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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. Actually he is on Redcafe telling any Man U fans who will listen about Spurs brilliant comeback. The game ended 4 -3, with Spurs playing with 10 men away from home for something like 80 mins: far from being humiliation, that's an amazing fight back. Your earlier claim was that Spurs would be humiliated in the group stages. Well, we're 2nd in the group and looking likely to qualify .... so that's another stupid prediction from you looking likely to dissolve like morning mist. You also previously claimed that Spurs wouldn't even reach the group stages ... is there any end to your blinkered vision?
  2. It's Maggie Thatchers 85th birthday and the only things on TV are celebrating scousers and miners!!
  3. Dunno but it must've been hooj if one of them was running 3 miles a day. Perhaps he was running in a tight figure 8 around the room?
  4. Apparently my cat died this morning It was living at my parents place back in Oz, it had to be put down after they discovered it had stomach cancer. That sucks
  5. Yet it took 8 days to drill through 12m of rock to reach these guys. You're VASTLY over estimating our ability to cut through rock. Drilling causes heat, heat causes drills to break. You have to go slow. Do you think that we'd somehow have discovered some faster way to drill through rock or something? Or do you think the Chileans are just sitting around on their asses half the time before going "maybe we should get to doing a bit more drilling?" Well it wasn't the Chileans doing the drilling either. There were 3 drills going at the same time (incase one broke they wouldn't have to start again). I believe two were being drilled by Americans and one was an Australian rig shipped over. It was the Americans who got through first.
  6. Repeat the lie enough times and it becomes the truth
  7. The first of the Chilean miners is supposed to be rescued in the next hour. BBC news guy has been trying to fill the last hour of talking about it but there is only so many ways you can say the same thing over and over.
  8. Well Chicago is supposed to have more polish people in the greater metro area than any city in Poland making it the worlds largest polish city.
  9. So how long to go on the WW2 bill? It was paid off in the early 1980s. Now they have that extra money each month do you think they will be setting it aside for a WW3 fund?
  10. I have no children so the government should remove all child benifits :nod:
  11. I think there will be another round of spending once they reach the champions league but then they will consolidate like Chelsea have done.
  12. Yes that is a bit stupid. It will be odd when people start telling their employers they don't want their next pay rise as it will take 2 grand off their income over all. The duel income verse single income issue is dumb as well. Having said that, it seems to be daily mail readers screaching the loudest so it can't be all bad
  13. Epic tribute to the locals in my neighbourhood! Being a dickhead's cool!
  14. 2.8 miles each way. On a pushbike...
  15. Gomes is pretty good. He was rubbish in his first season andmany fans wrote him off but he was very good last year. Very very good actually.
  16. Well they did actually. The first 3 years or so under Ranieri they were throwing money round like it was going out of fashon. 25mill for Veron, 18mill for Duff etc. Buying and selling each window. It wasn't until they got Jose in and he brought his porto players that they actually became a force.
  17. I think they may well end up in a ground share with Liverpool, both clubs renting a stadium off a third party, which will suit the money men of both clubs but not the fans of either.
  18. I think City will give Arsenal a run for third myself. Man United don't look like an unstoppable force when Rooney is off form either. Perhaps they could even stay on their tail also?
  19. I've been saying that myself. Both look good when playing further up the pitch and can get 1 on 1 with a fullback but ask them to stay in position at fullback and defend and they are not only wasted but are a bit of a liability.
  20. Footytube.com? They usually have highlights.
  21. Good start for the new manager. Lets hope the confidence grows.
  22. **** me it worked! Is Houllier a genius now?
  23. If we're that bad that we go out of the Europa League and Carling Cup it's for the best as we're clearly needing to focus on the League. The League Cup is realistically our best hope of picking up a trophy. If we go out tonight that's another potless season in all probability. It was always going to be a transition season after MON walked out 5 days before kickoff.
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