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Everything posted by brommy

  1. A PL side for a mere 3 more months and still not returned. 12 years and counting. Oh well, never mind.
  2. Surely yes. Not many players that have worn 3, if any?
  3. brommy

    Unai Emery

    Way too early to call out his insignificant prediction, unless avoiding possible, even probable, relegation counts as the 'good move' (which I suppose it does!), but I'm guessing that's not want he's getting at. Goldbridge will be relying on the high probability that Emery won't be our Ferguson or Wenger, so even if Emery leaves after half a bad season in a few years time, or after some success, then leaves us 'in the lurch' to manage Barcelona, Goldbridge will be saying he predicted it. Best just to ignore him, in my opinion.
  4. I realised I've started considering who was the second best man of the match, because, well y'know, Kamara!
  5. brommy

    Jhon Durán

    Not unless he walks and runs with a limp!
  6. brommy

    Jhon Durán

    The currency is kind of important though! The reported fee of $18m is then lazily posted as £18m on social media. The £10m in add-ons appears to be totally made up in comparison to the reported £3.3m. Once again, the way that performance bonuses are typically structured, if he ends up costing Villa the full £14.75m plus £3.3m, he'll have been a wise signing. I suspect if the fee was 26m Australian dollars, much of social media would still report it as £26m instead of £14.75m. I'm still puzzled why anyone puts any trust behind so called facts seen on social media. I definitely agree that this isn't your typical 'take a punt' on an unknown player for a couple of million quid though!
  7. brommy

    Jhon Durán

    Where are you reading that?? Fee is in U.S. dollars but using the current exchange rate, the fee has been widely reported by usually trusted media channels as approximately £14.75m, plus a possible £3.25m in performance bonuses. If we end up paying the full £18m, he'll have been worth it.
  8. brommy

    Jhon Durán

    My ITK predicted Jhon Duran signing for Villa, given his links to our club. Apparently older brother of our very own Rory Wilson, although Jhon credits his skill and height to his Uncle Ian (Ormondroyd).
  9. Needs to end with a 'Kamara'. Not 'coat'.
  10. Soaps - I'd tend to agree with you. As there's so much British made TV that isn't soaps, your broad statement isn't one I'm on board with. I tend to find much more ridiculous plotlines, poor acting, unrealistic lighting (light flairs, faces lit by two sun's?!), unrealistic casting (significantly above average looking actors, unless they're a 'baddie' of course) and poor script wording (especially annoying when extremely exasperated adults say something like 'god damn it' when in reality there would be some expletives) in the over censored U.S. TV. I appreciate it's very subjective though.
  11. I'll be surprised if @Mandy Lifeboats was referring to our sun. Working nights outdoors for 8 of the past 10 years with a varying group of people, I've often heard people say - look at that star - it's really bright (obviously in comparison to the other stars). It's always been that the really bright 'star' was a planet. In any case, @limpid reply covered it. Effectively, all the stars, other than our sun, are so far away (and from each other) that the light that reaches the earth is very dim. If anyone is wondering why all the stars are a similar brightness and therefore appear a similar size and distance away, go somewhere without much light pollution and give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness. You'll start seeing more and more stars. Then think of the very dimmest stars that you can barely see, as those that are further away (or smaller) than the stars you can see well, but closer (or bigger) than the stars that are so dim you can't quite see them (but they are still there!).
  12. The 'relatively massive' light you perceive as a star is probably the sun's light reflecting off a planet. For example, Jupiter has been visibly bright in the recent night sky. As you noted, the actual stars typically visible by the naked eye are fairly dim and can. appear very similar. In reality, some stars will be bigger (and brighter) but being much further away, appear similar to smaller stars that are closer. Don't forget, in thinking there's nothing in between, you're comparing a planet (much, much closer than stars reflecting a much closer star, the sun) with the thousands of stars you can barely see. You're ignoring the trillions of stars that, in theory, should be visible from earth, but the combination of their size and distance means their light isn't enough to be registered by the limitations of the naked eye by the time it has passed through earth's atmosphere with its air and light pollution.
  13. Half the French bench were on the pitch in anticipation of a last second World Cup winning goal. Then Emi said 'Not tonight, Josephine!' Difficult to think of any other save that had everything - crucial match timing, difficulty and importance of tournament.
  14. I wouldn't be too upset if it were the Ron Saunders Stand but you certainly make a fair point regarding William McGregor. I'm asking myself, does the fact that R.S. happened to win the most recent of our league titles, qualify him above other league winning managers and a European Cup final stages winning manager?
  15. Not to my knowledge. I expect now full planning consent has been given, a few companies who specialise in stadium construction, will be tendering accurately against the specifications granted.
  16. The 'start' date is rather ambiguous for a project of this size. It could be argued that it started with the first drawings in readiness for consultation. As you mentioned, there will be lots of minor stages they can be started before what I think most of us fans will see as the true start - the closure, for match day purposes, of the existing North Stand. Does anyone else remember Purslow saying October next year, or am I simply incorrect on that?
  17. Hmmm...I think that's a price worth paying to rid us of our current badge displaying our colours club as yellow and light blue and our name as AVFC.
  18. I have thoughts of the one VillaTalker who objected to the stadium expansion, voting for... THE ERIC BLACK STAND
  19. By the start of next season, I expect the new badge will be everywhere - on the new kits and replacing all the current crests around Villa Park, probably with the exception of the, about to be demolished, current North Stand. By the time the finishing touches, including the crest detailing on the new North Stand and Villa Live 'box park', the new badge will have been in use for two years, so they're not going to start installing an old crest anywhere. The current Villa crest was merely shown, for illustration purposes, on the planning application documents required to be submitted prior to the new badge being decided upon.
  20. All the talk of when the Phase One work will start. Am I the only one who thinks Purslow mentioned commencing in October 2023 - 'all things being well'? Unless I dreamt it, I remember thinking that's a strange time to start (already one quarter through the 2023/24 season), but I assume the date is driven by an expectation of full completion by the August start of the 2025/26 season, perhaps whilst still being able to host 42k sell-out games in the better weather of late summer and early autumn of next year. I wonder if Villa will apply to the Premier League to be one or two additional home games ahead of the regular fixture schedule, before the North Stand closure next season?
  21. I think it captures rectal gas that's then burned to heat the Bodymoor swimming pool. Very eco-friendly.
  22. I guess that's the price we paid for having a set piece coach!
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