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Everything posted by Rodders

  1. Most clubs employ a manager with high hopes, someting like : New job, new prospects. We will give you a bonus when we sail past 75 points. We build in that if we don't get to 40 points..... :oops: Is it just me or what, at what point does a club like ours build in 40 points to a bonus. Surely it should be 40 points by Jan 1st or you are out, zero pay off. I would imagine there are a series of these things in the contract which cover bonus' for extreme success to stuff about almost destroying the club. Obviously, for this season all of the bonus' etc I imagine are hardly close to being realised Also, 40 pts by Jan 1st or off is one heck of a high standard, would see most clubs from about 4th downwards getting rid of their manager
  2. can tell they only bothered to play when the threat of a relegation on their cv got real, with that fear gone, they've gone back to not giving a ****. Goodbye manager.
  3. its been an alex mcleish side all season you inept prat. diabolical on every level. get. the. ****. out.
  4. please, please, please, **** off Alex.
  5. Jesus what a negative side! Still its why I bet on norwich in the accy. What a clearing in the woods
  6. how many crimes committed by the indigenous people? Why don't we just ship them off to a random country as well - starting at the top from the bankers down to the violently disordered Brits, take the passports off them and send them out as well? Why is it only immigrant crime that's a problem and not the indiginous? Being a scumbag clearing in the woods is not linked to ethnicity. -- Also I know I may be a loony leftie but I have no sympathy for rich words removed who don't want to pay tax, they earn more than is sufficent anyway to lead a comfortable life, so they ought to give back more. If they want to **** off fine, there's 40 million other adults in the world who'll be ready to take their place.
  7. why is it different to two women though? I understand when people say they relate to fathers and mothers in different ways and they have concerns on that score, but in and of itself, people who are adopted would feel the same in any alien environment, like with hetero's adopting - it would be the same wouldn't it? Anyway, though, as said, from a young enough age, people accept what they grow up around in as normal, and if it's in loving family environment with good parents they will be fine, I think.
  8. loving stable relationships for all kids is always preferable to alternatives, so I see no problem with gay parents adopting. Attitudes need to learn to be more flexible and change and realise that perhaps the traditional ideal = success is not a logical causal link. What gives success is adults who are invested and care about the life of the child they are raising, thus to me the sexual preferences of those adults should have no bearing whatsoever ( barring paedophilia, though I think that probably goes without saying ) It may be 'unusual' but for me its no more 'unusual' than any other varying social upbringing for a child. and marriage etc, the idea a 'traditional' one is undermined is so pathetic its untrue, people who think such things might as well jump off a cliff and do the world a favour. As above, whlst marriage itself really isn't the be all and end all of relationships, nonetheless establishing a second class citizenry is disgraceful.
  9. 110100001100101011011000110110001101111 or should that be 'hello'. I've just come across a binary text converter and will be wasting too much time on one of the geekiest things I've seen. Here's the link, go annoy / lose your friends! 0110111101101011
  10. crouch over carroll every time for me. Experienced and been in better form much longer. Wouldn't trust Carroll, selecting a striker on the basis of 3 games for England is ridiculous imo. As for Grant Holt, seems like a player who just fits his current side atm, a James Beattie, Marcus Stewart one hit wonder type, not international class for me.
  11. No terry, lampard or Gerrard for me. Milner and Sturridge can run the flanks if need be, whilst I'd expect support from Cole or Walker in this sense too.
  12. Hart + 2 randoms, might as well go with Ruddy and Green in the absence of any other contenders LB Cole, Baines CH's Cahill Ferdinand, Jagielka ( is he fit? , Lescott, Jones, RB, Walker, Richards Centre Mids: Parker, Barry, Milner, Carrick Wingers: Walcott, Young, CFs: Rooney, Crouch, Sturridge, Bent,
  13. the utter bastards ( I'm assuming its a word filter )
  14. 3rd time lucky! and blackpool are also 11 unbeaten in the play offs now
  15. YAS! Blackpool, lets have you back up in the top flight. Bye bye Birmingham
  16. on the radio they were speaking of investment coming blues way? Hopefully the kind of investment that is promised at Rangers, ie the invisible kind.
  17. conceivably, newcastle and spurs could win and arsenal lose at west brom, which coupled with a bayern win next week would see spuds and newcastle get cl and arsenal and chelsea in europa which would be amusing. indifferent on the relegation front myself.
  18. voted yes in the poll as I usually never vote for a winner and thus wish to not be right here either. Inspirational logic. Also, defence mechanism, I won't believe he's gone until it actually happens.
  19. Labour under Blair were hardly left wing, and the lib dems... well you've seen what's happened to them. they were only ever leftish of centre anyway. I mean a proper raving commie esque left wing fringe. We need more of that, just to keep the votable centre-left lot from straying to the buggers on the rigght.
  20. I don't see how that disputes my statement
  21. at least they're engaged for better, for worse, here we're ridiculously apathetic. But our voting system is also quite silly though, just encourages a three cheeks of the same arse' mentality. think the arrival of menechon could be quite fun - means there's a good 30% worth of extremism bracketing the centre ground. We have no left wing here
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