survival season stats in their respective PPG’s and come out with the conclusion that SG is doing a good job? If anything those stats make SGs look utterly appalling.
  8. Whether he’s good enough is a completely moot point. He’s not what we need right now. I’d rather add that £28m to the CM budget
  9. You know I was being sarcastic. Right?
  10. Maybe we should send him out on loan to a League 2 side, let him manage there for a bit.
  11. I’m sure I’ve read plenty worse than that. Plenty.
  12. Yh sorry, I read your reply after I posted that. I’ve edited my post.
  13. Lol, the point is it’s NOT a weird novelty. It’s just basics. We got repeatedly done by a basic tactic. You’re just not getting that point! Zaha >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Konsa You can’t leave those two to battle it out edit: apologies, you clearly do get the point.
  14. Vieira did his homework. Gerrard clearly did not. Cash should’ve been told to stick to Zaha, never mind running up field to put in a shit cross.
  15. Mate it’s the managers job to tell them what they should be doing. And the first thing he should have been saying is ‘Zaha is on fire. We can’t afford to leave him with a one on one against Konsa’ if not before the game, then surely after he saw Palace repeatedly exploit that weakness you’d think he’d plug that gap!
  16. In the villa dressing room… Gerrard ‘okhay lads, we’re gonna attakh them with our full-bachs. They won’t know what hit them’ Meanwhile in the Palace dressing room… Vieira: ‘they’re going to attack with their fullbacks who will be out of position the whole time. As soon as we get the ball off them, smack it into their fullback area where Zaha will be standing ready for a 1 v 1 against their centre back who’s been shit for 6 months.’
  17. You see the problem with your post?
  18. So much time, in fact, that we no longer have the same manager, Jack, the same players, or the same system. So we have finally decided he’s right for us, just when we get a manager that doesn’t play wingers? What, he complements the new paint in the dressing room now? Never heard so much crap in my life. (Not from you, btw)
  19. And to think… they were WAAAAAAAY shitter than us before he arrived.
  20. This appointment has to be the most pathetic bit of business ever. Why on earth would you break the bank appointing Gerrard when there were plenty of people available with good track records in the premier league. First trying his best to get Henry, and then busting the bank for Gerrard. Clearly has no idea about how to appoint a manager. FFS we don’t need expensive experiments. We need a manager with a proven track record. Purslow has a lot to answer for.
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