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  1. Ads

    Vinyl Advice

    I would be grateful for any vinyl experts out there who could give me some advice. There is an original Black Sabbath LP "Masters of Reality" with all the band's signatures on it and a certificate of authentication. How much do you reckon this sort of thing will go for?
  2. We've had such a poor record up there for the past 20 odd years. Villa win. 3-1.
  3. Well we are playing Man City away in the next game, so let's talk in two weeks. I am pretty sure we are going to get hammered bigtime if we play to our usual standards and they do the same. Thinking 65% possession for them at least, and max. 1 shot from our side. As for Spurs... well fine, but I do not think any of our players would get into their team. Not even Darren Bent, who was shafted from their squad entirely! (and this was not a pontless invitation to mention that Gabby is in form and is better than Defoe...) How many throw ins are we going to win?
  4. We sold out the initial allocation of 1800 with a week to go. The club didn't take the second allocation as they didn't believe we'd sell it out and would rather stick with the initial than having to pay for say 600 unsold eats upstairs.
  5. I think he's playing too narrow. It would be nice to see him really stretch his full back. We know the quality is there, its just a matter of fitness and some adaptation.
  6. Ads

    Alan Hutton

    A young footballer on the playing field at school may only get one chance to impress a visiting scout from a top club..This is football mate and the game is to impress,win and earn your place in the team. Any scout watching him today would swiftly move on to another. Your analogy is nonsensical. This is top flight football, against top flight players, away from home, in a new side, with players in front playing iffy and having not played top flight football since March. I’ll reserve judgment over a longer sample thanks and leave the ridiculous opinions to others.
  7. And Everton were their usual gobshite selves. No singing, just constant moaning and whinging. Chip on their shoulder, victim-mentality toss bags.
  8. Ads

    Alan Hutton

    Judged after one game. Hilarious.
  9. Just got back from the game. I thought we were bullied out of it for the most part. We really struggled to come to terms with Fellani in the middle of the park and in the first half, we were far too narrow. We showed a lot of bottle to come back twice, especially with so many players out of sorts, i.e. Bent. We have that hard to beat quality back, with Dunne in top form too. Last season, conceding a late goal, we'd have lost it, so its pleasing to see we have the resolution in us to battle it out for a point when we were playing so iffy. A point away from home is always a good result, especially at a place like Goodison. Hoping for better performance wise and three points at home next up, but plenty of comitment there.
  10. Only the football hasn’t been poor. We created ten times the chances against the Wolves in that second half than we did in the entire previous 90 minutes of that awful defeat under Houllier against them last season.
  11. When attacking, he’s very exciting. Beating players with ease and marauding at 100 miles per hour. The down side so far has been his fitness. Quite why Wigan let him go on his holidays three weeks before the season started, I don’t know and you can see why he’s been subbed in every game so far. He needs to become more disciplined too, as he drifts central and doesn’t cover his full back as a consequence, while this can make us too narrow. But that will come and its certainly something that can easily be coached into him. I suspect its a hangover from his Wigan days. All in all, he looks an exceptional talent.
  12. I think a lot is being read into one game. Take a snap shot back from the Wolves games at Villa Park over the past three seasons and the post match threads would all probably say the same thing. If anything, this was probably the best we’d played out of all three. McLeish was within his rights to pick the same side (bar one) that breezed past Blackburn, however, he should have removed Heskey (who wasn’t bad) for Bannan at half time, to up the tempo and spark in the midfield. I’d have taken Delph off too who was ineffectual all game. That said, we still created plenty second half, up until Mick’s tactical switcharoo that closed the game down.
  13. We'll smash these inbred window lickers into the middle of next week. Wolves, decent? Get to ****.
  14. Very much looking forward to Uncharted 3.
  15. What are you whinging about? He’s sticking a few quid into the tourist industry. If you’ve got cash, spend it.
  16. I see Mr Green off H&V has exposed Miliband for the useless twerp that he is with his robot speech.
  17. The Spanish 5 oh going over the top? Well I never. I was there when they fractured the Villa fans skull in Madrid. Total scum.
  18. Ads

    Uncharted 3

    They're fantastic games. Some of the best storytelling going and they always look absolutely immense. The only game I've seen with better graphics is Crysis on the PC.
  19. Rumours started by the Noses on SHA inbetween laughing at the Brummie Jawdees at B6.
  20. @tpc_bcfc No, they haven't asked for permission. No 'official' approach. — Andy Walker (@_andywalker_) June 13, 2011
  21. Can anybody think of a manager who was reviled by 80-90% of supporters when he joined a club? McLeish would have O’Leary/McNeill status before a ball had been kicked.
  22. This isn't the Court. Kendrick knows more about what is going on down at B6 than anybody else.
  23. I think we will too. I expect the new man in charge to be backed heavily, as has been the case under Randy.
  24. Neither Bent nor Downing will go.
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