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The Fun Factory

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Everything posted by The Fun Factory

  1. Friedel was really good, it was just the fact that he was never going to be a long term option as he was old. Fair play to him he kept himself fit and was playing for Spurs into his 40s. Since then we have had a lot of keepers who have been mixed bag. Brad Jnr had his moments but he could't really organise the defence. Good shot stopper but his confidence totally went at the end. He was kept busy as the team was shite. Gollini we never gave him the chance. Johnstone was a solid keeper but his kicking was awful. Tbh he looks just a decent championshio goalie. Then loads since. Heaton would have been good but yet another injury for him. Its a good chance to have someone behind the sticks for 4-5 years and to build a team now.
  2. Yes Given was disappointing. It was crazy to give a 35 yr old who was already showing signs of decline a 5 year contract. Again Heaton on paper a good signing but well into his 30s with a couple of injuries already. Tommy Sorensen was a good keeper, he was a victim of MON of getting rid of all the existing players to bring in his lads. Tommy, Aaron Hughes, Steve Davis and JPA could have easily have been kept on but hey ho all in the past. Feel a bit sorry for Heaton but they must have big concerns for his rehab to bring in Martinez.
  3. Friedel was a good signing but he was already well into his 30s when we signed him. Same for Given. David James?
  4. I think this and Jack signing his new contract have made people sit up and take notice over what is going on at B6.
  5. Welcome Emiliano. Hopefully he will turn out more like Jimmy Rimmer rather than Stuart Taylor.
  6. Oh whoops. I meant Ollie. Not Ray coming back from the dead. RIP.
  7. Are we going to see a Dublin like start to his Villa career?
  8. A footballer rather than an athlete. About 20 years ago he would look quality but doesn't have the pace or natural strength to make it at the top. Going off topic a bit but should football be like that? Its all pressing and work rate and less about skills. Starting to ramble a bit here.
  9. Mucky can be sexy. Well that's what my browsing history suggests.
  10. Slightly reminds of Le Tiss at Southampton. I hope we can get some better players moving forward so we are not just scrapping to stay up every year.
  11. No its fair enough. Its good that he is ambitious and if the board and Deano were not able to show the same ambition, he would want to leave. I think that is fair enough, I don't want any player just to coast along at Villa. The project is there for all to see and that is to make Aston Villa a force again in English football.
  12. Got the win and some more game time, almost half a friendly type feel. Wilkins got a goal, nobody injured, and into the next round. Not bad.
  13. If he does go out on loan I presume we have someone else lined up? If not if Watkins gets injured we are back to having one option until big Wes gets back.
  14. And twirling the moustache whilst holding a baguette. And smelling of garlic.
  15. Of course, but all they will say is hon hon hon, while wearing a stripped shirt with onions. I read the Daily Express for my news.
  16. Villa have reached as many cup finals in the past decade as Spuds and by and large we have been utterly dreadful for ten years. Everton, Newcastle, and West Ham have not reached a cup final for over ten years which is dire. Leeds not even one this century. Unless he moves to someone like Liverpool, Man City, Chelsea or possibly Arsenal or Manyew then he has as much as chance to win something here than at any other club in England.
  17. As it was ever thus. There are more football fans in Brum/West Midlands area who dislike Villa than who like us. but none will be ever be bigger than us. One of numerous reasons why Villa never get a positive press.
  18. I will drink to that! Yewunited can do one. Looks like they won't get Sancho either. They could have bought Buckingham you think but that involves forward planning, which they haven't done for about two decades.
  19. Jack loves Villa so much he would probably we have liked to stay on even had we got relegated but we would have had to probably take the money. Thankfully that didn't happen.
  20. It's very significant that about 2 years ago if Levy had ponied up about 25 mil he could have been a star player at Spurs now. Could that have been a sliding doors moment for both us and Spuds?
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