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Everything posted by CVByrne

  1. That's the entire point, he's in the peak years now for a CB and he has lots of Premier League experience. Seem to be a big personality and leader by all accounts too.
  2. The stupidest thing I read on Villa talk is people commenting on a players individual wage and completely ignoring it's all an annual cost to Villa which is is wage PLUS transfer fee over life of contract. I would prefer a proven ball playing CB instead of Tarkowski. I'll have no issues if it's Hause out on loan and Tarkowski in and that's our CBs solved. He's a quality defender, massive amount of experience and he'd have a great partnership with Mings I'd say. No issues with this one especially as Gomez is not leaving Liverpool by sounds of it.
  3. I think the best way we can be described as a football club is embarrassing. We're an embarrassment to football.
  4. He's a very good manager realising he's made the worst decision of his career. He's in the graveyard at 41.
  5. I think he's clearly a good manager. He manages Aston Villa unfortunately.
  6. Nah, I've been level headed for too long. Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade
  7. The fact we all knew deep down we'd lose because we're Aston Villa was the worst part about it. The fact it was inevitable. We are in the dictionary beside the word Failure
  8. Gerrard can't do anything to change the fact we're Aston Villa. Professional failure. Professional cowards. Professional losers. Gutless. ****. Losers
  9. I can't remember being this gutted. The fact we'll all have to watch this forever on repeat is the worst part about it. Complete. Utter. Implosion. Aston Villa
  10. The damage from this defeat will be permanent for the team. Line the Wolves loss. Gerrard knows a 5 0 loss would have been better. He and this team will never recover from this
  11. The man can't do anymore than he has. Great job and just players letting him down.
  12. That capitulation will be played over and over and over for decades
  13. You couldn't end the season worse than that. 3 goals in 5 mins is utterly crushing. Probably won't recover mentally from this ever this team. We'll look back on this as the moment
  14. He has been carrying a groin injury. Probably hasn't improved since Thursday. Makes sense to just give Olsen a chance. It's not a remotely important game for us. Why risk Emi if he's not fully fit
  15. Coutinho is in £125k per week. We also pay a lot of bonuses based in league position and qualification for Europe etc.. so players can earn like 30% more in total on top of their base pay
  16. Probably the majority favourite of the no 6 options we've been linked to. Hope this is really happening. Excellent player and has a very high ceiling
  17. This is probably the the most ridiculous nonsense I've read on this site in weeks. So managers shouldn't be allowed sing players to take the club forward? Klopp signed his entire team to get them to win things. Guardiola has done this twice. Smith over course of 2 seasons signed 15+ players. But no, Gerrard wants some new players and no he needs to be a Director of Football. Seriously, what utter utter nonsense. Complete utter nonsense
  18. No mention of Luiz. I assume we sign another 8 if he leaves.
  19. Yeah but after a fast start to the season we were terrible under Smith in 2021 and on course for relegation the ppg we were getting. Under Gerrard we're close, we just need to get our attack improved and players taking their chances. Plus the right players in CDM / CB
  20. I think since Gerrard has come in we are a better side than Wolves, West Ham, Leicester et el. I think pre-season will be important and if we can recruit the right 3 players in CF, CDM, CB. Also we need Ings goal scoring touch to return
  21. CVByrne

    Ezri Konsa

    Percy saying there are hopes Konsa will be fit for pre season! sounds promising he might not need surgery
  22. Interesting that Konsa may be fit for Pre season now. Sounds like his knee injury might not need surgery? Also Gomes signing new deal with Liverpool means other CB option needed.
  23. But we were actually shit under Dean without Jack. We were a one trick pony
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