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Everything posted by brommy

  1. brommy

    Unai Emery

    It's about emphasis on the e and elongating the r so it sounds like an errr sound for us Brummies. It was also to correct the spelling of birth.
  2. brommy

    Unai Emery

    How a proper Brummie pronounces birth!
  3. brommy

    Unai Emery

    Unai's either amazed at Ollie's stamina or thinking 'crap, we've only got one really fit player!'
  4. Given his 23000 vote majority, even with the continuing Conservative meltdown, my MP is likely to be replaced with yet another Tory.
  5. I agree. With the recent change to more accurately reflect the time of stoppages so that there is no actual time wasted, I wonder if there should be a different term to 'time wasting' used. 'Momentum killing' is now more accurate than 'time wasting'. Regarding Emi possibly winning the World Cup 8 days before our game against Liverpool - surely a keeper has less physical toll on their body than an outfield player, so given the relatively short travel distance and small time zone change, Emi could be available. However, I expect the reality is that he'd be back in Argentina partying!
  6. I think Emi himself will think he could possibly have tipped the second shot over or wide. Still two great shots that would have lead to two goals against most keepers though. Mentioning a goal where Emi could have done better doesn't distract me from knowing Emi's still a fantastic keeper and very importantly, a great fit for our club.
  7. I don't see it as poor positioning for the first goal. The attacker was close and Emi understandably guarded against being beaten at the near post. The hard low shot went just inches inside the far post. A much better shot than than Bailey's that beat de Gea at the far post (Holte End) recently. Emi was definitely a yard too close to his near post for the second because the ball was much further away so he'd have had time to cover his near post. If he'd have been one step closer to the middle of the goal, the hard shot would have been saved by a full hand. Even with his starting position as it was, given that he got fingers (not just tips) to the ball, Emi will be disappointed he didn't tip it over. The whole Argentina team were below par against a fired up Saudi team.
  8. Yes. I've not been on a non match day for a couple of years but I don't think anything has changed from then. Plenty of free secure parking between the back of the North Stand and the club shop. Obviously parking is severely restricted on match days and will also be when the North Stand is being rebuilt, but for your visit you should be fine.
  9. First goal was a low hard shot that was just inside the far post. Emi was understandably covering his near post so couldn't have been expected to save it. Second goal was a shot from just inside the area about 5 yards in from the left side. Emi could possibly be too close to the near post so when the shot went towards the far top corner, Emi got fingers to it but not strong enough to stop the ball still looping into the top right corner. In summary, not at fault for first goal, but could have done better for the second.
  10. On a non match day there should be free parking for you in the North Stand car park.
  11. He'll be fuming at his team conceding two goals against Saudi Arabia.
  12. brommy

    Unai Emery

    Probably but could depend if Cash deems one to one to be on the training pitches and not an office meeting.
  13. As others have mentioned, there are maximum offending speeds that restrict the offer of a speed awareness course, assuming there's no previous offence within 3 years. They are: 30 mph - up to and including 42 mph 40 mph - up to and including 53 mph 50 mph - up to and including 64 mph 60 mph - up to and including 75 mph 70 mph - up to and including 86 mph.
  14. brommy

    Unai Emery

    It probably depends on the individual. I expect it might be fluid for some but that's not for this thread. I expect Unai's nationality would state Spanish on his passport and he'll be cheering on Spain in the WC.
  15. brommy

    Unai Emery

    It was 'Do you think Messi can make it this year?' Unai probably thought the question was a bit irrelevant for him to answer - a Spanish national managing in England being questioned if an Argentine playing in France can win the WC in Qatar? I don't blame him for politely moving on.
  16. brommy

    Time Wasting

    It appears that this season has seen a change so that delays in play are more accurately reflected in time added on. Otherwise, there's no way 8 minutes would have been added at Brighton just for one goal, a few subs and for Emi 1's 'injury'.
  17. It wasn't a penalty as Digne had blocked the ball just before the two players clashed into each other. Without the significant diversion/block of the ball it could be a different outcome from the VAR process but after a study of the facts available (video from several angles referenced to football rules), the correct decision was reached. Perhaps Stockley Park should answer questions on their decisions to clarify doubts or lack in football rule knowledge.
  18. I'll trust your judgement but if this is a House Of The Dragon reference, I haven't watched it.
  19. If Emi's following the return to play concussion protocol, he's not permitted to take part in full contact practice until tomorrow, and that's assuming he didn't report any issues on his graduated return since Monday (protocol for the day after concussion is no activity at all).
  20. I think there is such a thing as a minor, or as more often described, mild concussion. After some research I found this: Signs of a Grade 1 Concussion – Low-Grade, Mild In a grade 1 concussion, you can experience a headache, difficulty focusing, memory loss, dizziness, and nausea. You can usually return to normal activities within a few days following a grade 1 concussion after the symptoms have fully passed. In any case, I think Emi will be following the concussion protocol because the Premier League would be foolish just to take the word of a player or club that a bang to the head, leading to not being able to continue, was merely 'head pain' and not at least a mild concussion. If Emi's concussion was mild as it appears, it's likely each of the tests and steps of the protocol will be passed, in the minimum of 6 days dictated by the protocol, and he'll therefore be available for our next game. None of this decries the seriousness of concussion. Just that with the appropriate tests and protocol steps passed, a mild concussion can be differentiated from a major concussion, enabling some players to return to action before others.
  21. I'm assuming the club will have declared Emi's concussion symptoms to the Premier League and he'll still need to follow the six physical steps of concussion protocol. Concussion can be very serious but it's good news if Emi's concussion is minor enough for him to be confident about completing the steps in the minimum of 6 days without issue and therefore being available for our next game.
  22. I'm not saying he wasn't concussed. Merely that some concussions are more serious than others. I expect Emi will undergo testing. If he passes those tests, it doesn't mean he wasn't concussed. Just that he's okay to play after the Premier League's protocol of 6 days. On the assumption Emi didn't have a non-head injury, he wouldn't have been substituted without some minor concussion symptoms. His concussion could still see him available for the next game.
  23. Was concussed. Is no longer concussed. That's my take. I think some think concussion is an all or nothing injury whereas it's often causes very temporary issues.
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