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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. OK I'm a bit bored between meetings today. Let's start a new thread... You're the DJ at the party. The ibuprofen has kicked in, everyone has had a couple of sherries, and it's time to get everyone on the dance floor. Tell me what two songs you're playing to get them up? Two songs that are gonna work together, and make it impossible for them not to dance, and keep them there. I'll start us off, then let's hear yours?
  2. Unless Welsh Labour and the CLPs/Labour Groups are sitting on a pile of cash they didn't spend in the 2019 General Election, I would think it'll only be the Tories paying to have leaflets delivered. I've still got the letterbox stings (I later learned that a wooden spatula is your best friend) to know Labour send out the memebers to leaflet drop.
  3. If you wanted to post a picture of Mandy standing next to a wrong un, to imply he is also a wrong un, then there's loads of him stood next to Blair.
  4. My massive tankie, former mayor of the town I live, comrade often tells me, "we'll need an Uncle Joe, come the glorious day".
  5. One of the biggest criticisms I have of Jeremy is his lack of a ruthless streak. He had opportunities to clear the party staff out who were loyal to the "New Labour" cause, and he let them stay, believing he could win them round. I've been told by several people close to his first leadership campaign that a lot of them had even cleared their desks up, expecting to go. There was also a chance to purge if he wanted to. There were enough Blairites shouting up to get themselves suspended, but again his beliefe that he could win them round stopped him. As is apparent now, Keith is more than happy to over see that happening now it's the other way round. I know that originally when there was talk of getting a leftie on the ballot for leader, John McDonnell was approached first. He recognised that there was little chance of that happening, so he suggested Jeremy. It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if he'dgone for it though. 100% the left would have been much more ruthless under McDonnell. I suppose the argument would have been that he wouldn't have drawn people in like Corbyn did, so maybe we wouldn't have seen the same surge in grass roots activity. I'm under no illusion the media and internal attacks on McConnell would have dwarfed anything that happened to Corbyn, but I do believe he wouldn't have been above mixing it and giving it back.
  6. I've tried to link it, but trying to copy and paste the body of the article is a massive pain using my phone, and I don't want to get a slap on the wrist for a guideline breach. Take my word for it though, seek our Mark Steel's piece in The Independent from today (11th Feb) Read it, then think of me saying, "this".
  7. Northern Soul singer Nolan Porter gone to join the all nighter in the sky.
  8. No No Lost interest, but it turned out it was all just him trying to justify banging Aunt Robin again anyway.
  9. "A cOmPeTeNt LeAdEr WoUlD bE 20 pOiNtS aHeAd" Nice one Keith. Jokes aside it really does show how stacked things are in their favour. They can get everything wrong, give billions of pounds of public money away to their mates and their donors, and kill 100,000 people, but people will still vote for them.
  10. dAVe80


    I experienced being bullied at school. It was horrendous, and it made me feel helpless. It also made me quite reclusive for a while. Never wanted to go out. If I had to go to the shops with my parents, I preferred to stay in the car. I can't pin point the time it got better, but it did eventually. As I grew older I developed new interest and hobbies, and came out of my shell a bit, the bullies didn't seem as bad anymore, and I found that I could actually handle myself a bit. I was taller than average, and I've never been skinny. I turned into the kind of person you'd not really pick on, and got a better circle of friends. Thankfully once school was done with, I went onto college and the real world, and bullying didn't really seem like a problem anymore. I have since realised that's not the case for everyone, and in my role as a trade union rep Ive had to help many people who have been bullied as adults in the workplace. It really strikes me that some people don't grow up, and still act like they did at school, and carry on toxic behaviour patterns. I take great pleasure now in exposing work place bullies whenever I get the chance.
  11. dAVe80

    80s Party!

    Culture Club are part of one of my ealiest memories, listening to Karma Chameleon at my Nan and Grandad's on BRMB. Which I guess also indicates my vintage.
  12. dAVe80

    80s Party!

    Clicked on this thread to see if had posted in it, and what I may have posted, and it turns out I started it.
  13. Seemingly asked to leave at the request of some potential rich donors. Nice one Keith.
  14. M&B Brew XI, or a pint of Mild. As the old song goes... Come to Birmingham you will see. Ansells Brewery, M&B. We don't drink whisky, we don't drink rum. We are the Villa boys, from Brum.
  15. Keith has said there needs to be full lockdown, and yet still not managed to do what the figure head of the labour movement should do, and back the education unions in calling schools to be shut. I mean fair enough, he's actually made a statement about something instead of abstaining, but I still don't get it. 400,000 people viewed the NEU's zoom call today, and even Unison are calling for a shut down of schools. It's an absolute no brainer to back them surely?
  16. Regardless of whether he stays or not, he wants to be making noises about backing the NEU and other education unions. I won't hold my breath.
  17. At some point in 2021 I'd like to be stood in front of a big stack of speakers, holding a can of Red Stripe. It would be cool if this song is playing when that happens. If I was the selector, it definitely would be.
  18. I was just writing out all the stuff I didn't get to do in 2020. I was then going to say something along the lines of, oh but we got through it. Seems inappropriate though, talking about myself. I'm pretty angry about a lot of things that happened this year. I'm sad too. We could have done things much better. We should have. We're going to have to live with that into 2021 and beyond unfortunately. I'm also kind of optimistic. I've seen the best of people this year too. Amazing acts of kindness and bravery. Things to give hope. What an utterly bonkers year. Hope 2021 brings people peace and happiness.
  19. Not the biggest Manics fan (although I have seen them live, and thought they were excellent), but I'll seek it out and have a listen.
  20. We had them this year, as we had rib of beef. If we'd have had turkey we wouldn't have. I was brought up on only having Yorkshire pud with beef, but living up North, I'm converted to the idea of having them with every roast. Only one I wouldn't is lamb, and that's because of the mint sauce.
  21. To go with your Dulka Prague away shirt?
  22. It's been a bit of a shit year, so I hope everyone gets a nice Christmas. I know that it's going to be a tough one for some, so I hope you get through it. Take care everyone. Look after yourselves, and each other. Enjoy your day in which ever way you want. Merry Christmas. UTV!
  23. It was incredible. Like the best 45 mins of Star Wars since the three original films good.
  24. I live a little bit further north, and Tees Valley was pretty similar. The Tories taking the Tees Valley Mayor election was the beginning of things falling apart for Labour in that area of the country. Obviously the B word played a big part in that so hopefully that won't play a part in this election.
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