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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. Looks like William Gallas is their first real signing of the summer. I wonder how he will go down with the fans at WHL.
  2. NRC won posession loads of times, he's good at that. He also has a tendancy to hold the ball for way too long and run into a dead end losing it again. It's when he wins the ball and plays simple passes that he is at his best. I think he thinks he is a lot better than he actually is though and trys to do more than he is capable of.
  3. Davis is quite small but nimble for a CB. His best spell was when he was mopping up for Laurson charging out of the defence to win headers. They made a good combination but Davis trying to lead the defence (especially when he has been out so long) is atrocious.
  4. I think we will conceed more goals.
  5. People also moaned when he played a similar side against Moscow away.
  6. McClaren has an excelent record at club level. He is remembered for the Euro qualifying campaign with England though. I predict he will return from Germany with more experience and credability and will go on to manage a big club in England.
  7. This it the line up in from that infamous night in moscow: Guzan, Luke Young, Davies, Knight, Shorey, Albrighton, Gardner, Salifou, Sidwell, Bannan, Delfouneso I think tonights might even have less 1st team players. Have to wait and see what 11 is announced.
  8. I don't think it is just Villa fans, all football fans are naturally fickle hypocrites It is all part of the tribal nature of football 8)
  9. Mate, he tried everything he could to get away and join Fulham. I think therefore he would run 500 miles to join Villa if we showed an interest. Everything he could? Did he resign then? No, he didn't resign. I'm surprised you didn't know that. :| However, it is clear to see that the relationship he has at Ajax is about as solid as a piece of ice in Hawaii. It would not take much to persuade him to come to Villa IMO - and even if he doesn't for whatever reason, I doubt he will finish the season at Ajax. Personally I don't think Jol was ever interested in leaving Ajax, he just used the Fulham talk to get more money out of the Ajax board.
  10. Well I think you are splitting hairs. Football fans of all clubs give abuse to figures they dislike. I don't think Spurs fans actually think Wenger is a paedophile, the are just idiots being abusive, like our fans do to Redknapp.
  11. Different people react in different ways. I had a mate who always used to vomit when he smoked pot, we found it pretty funny. I'm guessing some people react in other ways as well.
  12. Your post loses a lot of its impact when not two posts later we get this one: they said that on SSN, and even after id watched it on the loop 2/3 times i still couldnt see it guess i just couldnt get past the usual picture i have in my head when it comes to arry
  13. Personally I tend to watch matches in Cafe Kick on Shoreditch High St. It's a pretty popular table football bar (host the English TF championships!) and has sky sports 3D. I don't know of any dedicated Villa pubs though (strangely there is actually a West Brom pub off Hackney Rd called "The Albion")
  14. That's from the previous page, took the whole of four seconds to find. I think you'll find that's what's called a joke, a piece of not particularly witty wordplay based on the name of your opponents. Presumably there's a similar reason why Spurs fans chant "Sit down you paedophile" at Arsene Wenger? Oh what's that? There isn't? Oh. It's no better/worse than the things people on here and at matches say about Harry Redknapp. Football fans getting sanctimonious about other fans chants is a but rich...
  15. I think that this is the first sign of the Premier League's next major problem. Bellamy is a tosser, but he would be useful to any of the chasing pack in the Premiership. Citeh know how useful he is and are therefore paying him to play outside the league. So, the 'best league in the world' loses one of its top-class performers because its richest club can afford it, thus rendering it no longer able to call itself the 'best league in the world' The amount of talant City have brought into the league from Italy and Spain and Germany outways this one player leaving the league though.
  16. Bluemoon is going bezerk over the rumour that Shey Givin is heading to Arsenal. Would be unusual to strengthen a rival like that so it is probably just BS.
  17. Lots of pubs over here get the Irish channels on satalite so it shouldn't be hard to find somewhere showing it.
  18. You think the bookies have a special phone on Randy's desk so they can be informed during the process and adjust their odds accordingly? They are just guessing like the rest of us.
  19. He was on loan at shelbourne for 2 games when he was 18. I don't think it is an indictment on his career. He will do well as a number two at Liverpool.
  20. No it means someone has put down a large bet and they dont want anyone else betting incase someone somewhere has inside info.
  21. You'd support Souness but not MON? You must have really hated the guy.
  22. What's up with Spurs? They haven't bought anyone yet have they? Except that brazilian kid they lined up a year ago. I can't imagion Harry being happy about the new season starting in two days and him not having been able to wheel and deal yet. Surely this window is the only chance they get to play the "we can offer you Champions League" card because players will be cup tied in January (and perhaps not in the knockout stages anyway) and odds are they won't repeat last years feat of finishing ahead of Man City. I am surprised they haven't brought in more high profile signings TBH. Perhaps the stadium plans have put a big drag on their transfer budget?
  23. Martin Jol or Guus Hiddink would be the fans choice but it doesn't often work out that way. I just hope we can get someone that we can be proud to call our manager.
  24. I'm guessing he is being nudged from their side too so they can get a big chunk of money off the deal whilst getting rid of a player surplus to requirments.
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