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Everything posted by brommy

  1. Wrong un he?! His parents must have loved 'off topic'! In any case, when referring to the guy 'going mad', I think ender4 was referring to the white guy.
  2. I've been to around 700 first team matches and 50 reserve matches at Villa Park and never left even a second before the final whistle. I wouldn't criticise those that do, but it's not something I could ever do.
  3. As the 23rd is further away from the 21st than the 20th is, it was probably the 23rd. 21st > 22nd > 20th > 23rd. All more likely than the 12th!
  4. I'm glad I was taught the most common shortest day! I'd be interested to see what proportion of shortest days fall on the 22nd and 20th. I imagine the shortest day falling on the 23rd is pretty rare. I also wonder if those dates are specific to the UK or apply to anywhere in the northern hemisphere.
  5. I did. Looks like the 21st is shorter which also matches up to what I was taught about 40 years ago.
  6. You'd have to ask a Welsh person who voted leave. If you asked a few hundred, you would get a picture. I suspect you'd disagree with the majority of them but the opinions, and the result would be the same.
  7. There's definitely non-economic reasons why people voted to leave the EU. Opinions differ amongst voters of the same side so it's not surprising some 'leavers' don't agree with or understand some of the reasons why the majority voted to leave. I suspect the frustration and disbelief would be as strong if the vote had gone the other way.
  8. Are they allowed to decide what is in their best interests?
  9. Just 52.5% of the Welsh then! Seriously though, of all the leave voters I have spoken to, very few of them were convinced they would be economically better off outside the EU. Most think the long term economic outlook will be similar, a few think it may be worse. That some remain voters may believe lowering the priority of economic success below other factors is wrong, amounts simply to a difference of opinion.
  10. Did you consider that Wales' decision might have been based on non-economic factors?
  11. A very large French company that has several thousand employees in the UK, wrote to it's UK work force, urging a remain vote and hoping a possible leave result wouldn't damage the UK employees prospects. Communications subsequent to the leave result have stated an acceptance of the result and reinforced the company's commitment to further investment within the UK.
  12. I think the majority in Wales that voted to leave would need to be asked what the priority of the factors that influenced their leave vote was before a 'worse' judgement could be made; objective or not.
  13. Isn't the 21st December the shortest day?
  14. There's an interesting referendum for Northern Ireland! Be incorporated into Ireland or leave the EU? I think a similar referendum in Wales would lead to them remaining in the UK and leaving the EU. We might actually get to see Scotland leave the UK and reapply to join the EU, although I think the sizeable minority who voted to leave the EU could increase when they see the EU's terms.
  15. Nice but fiddly is my prediction. Nice when it's relatively easy to slice really thin with a new sharp knife. Fiddly as it gets closer to the bone and the knife needs repeated sharpening, although the YouTube tutorials should help. Aldi currently have an Iberico Jamon which is supposedly high quality but I'd be interested in whether it's worth more than double the cost. I think your Lidl one at £30 is as far as I'd stretch for a meaty 'man experiment'. That doesn't read well!
  16. I did what I was permitted to do before the move. I would have like to have agreed the niceties but the seller refused to play ball. I knew it would be difficult but had belief in my own ability to succeed and make the move worthwhile. A premature judgement might have seen me pull out of the move or decide to move back to where I originally wanted to move away from or, even worse, live in pity and regret. It took a few years before I knew it was worth it.
  17. My figure of 10 years or so was based on various factors including the 'Remain' advice that it would take years (7 years was often branded) to establish trade contracts. If one's focus is primarily on economic values, knowing how slow economic patterns are established, it seems reasonable to judge a few years after said trade deals are established. Time will tell whether the possibly associated increase in crime will continue or reduce to it's pre-referendum levels. We can't be sure that a narrow 'remain' result wouldn't have resulted in an immediate knee-jerk reaction or a slowly increasing frustration amongst the apparently increasing numbers who wanted to leave the EU.
  18. Yep. I think choffer has made 9 of them up to test us.
  19. Funnily enough, I'd guess the demographic was pretty similar. I'm sure you understood my true analogy that premature judgement can be detrimental.
  20. From virtually nowhere just 5 years ago in the UK, they now seem to be everywhere. I do like Jamon Iberico so it is something I find myself briefly considering each Christmas, but I'm not convinced the people I invite to my house would appreciate the £70 expense and carving/storing fiddle for it to be worth it. It does taste good but only if carved mega-thin so I think I'd be stuck carving it on demand as it can dry out quickly once carved and I wouldn't trust others not to hack it in to chunks! I hope you enjoy yours and it goes down a treat at the buffet.
  21. There are at least a couple of reasons why I have been so happy with my wife for the past 25 years but I'd also add a lack of mind games to the list. I wouldn't even be friends with anyone who played mind games with me, so why so many woman (probably some men too), think a relationship can be good when mind games are played, is beyond me.
  22. Only after ignoring all the advice that my house move would be a disaster!
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