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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. I'm not vegetarian but I don't think I eat a lot of meat. My main contribution though was on the whole cheese thing which seems to be most people on here's reason for not considering veganism. It turns out we have a baby who is intolerant to dairy (apparently it's common and they usually grow out of it). Anyway, because my wife is breast feeding she can't eat dairy either or the proteins will pass through to the baby. As a result we haven't bothered buying cheese for a few months now as I couldn't justify sitting and eating a load of cheese by myself (i'd probably feel a little bad about it too :P). Despite loving cheese, it turns out if you don't eat it for a while you don't really miss it. In fact, I'd say the thought of eating a lump of Bree even sounds a bit overindulgent having not had cheese for a while, it seems a bit like eating a dessert spoon of butter.
  2. Just before he made the first mistake Ramos put an elbow in on Karius, might have left him in a bit of a daze? https://theworldgame.sbs.com.au/video/1242618947554/did-ramos-take-out-karius-howlers?playlist=latest-videos-twg (not sure if it will be geoblocked in the UK)
  3. His wikipedia page has been fun reading at the moment.
  4. Star player gets injured and your keeper blows himself up. Nightmare final for Liverpool.
  5. This match probably couldn't have gone any worse if you were a Liverpool fan
  6. Yeah I know I was thinking the same thing, shit venue and shit place to have it (no flights or accommodation). UEFA don't give a **** about the fans though.
  7. Liverpool were playing well until Ramos removed Salah from the match. It's gone dead since then.
  8. Yep, got him with a wrestling slam. A shame for the spectacle.
  9. Liverpool are good to watch at the moment, I can’t help but be backing them in this one. Shame their fans are so irritating though.
  10. He is not suited to this style of play, he's not a center forward who can play up front on his own. I think he would work playing off a center forward though.
  11. A dire first half and pedestrian second half save for a 10 minute spell after half time. Fulham deserved it.
  12. I think we’ve only managed 1 shot on target. Fairly comfortably outplayed.
  13. Go to sleep and set the alarm, its the best way.
  14. I appreciate Glarmorgan's contributions to this thread.
  15. I defer to your expertise in the matter.
  16. Yes, I think it only really works as a thought experiment though rather than something that could actually be tested. Even with a whole countries resources behind them a number of countries have struggled to build a nuke.
  17. From memory that point was made quite well in Michael Moore’s documentary ‘Bowling for Columbine’. That film came out 16 years ago and not a lot has changed since.
  18. America is a big country though and the majority of Americans don't have a gun obsession. The trouble is, the minority who do love guns REALLY love guns.
  19. I know it is not possible to make comparisons between countries but on that point, the much referenced Australian response to the mass shooting in Tasmania was brought about by a conservative politician tightening gun laws with the backing of the opposition left wing party and the initial UK response to Dunblane was brought in by John Major with the backing (and further legislation) by New Labour. Perhaps if Sandy Hook had happened under a Republican you might have seen some bipartisan responses to it over there?
  20. So glad I was not born in the US, what a mental place.
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