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Everything posted by Sid4ever

  1. And what with you and your stomach condition, double Asacol for you tonight.
  2. Why @Xela went back into the Steve Bruce thread, when apparently that's how the world will end
  3. Jimmy Greaves Ian St John Lord Carrington Ronnie Wood Douglas Hurd
  4. My eyes my eyes, why peddle such stuff. my mortgage is paid by selling the brand leader. So don't Depend, trust the market leader. Stag do tips or Pants just PM me
  5. Look we are an honest bunch of lads and we will go again but with more pashun next time
  6. Was it just me with my tinted spectacles on, but for their goal was their record purchase, bought from Angiers who played in the French cup final last year, the same team that Brizzel bought Jimmy Danger from offside in the build up to their goal?
  7. Sid4ever


    New fella seems to be settling in well with his big brother. https://imgur.com/gallery/hBs9J
  8. I can see Limpid now cursing Xela again about another days lost advertising revenue because of Xela's goat fetish
  9. Sid4ever


    New fella came home today Welcome home Pablo
  10. Mike, do you have Steve's number on speed dial now?
  11. Oh Xela, here you are missed you today in off topic, so glad you are safe and well.
  12. I can't forking believe that that picture got through the censors.
  13. It's the Ulcerative Colitis that is. Get some Salofalk foam enemas, jobs a good un
  14. That the emergency dentist I saw last night was able to calm my dry socket and today I have been human.
  15. If this is going to turn into an auction and @rjw63 is going to come in with his double bids, then I will offer £100.
  16. Just on a personal note which village just outside Winchester? Both my children were born in Royal Hampshire Hospital and I commuted everyday for 10 years into London from a sleepy village in Wiltshire? Pm if more appropriate.
  17. I don't directly sell to the public but via UK retailers, please can I be excused?
  18. A Granada over the Rover SD1, you word removed
  19. I can remember vividly having fried bread topped with sugar as a Sunday morning treat.
  20. We have recently moved from Virgin to Sky, mainly because of the lack of technical care they showed us. We basically lost all functionality on our boxes as they were not talking to the server. This lasted a couple of months, no series links, no TV guides and no catch up, all services they claimed were added value at no extra cost, which was untrue if they even bothered to look at the bills they were sending out. I cancelled my contract with them and they wanted to charge us the £240 for breaking the contract, after numerous e-mails and letters using the resolver online service, and pointing out that we were only still in contract due to the fact they blew our homehub up when they launched superfast broadband, they cancelled that bill.
  21. £10 to see a word removed, I am in
  22. How I have not won the Internet tonight, picture of cute puppy posted, deadpool 2 right in the correct order, if only had a more popular forum name
  23. Sid4ever


    New chap, due home Mid July. http://imgur.com/a/k7LHI
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