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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. Perhaps he was not really politically aware in his early 20s but is now finding with maturity that he wants to engage with bigger issues?
  2. We make our phones with fingerprint scans or pin codes for access, it would not be difficult to have the same system to unlock the safety on a modern gun. It would require some political regulation to have it mandated though which is never going to happen. It also wouldn't get rid of the 300m guns already in circulation in the US but over time it could become the norm.
  3. I wonder if he'd still call it a price worth paying if he was personally affected. Empathy never was his strong suit.
  4. 1 gun, 10 guns or 40 guns it doesn't really matter. They are all deadly weapons and you can only shoot one at a time (unless you're in a John Woo film I suppose). Anyway the point I am making is that the guy with one semi automatic rifle could well be the far greater threat than the guy with an extensive collection.
  5. That is certainly the angle the Breitbart crowd are pushing, seemingly without any evidence other than 'only a left wing supporter would shoot up a country music festival'.
  6. If Sandy Hook didn't change anything nothing will.
  7. The guy has been identified as Stephen Paddock.
  8. They blew open the door of the hotel room he was locked in and shot him.
  9. 'Asian' in America means East Asian. Not what you are thinking of, her name is Mary-Lou.
  10. Police have confirmed it is a local resident and they are hunting for his girlfriend for questioning.
  11. A single shooter, it could be a gun nut. Too early to say.
  12. Where is the report of 20 dead from? From what I am seeing it is only 2 confirmed so far but that looks very likely to rise. Someone was firing an automatic rifle from a high window into a large crowd.
  13. A top post and I agree with all of it, however I want to point out many of the people who voted Brexit (or Trump for that matter) do not live in our world. We work in skilled professions with a high degree of social mobility. People like ourselves have done failry well out of the status quo prior to Brexit, we also want our children to have that social mobility and be able to travel and live in multiple countries etc. Many people who voted Brexit were not seeing any of that lifestyle and saw it as a widening gap post financial crisis. In their world they are competing for resources with new migrants from poorer parts of the EU who are willing to accept less because it is still better than what they had back home. What we see as a net benefit they see (rightly or wrongly) as a net drain on their life prospects. The seeds were sown 10 years ago and I think there is possibly some justification for the anger and frustration that has resulted in Brexit. The sad part is things are only going to get worse for the UK now as a result of this vote, not better.
  14. I reckon 'couldn't care less' is the correct phrase i.e. it is not possible to care less. If it is possible to care less than you do about something then that is hardly extraordinary or worth comment
  15. Oh yeah, definite hypocrisy especially about the 'easily offended snowflake' thing as well.
  16. Free speech is about protection from the Government coming after you for saying the wrong thing. It doesn't give you protection from being fired from your job if you say or do something that pisses off your employer or contradicts their values. I presume I don't need to add that I support the guys kneeling? I just want to be consistent about 'free speech' because racists make the same arguments about their rights to 'free speech' being violated when one of them inevitably gets fired for being racist.
  17. LondonLax


    In Sydney the Uber app has a number of options including chauffeur hire cars who have a luxury car and spare time, normal Sydney Taxi's as well as punters with their car giving people lifts. They have different costs and different availability but I'm surprised it is not the same in the UK with a black cab being an option you can select on Uber and pay the fare up front from your account etc.
  18. I think the issue is more about the cost of hurricane proofing construction. Some of these nations are very poor.
  19. Or London's 22% of the UK economy.
  20. Change can sometimes take time before it pays dividends. I'd love DeBoer here but there is no way he'd drop down to the Championship.
  21. It's quite an achievement in the modern era. A part of me would love to see him target the Giro and potentially hold all three Grand Tours at once but he will target Le Tour number 5.
  22. My supposed 'overreaction' from the previous EU referendum thread does not look so far fetched after all.
  23. Are we allowed to mention Climate Change yet?
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