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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. Man U 0 shots on target. We were all over them, didn't want. That half to end. Let's hope the second half is the same.
  2. Tony! Yours! I'll have it! Is "getting board" similar to "getting wood"? :winkold: What a bore!
  3. How the **** can you have too much experience? Isnt experience a good thing? :? Ive never understood how someone can have too much experience or be over qualified? By the way, that is shite mate. Do you still have your old job? Employers are worried by people who have "too much experience" because they are worried the new employee will quickly get board and start looking for other jobs better suiting their level of experience (and pay).
  4. Amen. Ketchup is just rubbish. It is basically just vinegar with loads of sugar added and some red paste for effect. It doesn't taste like tomato it just ruins the taste of anything you put it on by making it sickly sweet. Cakes are just rubbish. They are basically just flour, eggs, milk, sugar and other ingredients with a load of icing added for effect. They don't taste of eggs and flour... You get the idea Well a cake is much greater than the sum of its parts whilst ketchup comes out being worse...
  5. Nutmeg is also a hallucinogen (and a poison) in large enough quantities.
  6. Amen. Ketchup is just rubbish. It is basically just vinegar with loads of sugar added and some red paste for effect. It doesn't taste like tomato it just ruins the taste of anything you put it on by making it sickly sweet. It's like people who cover their cereal with spoonfuls of sugar. Are you worried about actually tasting the food you are eating or something?
  7. I don't mind washing up. I get to listen to the kind of music I like and the missus doesn't. And I drink alcohol while doing it. Yeah, I normally hate washing up but with a cold beer next to the sink it really is not too bad. Kind of like a deserved reward for doing such a boring chore...
  8. LondonLax


    There is a bar on the corner of ringvagen and gotgaten just above the Skanstull T-bana station in Sodermalm that I have watched football in before, decent beer and atmosphere but they probably won't chose the Villa West Brom game to show. I think the Swedish Villa fan club meet at a pub in the old town but you'd have to ask one of them where exactly it is. For non football bars I recommend "Cliff Barnes" which is actually a resteraunt until about 10.30 when the music cranks up and people start dancing on the tables in a very un Swedish manner and "Olsson's Skor" (free popcorn and open late!). Both are in the north side up near the national library. The old tax office on Sodermalm has been converted into accommodation with a resteraunt and bar on the top floor. It is probably the best view of the city in Stockholm but drinks cost a bomb so it is more a case of have one, look at the view then get out. If you have friends who live there they will probably show you places though.
  9. I think £40 would probably be at the pricier end of the scale though...
  10. £100 a day should be easily enough if you have paid for your hotels. Beer is about £1.50 a pint and meals should be about £10. I can't see where you'd be spending the rest of the money actually. I gues it depends on how you like to travel though. Do a free walking tour, most attractions are free. Can't see it being a problem.
  11. That wouldnt be terrorism tho Mike so all that you've just typed is a waste...twas beautiful tho mate. Twould be revenge would it not. ?? What makes you think most terrorists are not acting in some sort of revenege?
  12. To be honest, I think once you cross the line to becoming a terrorist, your human being status goes out the window. They do not deserve to be branded 'human being' if there goal is too kill thousands. I think that once you start torturing someone your human being status goes out the window as well.
  13. This is one of my biggest gripes with the last and the current government, forcing the banks to lend. In the teeth of this crisis a few years ago I knew people whose businesses were perfectly sound but were going to the wall for want of secure credit lines. I'm not sure what can be done now by government to force greater lending by the banks, as I've said before the time to do that and insist on reform was when they were all looking down the barrel of a gun and begging for cash. Sadly, the opportunity was missed. The banks were also forced to take on much bigger reserves on their balance sheets to prevent the threat of their collapse in the termoil of last year. The "stress test" in the US and similar regulation here forced banks to hord more capital. If there are higher returns to be made leanding to reliable businesses then banks will make them but their hands were tied and their fingers burnt so it did not happen.
  14. No. Community service when applied to people convicted in court entails doing "work", unpaid, essentially to recompense society for their misdeeds. The punishment is to have to perform tasks without recompense, and society benefits from the fruit of their labour. For unemployed people, they recieve a benefit for their efforts - so it's not a punishment, it's a means of exchange - society gives them money, they give society their labour. Two different things....but The thing that I don't get is that in getting the unemployed to "work" for 30 hours a week, they are then not really "unemployed" any more - they should recieve a wage, and should benefit from employment rights. but I doubt they will. So it's not the "punishment" angle that I object to - I think that's a false assertion, it's the idea that they should be "encouraged" to work, but will not benefit from the "normal" conditions of work. The idea of work being created for people without jobs is not something I have a problem with. There are at many more advantages than disadvantages. The Bishop person could be countered that getting out and doing stuff is better for the soul than watching Trisha or waiting for the results from the 2:15 at Newton Abbot in Willy Hills it's the implementation that is the hard thing to get right. I'm with you on this. People on benefits for over a year are essentially becoming part time government employees. My biggest problem with it though is that councils will probably see all this free labour and start laying off all their current staff and replacing it with free job seekers, making the unemployment problem worse rather than better.
  15. Yes it is quite remarkable because he has scored at total of two goals (one off his face) against stoke and has no assists and that is his record for the season in the league. He tore up Inter over two legs and his reputation has sky rocketed in the media.
  16. I had wondered about that. If you used your power quite often you would end up ageing a lot faster than you should compaired with your friends and family.
  17. Everlong was a high water mark and that was a long time ago. They have been very average for longer than they were good.
  18. I'd say it dates back a bit further, to exactly the time that witch got in 31 years ago. Her, Keith Joseph, Tebbit and the likes, they're the ones who caused it. No one since has made much of an effort to cure the problem. The problem with this line of thinking is that this is not a phenomenon isolated to the UK, it is true of most developed countries around the world.
  19. From my understanding the parents will try and find someone who they think you will fit well with. You meet them a couple of times and you are allowed to veto the arrangement but if you have no objections then you go ahead. They have a pretty high success rate (but then there may be a pressure on not getting divorced). There are probably some stricter societies where the marriage is more of a sale from one family to the other and you don't get a say but I don't think this is common on the subcontinent.
  20. I would have thought that was the case, but countries where you expect that to happen; places like Holland or Sweden seem to be having problems just like us. I am not sure any system or society can say its get the balance perfect. Those countries do have problems, it's true. Maybe someone viewing Bergman's films would see Sweden as a pretty depressing place. Hard to distinguish the various causes of discontent, but having a relatively equal society doesn't mean everyone's happy, it just means one potential source of unhappiness is reduced. Maybe in Sweden they are happy that they are relatively less unequal than some other countries, but still upset that they have to trudge through the Arctic cold and dark to the cinema, where they get to see a Bergman number about someone slowly dying of cancer. And they can't even get a drink after. My son went to Malawi last year. The one thing above all which had an impact on him was the coexistence of severe objective levels of poverty with a general level of happiness which seemed far higher than that experienced by his materially well supplied friends. I don't imagine poverty creates happiness (some ascetics might disagree), and I think it's more about the lack of visible signs of extremes of wealth. My girlfriend is Swedish and so I have met a lot of Swedes. A lot of young ambitious Swedes find the country frustrating and stifling leading to a brain drain where many move abroad to the US or UK or other countries. They have a phrase where they deride many Swedes who are just happy to accept a boring mediocrity of the Volvo and 2 kids life in the suburbs. Still, if everyone is pretty equal then at least there is less reason to feel resentment towards your neighbour I guess. There is however a growing resentment towards immigrants who are seen as coming to the country and taking advantage of the wealth distribution the government offers. There is currently a gunman on the loose in Malmo who has been shooting immigrants and the Swedish equivalent of the BNP got massive support at the last election putting them in a position of influence within the government. It is also worth mentioning that Sweden’s famously high taxes are high to most but not all. If you earn enough to be in the super rich then your tax rate actually drops substantially. It is an attempt to keep the rich from fleeing the country to other more friendly tax environments but it does seem a bit unfair on the rest of the population.
  21. It's because most people eat curry from a takeaway or resteraunt and usually it's full of cheap oil and not a lot else.
  22. I think he is pretty average at full back. He is like Glen Johnson, good going forward but a bit of a liability if you are relying on him to defend.
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